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Today is the Big Day!


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Today is day one for me.  I have been doing some serious reading on the Whole30.  I am hoping to get tips and tricks from all of you experienced members.  I hope you will have lots of good advice to help me stay on track.  I am a vegetarian, and I am worried that will slow me down. I love veggies! I cannot think of any that I am unwilling to eat. I am open to all suggestions, so please feel free to give me as much good advice as you can.  I am reintroducing a limited amount of eggs to my meals.  My biggest fear right now is that I will have "cheese" withdrawal.  I have only used milk in cooking for the last several years so I am not very worried about dairy.  I am concerned about what to saute veggies with since I normally use butter.  I need to lose weight and more importantly I need to feel better.  I AM ALWAYS TIRED!  I have seen lots of information that leads me to believe that my chronic fatigue will get better with this new way of eating.  So best of luck to all of you out there. 


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 My biggest problem is that I have gained too much weight being a stay at home mom for the last 7 years.  I have let myself get lazy.  I am looking forward to a "reset".  I wish I could demolish my kitchen and start over with only ME in mind, but I have two active kids that I have to consider.  I also have a husband who will not support me on any diet restrictions.  So I am living with constant temptation.

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I'm looking for ghee locally. I live in Cocoa, FL.  I've tried publix, windixie and aldi's with no luck.  I'm on a mission later today.  I am a full time college student so I have a lot of school work to do before I can venture out today.  But I don't want to order it online and wait for a delivery.  I also watched a video on the Whole30 website on making my own mayo that looked promising.  Thx for advice Hannlib.

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Today for dinner I had eggs with mushroom, onion, green peppers.  With homemade salsa on top.  And a side of asparagus.  It was pretty good.  I'm thinking of weird stuff to snack on like kimchi, or sauerkraut, some garlic stuffed mushrooms.  I'm going to make guacamole tomorrow as well and use it in place of salad dressing.  Also need to pick up some spaghetti squash.  Man I have the munchies right now.  UGH!

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I'm thinking of weird stuff to snack on like kimchi, or sauerkraut, some garlic stuffed mushrooms.  

Hey Nadine, one of the big recommendations on Whole30 is to limit or eliminate snacking.  If you eat a meal large enough to keep you going for 4-5 hours you shouldn't need to snack.  But kimchi & sauerkraut are an awesome healthful addition to your meals!

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