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Second Timer - Beginning 4/27/15


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After successfully completing the Whole 30 program last fall (and feeling amazing during and after), I am committing to round two. I had great success the first time around despite the fact that I was traveling 1/3 of the time and celebrated my birthday. However, despite plans to continue the program at a modified level, I quickly fell back into old habits. 


I'm looking forward to re-introducing my body (and mind) to Whole 30 and am seeking others who are interested in sharing and keeping one another accountable along the way. The first time around, I completed the program with my boot camp and had a lot of support. This time t's just me, so please reach out if you're also seeking an accountability partner. 


For more on my first Whole 30, check out my blog: https://trajectoryoflife.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/my-whole30-success/

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Guest testadura

Hi, I am a first timer starting tomorrow also (I think)... still reading the book and was thinking of starting May 1st but really want to start tomorrow! 

My biggest 2 worries and challenges will be that I don't really know how/nor like to cook but I am going to try and also I am an emotional eater.

What do you think contributed to your success the first time and did you cook a lot??? 

I think I am going to sign up for the daily newsletter too... wdyt?

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I highly recommend reading the book, but don't think it's imperative to read the entire book before starting. I've actually read it twice, both times while I was in the midst of my first Whole 30. 


I am an emotional eater too. I'm not going to pretend that finishing Whole 30 completely solved this issue (I'm still dealing with it), but I did find that the program helped, primarily because I focused on really checking in with my body and trying to work past the thoughts and emotions that would like me to ignore my body and hunger cues. As for the cooking, I did a lot of prep work each weekend and basically ate a lot of the same things throughout the week. If you have a crock pot, I highly recommend using it. Each week, I cooked a pork roast and ate that throughout the week. In fact, I'm getting ready to put one in the crock pot to eat this week. 


Honestly, having a strong support system through my boot camp helped a lot with my success. We also had a competition and I'm highly competitive, so that helped as well. The reason I'm seeking other support this time around is I'm no longer a part of that boot camp group and I know I'll need support from other places. 


And, I would absolutely sign up for the daily newsletter. I loved it the first time around and found it very useful. I looked forward to reading it each day.

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Guest testadura

Ok, thanks! I don't have a support system in place for this as I am a pretty private person and just don't share a lot and want to keep this to myself for now. Yes I have a crock pot, great tip, I will throw something in it tonite, thank you! Good luck to us!!!

I also just noticed you live in Denver, I live east of Longmont and work in Boulder :-)

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Guest testadura

Definitely! I will email you :-)

i will put Whole30 support in subject line so you know it's me and not spam.

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I too am returning for a 2nd W30!! I also found an amazing benefit from the daily emails- I'll have to dig in and see if I can find mine, so that I can start this again!!

I completed my first W30 and extended it to a W45(and beyond- was going for 60, but stopped shortly before) - I began on January 5th- Around Easter this year, I started to let things slide, and I realized that I needed to do a structured 30 again- 


I hope to be here in this thread as much as possible to support and offer any helpful hints from my first go round- but I too will need the support and I look forward to being with everyone on this thread! :)

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Testadura if you could forward the daily emails to me that would be awesome :) [email protected]

What are these daily emails you are talking about?  Can I get in on these?... [email protected]

It's a Whole30 support service with a one-time fee - https://daily.whole9life.com/- so forwarding them to each other would be sketchy.

Let's keep the discussion focused on other things, ya?

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Hi, All


I'm starting my first Whole30 today and I am super excited. I have my meals all planned for the week so I'm feeling very prepared. I was surprised how full I was after my first meal today, all the way until after 1:00pm. It will take a little bit to adjust to the amount I need to eat to stay sustained between meals. I've found some great blogs and started collecting recipes to try. I do not enjoy cooking so I am a bit nervous about that part of it. Plus, I am the only one in my household doing this (I'm married with two kids, ages 6 and 8). I'll stay connected to thread to offer (and take!) support!

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Guest testadura

How is it going today to everyone who started? I was amazed that I did not get hungry at all for lunch until 1pm! I usually get hungry around 10am! I had 1/2 a grass fed burger with a fried egg on top and sliced tomato, and tea thats IT! So no snacks between breakfast and lunch and ignored a bunch of easter candy and pumpkin bread in the kitchen at work - unheard of :-)


Lunch was crock pot coconut curry beef and sweet potatoes onions and mushrooms which may be dinner too. Wanted to cook more last night but ran out of time and am learning to cook as i go as before this I was the takeout queen! (and frozen meal lean cuisine princess) haha


Hope all my fellow Day 1 people are doing well :-)

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Thanks for checking in, Testadura. I love your handle, BTW (me being a Sicilian-American woman!). Great job turning down the office sweets. I was offered a cookie today and politely declined. Unheard of for me too!
I was full all the way until 1:00 also. It's 4:20 now and I'm still full from lunch too. I don't think I'm eating too much. Actually, before this I tended to not eat a lot for the first part of the day then pack it in later (dinner, etc). So it make sense my body is confused.

I just posted my meal plan for the week on the meal planning forum as I'm seeking input.

I feel good about this!

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Guest testadura

Gina S, that is what my grandma used to call me haha! Too bad I never took her up on her many many offers of teaching me how to cook! No, I was too busy listening to Depeche Mode in my black room and being mopey for no apparent reason!


Like you i too have 2 kids (ages 10 & 13) and the only one in the house doing this, divorced and work full time, but I DO feel confident and good about it so far! Until the weekend when alcohol will be the biggest challenge as my kids go to their dad's house every weekend and i am single mommy in the city :-)


I want to see your meal plan as i was just happy to create my one little crock pot meal last night (after finding and cleaning off the ancient artifact lol!) But I know i need to cook more soon!

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Hello all!  I started my first whole30 yesterday after many months of over-contemplation.  I finally decided it was time and the day got off to a good start.  One of the main motivations for doing this is to see how this affects the migraines that I have once a week, as well as my generally lower mood lately, and another medical condition I am facing, (as well as my addiction to all things sweet.)  I could go on and on with reasons, but I won't bore you.


Like I said, I got off to a good start.  And then the afternoon hit and I could feel a migraine starting.  Despite the use of migraine meds, peppermint essential oil, a small nap, a hot heating pad and a decent night's sleep, I woke up with the migraine this morning.  At this point, I would run to a large Mountain Dew to combat my headache.  However, I will refrain.  I was able to stay on plan all day yesterday as well as this morning.  I WILL NOT FAIL!!!  I am determined not to let this migraine fail my plan to complete this whole 30 in its entirety, but it sure is ANNOYING! (It certainly helps that I don't have any in the house since my pantry clean out over the weekend.)


So, here goes...WE CAN DO THIS!

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How's everyone's weeks going so far? It's day three -- woohoo! For those who have read the book and/or are receiving the emails, I will warn you that what they say about day four was very true for me the first time around. I definitely wanted to "kill all the things," but the thing to keep in mind is that, just like with everything, it too will pass.


How is everyone feeling so far?

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