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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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I have no desire to even make or try a Larabar

It's probably too sweet and I'm not into that

Now if I really wanted to mess up my gut i'd handmake my usual pizza dough and top it eat half that's called a binge Over and out!

I've made it 2 weeks ago and had 0 none nada zero Not Even a spinach roll. My son does miss the regular weekend homemade goodies I'm only making what I can handle I'm over it Today or tomorrow I'll make fresh blueberry muffins for his lunch He's a tall thin drink of water works way too hard never complains ever So good

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I had a momentary blip on my radar.  Ahhh, but I'm back in the saddle once again.  My ship was reeling and rolling.  I was being tossed back and forth across the deck like a barrel of booch.  I was hanging by my teeth. Then....I SNAPPED OUT OF IT!   Thank you, Cher. 



 Meadow... so glad to hear you snapped out of it.... one moment we were in Hawaai and the next we were in a fearful gale being tossed about! 

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I have no desire to even make or try a Larabar

It's probably too sweet and I'm not into that

Now if I really wanted to mess up my gut i'd handmake my usual pizza dough and top it eat half that's called a binge Over and out!

I've made it 2 weeks ago and had 0 none nada zero Not Even a spinach roll. My son does miss the regular weekend homemade goodies I'm only making what I can handle I'm over it Today or tomorrow I'll make fresh blueberry muffins for his lunch He's a tall thin drink of water works way too hard never complains ever So good

 Good for you Mega - inspirational for those of us taking care of many kinds of eaters in our house!

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mc-smiley.gif?1292867636   Kelli - think of this as your metabolism being turned up to a rolling boil.  Your thermostat has been turned up on high.   You're cookin' with jet fuel.  Your thyroid is jet-propelled and pulling you into the well-oiled machine zone. 

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Here's my pledge: I pledge to pass on all sugary foods and snacks and eat just like a regular ole day.


Hello Ladies! Sorry I was MIA this weekend... I was dealing with an ants in my kitchen problem this weekend. Deep cleaned and they're still cruising around on my countertops. We had them two years ago and they were coming in the back door. None last year. This morning I think I figured out that they're coming in through the herb window. I noticed a few cracks in the plaster around the frame. Tonight I will be busting out the caulk! Ugh. 


I did find time to do an 8.5 mile hike with my pup and our hiking buddies yesterday. The weather was perfect! Different trail than last week. My hammies are hurting from the uphill stuff. It was nicely wooded and the pups even found a pond to jump into. Towards the end we were shaded by a rain cloud. About 15 min after we got back to the house it started raining and hailing. Our after hike snack was some yummy oranges. The first fruit I've had in weeks. It was pretty tasty and I haven't noticed my sugar dragon since then. I was a little worried about him. I wasn't planning on hiking that long otherwise I would've packed my lunch. Next time I'll be sure to bring a just in case cooler. 


Great posts Meadow! (as always) Those posts from ducks were great. So motivating. I'm game to be anywhere Blake is... Don't worry Miranda I just like to look and listen. Hawaii sounds wonderful! I talked to a friend in Maui over the weekend. We're doing a mail swap. I sent her some turquoise earrings and in exchange she is going to send me some slippers (flip-flops) and Hawaiian Red Salt. Score!


Glad to see yous all today! Some of you had the really great wins - good for you!


We may be going down to the valley this weekend. I was kind of hoping to stay home. I'm not feeling very secure with eating out. I have 4 days to prep myself and bust out the books again. I gave myself a task this week - get all my water in. So far so good. Just hoping it doesn't interrupt my sleep. :)

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Glad to see yous too Goombada LissFish!

Scored with the friend They want $ for 2 oz of the stuff here no pink salt for me just yet

Hope you get rid of those pests they love to interrupt a relaxing time

Good job on the hike Holy hamstrings I would've loved that although I'd need to park my redneck truck with the recliner a mile or two away

You made it in the knick of time ahead of the storm tho

Don't feel you should test the waters if you're not ready to eat out I can't blame you good call

Hope you enjoy the weekend

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