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RX Bars--Angel or Devil?

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I just wanted to see who thinks RX Bars are Angels or Devils?! I'm on the fence!


I was about 10 days into my Whole 30 when my box of RX Bars arrived. I had a Blueberry one when I needed a little something because I had not eaten enough of Meal 2 (I know, I'm not supposed to replace a meal with a bar, but it was an emergency!) The bars are delicious! D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! I thought, "This is great! Something that tastes soooo good--and sweet--is approved! Yeah!"


But then the slippery slope. I started having one every day or every other day. I am still not eating enough for Meal 2 and we have been eating Meal 3 late, so I have subbed with an RX Bar. And then the worst thing: I started craving the bars, especially the Cacoa ones, after dinner. I justified it with "This is okay, because it is approved." Yet I KNOW I am just replacing one sugar with another.


So, I may have to pack up my RX Bars until my 30 days are up. And then see if I can "handle" them!


Anyone else want to chime in??!!!!

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Good or bad...clean or dirty,  evil or angel.    The Whole 30 describes food as compliant or non-compliant, then we have the SWYPO's.


I don't give any of these bars a thought.  I know that they're used as meal replacements.  All bars on a Whole 30 are to be used for emergency purposes only.  This is where the rubber really meets the road.  What is your definition of an emergency?


You must decide if eating these bars will help you make it through to Day 30.  I can tell you that they do not.  They keep the desire for protein bars or a regular ole Snickers bar all stirred up within the body and mind.  In my opinion, they're a throwback to all neatly packaged candy bars on the shelf.


What do you think?   Are they constantly calling your name, whispering in your ear and taunting you?  If they are...there's your answer.  Bars and their ingredients have been the bane of many a Whole 30 gone off the rails into SWYPO land and sigh, an immediate return to processed sugars.   


Lock 'em up.  You can have them on Day 31, if you really want one.

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So you were at home when the RX bars arrived, in a houseful of compliant foods yet it was an emergency. M'kay.


And even though you are fully aware that you're not eating enough for meal 2 you're not upping the size of the meal and choosing to sub with an RX Bar.

And now you're craving them after tea.

Need I go on...?

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Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts.


I think the Whole 30 is a journey and it is different for everyone. I don't think I need to feel badly for being honest about the things I know I am falling short on. I know what I am doing right and I know what I need to work on. We all have different situations and different obstacles. I wish people could be constructive without the sarcasm. I like the exchange of information on these forums! I learn a lot. And I think it is good to question things and get different opinions.


Sheena, thanks for your honesty.


MeadowLily, thank you for your in-depth answer.  My head thinks the RX Bars  are great because they are compliant--and they saved me from going non-compliant. Rather than go down the "leftover Easter candy rabbit hole," I fulfilled the craving and stayed compliant. Yet, my heart knows that I am substituting one sweet food for another and that this is just a craving.  I know this is against the philosophy of Whole 30.


Tom, I saw your opinion on these on another post. I am wondering why they are allowed? I think they can really derail a person. They seem to go against the principles of Whole 30. I know it is an individual choice on all aspects of Whole 30. And what works for one person may not work for another. But these sure seem to be a bit of a trap!


I know what I have to do! The box will go into the back of the pantry (maybe with a little duct tape for extra security!


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The comment about sarcasm was not directed at everyone! :-)

LOL Just me then?  :D (well, you thanked everyone else indiviually...)

If you re-read your post though you'll see that I was just stating fact - sometimes the truth hurts.

I've no idea why they're compliant either as they truly are a slippery slope for most folk who choose to include them - good decision on the duct tape & good luck with the rest of your whole30...!

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Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts.


I think the Whole 30 is a journey and it is different for everyone. I don't think I need to feel badly for being honest about the things I know I am falling short on. I know what I am doing right and I know what I need to work on. We all have different situations and different obstacles. I wish people could be constructive without the sarcasm. I like the exchange of information on these forums! I learn a lot. And I think it is good to question things and get different opinions.


Sheena, thanks for your honesty.


MeadowLily, thank you for your in-depth answer.  My head thinks the RX Bars  are great because they are compliant--and they saved me from going non-compliant. Rather than go down the "leftover Easter candy rabbit hole," I fulfilled the craving and stayed compliant. Yet, my heart knows that I am substituting one sweet food for another and that this is just a craving.  I know this is against the philosophy of Whole 30.


Tom, I saw your opinion on these on another post. I am wondering why they are allowed? I think they can really derail a person. They seem to go against the principles of Whole 30. I know it is an individual choice on all aspects of Whole 30. And what works for one person may not work for another. But these sure seem to be a bit of a trap!


I know what I have to do! The box will go into the back of the pantry (maybe with a little duct tape for extra security!


Jen....it's been a year for me.   We're all a work in progress and not perfection.  No one has all of the answers but after a few more days or weeks, you're going to have your own experiences and observations.  You'll be able to help someone, too.


I believe in pulling what we need from lots of different sources and a bunch of sugar avoidance.  It's been worth it to keep breaking the cycles of sugar so my body can heal.   I am triggered by certain foods and I have to work within my own limitations.   So much of this stuff is mental.   


Sugars are a temptation.  I let them be kept to a zero-mum and not a minimum.   Happy Mother's Day.

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LOL Just me then?  :D (well, you thanked everyone else indiviually...)

If you re-read your post though you'll see that I was just stating fact - sometimes the truth hurts.

I've no idea why they're compliant either as they truly are a slippery slope for most folk who choose to include them - good decision on the duct tape & good luck with the rest of your whole30...!

Thank you for your encouragement! The truth is a good thing--it's just sometimes in the way it is delivered that can make a difference!

Off to find the duct tape! :-)

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