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Heart You Guys - Long Time


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I wasn't sure where to post this, but hopefully most of you I interact with regularly will see it...


I just wanted to extend a heartwarming THANK YOU to everyone who is active in this forum. Any time I have a question, want to share ideas or just feel supported in Whole30 Land, I know I can come here. You guys are like my virtual family. I have learned so, so much here and I never feel judged no matter what my query. Moderators are always quick to respond and provide valuable information, and other community members always contribute great information as well. Some of you are just down right hilarious and make me laugh.


Sometimes it can feel lonely and isolating when you choose to eat only good, wholesome food and those around you are eating SAD foods. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we're truly not alone in this crazy concept of being healthy.


Lots of hugs! :wub:



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Sometimes it can feel lonely and isolating when you choose to eat only good, wholesome food and those around you are eating SAD foods. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we're truly not alone in this crazy concept of being healthy.


Man oh man, isn't that the truth?!  I'm always"the weird one" at the office, even when people are nuking TV dinners, doing the cabbage soup diet, mixing "Ideal Protein", or whatever other fad is making the rounds.

Crazy how eating real food is the outlier.

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