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My energy in my workout

kim calder

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I'm on day 18 on my first whole30. So I'm noticing that im running out of energy towards the mid to end of my workouts. My workouts are either Crossfit or orangetheory fitness. I do Crossfit 3 times a week and orangetheory 2 times. I workout on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 and Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at


I wake up every morning at 7, eat my meal 1 at 8 which consist of 2 eggs cooked in ghee and with 1/2c to 1c of vege such as mushrooms and onions or broccoli.

Then I go do my thing at 9:30. I then come home and within the 30 minutes I get in 3 hard boiled egg whites or any leftover protein I have have about 3ozs

The days I workout at 12 I still wake and eat meal 1 at same time and that meal is that same as the other. However around 11:15/11:30 I then eat my pre wo meal of 3oz of protein and some fat like handful of some kind of olives. Do my class at 12. Come home and have my post wo meal then hour later my lunch and so forth. Is there anything I should change or should I just be patient and realize that this is just taking longer than I expected

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What you eat before and after your workout is only part of the picture. Intense workouts invite consuming starchy veggies regularly. You can have them as part of your regular meals, but you do need to have them. 

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I'm a little confused then bc in the book it says to NOT have sugar, meaning fruit or carb dense vege before workout. Says to focus on pritein and fat which is what I do for my pre wo meal. My energy levels are fine throughout the day just during my workout do I feel it wane. The book also says not to have carbs dense vege or fruit after wo if u r overweight which I am. So I'm not sure what you guys are saying...am I misunderstanding something?? Maybe my breakfast should have the carb dense veges on the day I exercis at 12 but not the other days bc that contradicts the book?? And what are considered carb dense vege?

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I'm a little confused then bc in the book it says to NOT have sugar, meaning fruit or carb dense vege before workout. 

Nobody said you should have fruit of sugar before a workout. They said eat carb-dense veggies during the day outside of workout time or post workout. Try having a fist-sized starchy carb once per day. I like to have mine at night, because it helps me sleep. Many people, especially women (even overweight women) will do better with some starchy carbs in their diet.


Avoid starchy carbs or fruit right before your workout, because your body will always use the easiest energy source first, and we want it to become flexible in what fuel it can use, not just rely on the food you just ate but also to draw on fat stores for energy.


Starchy carbs include sweet potato, potato, beets, carrots, plantain, yuca, taro, winter squash, parsnips

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