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starting whole30 today w/my almost 16 yr-old-son…this will be interesting.


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Any tips for what to make for my almost 16 yr-old-son…who doesn't really like vegetables? So far we had a green smoothie, western omelate, chicken yakatori, hamburger, roasted sweet potatoes and veggie chips from Trader Joes.

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Artfully cooked vegetables taste wonderful. People who "don't like veggies" have typically eaten too much bland, canned stuff. Roasting veggies is often a good way to get started achieving good taste.


Smoothies are a poor choice because liquid food digests faster than whole foods and messes with hunger signals. Also, smoothies typically have too high a fruit/veggie ratio. And no veggie chips are acceptable during a Whole30. Review the Can I Have material - http://whole9life.com/2015/02/eat-post-workout/

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Cauliflower is great.. salt and peper.. I steam mine.. Lots of people roast it… Good old fashioned lettuce.. (lots of it) TOMATOES with a dollop of home made mayo on top…  Cucumbers..  Carrots..  raw bell peppers are great with eggs in the morning.. I love the red, orange and yellow ones..

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Mixed root veg wedges are a hit with my boys - a mix of white & sweet potato, and parsnip - drizzled with oil & covered with a variety of spices so you can change the flavour slightly with each batch.

Also, any choice of veg roasted in either ghee or coconut oil with bacon added into the mix - serve with eggs over easy - yum!!


Good luck!

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