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Start date June 1


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Hi guys, I will join in too. I just finished a whole30 about 2 weeks ago and loved it. Pretty much still doing it but a few little things have slipped back in. I really miss being in a group setting for the support so I will officially start over on June 1 with you all!

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So excited!

What is your Day 1 looking like? Did you plan what you're going to eat?


For the first day I plan on having blueberry breakfast sausage and carrot souffle for breakfast, meatza w/ eggplant and spinach walnut pesto for lunch, and a roast chicken w/ assorted vegetables for dinner. (Recipes below)




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Starting June 1st and of course the next day is my birthday! I will have to celebrate with a yummy compliant dinner. Two of my coworkers told me about Whole30. They said it was tough but totally worth it. My husband will not be doing it with me, so I can't completly clear the shelves and fridge. He likes his cereal and sandwiches. :) I find when I completely remove things from my diet, I will look anywhere for something sweet. I really hope removing all this from my diet will make it easier down the road to chose a healthy options like a piece of fruit over the donut or cake. Thanks! 

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Starting June 1st and of course the next day is my birthday! I will have to celebrate with a yummy compliant dinner. Two of my coworkers told me about Whole30. They said it was tough but totally worth it. My husband will not be doing it with me, so I can't completly clear the shelves and fridge. He likes his cereal and sandwiches. :) I find when I completely remove things from my diet, I will look anywhere for something sweet. I really hope removing all this from my diet will make it easier down the road to chose a healthy options like a piece of fruit over the donut or cake. Thanks! 

Hey, happy almost birthday!  :)


Just wanted to give you a tip for how best to eliminate any sugar cravings that you might experience.  Instead of substituting something like fruit when you are craving donuts or cake, either distract yourself or feed yourself protein and fat.  The best way to keep any sugar/sweets desire alive and kicking is to feed it something sweet when it screams.


If you keep your starchy veggies up (we recommend starting with at least one fist sized serving per day), you can also help eliminate even the wisp of a craving.  And remember, around the time of your period, you may naturally start to crave more carbs (it'll probably feel like sugar or chocolate cravings) which can be filled with even more starchy veggies.  Get those sweet potatoes going!  :D

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Also starting on June 1! Planned out a grocery list and am going to do an OAMC cook session on Saturday so all I have to do is pull from the freezer, microwave and eat. Today I'm going to go through the freezer/fridge and pantry and do some cleanout of expired stuff, which is a perfect opportunity to make sure the off-plan stuff that I like to eat is hidden somewhere. This is the perfect time of year for me since school is over (I'm a substitute teacher), and there aren't any holidays/family birthdays in the next month to cause awkwardness. 


My husband isn't doing whole30 aside from eating what I make for dinner (though he may add some non-W30 stuff to his). 


Biggest struggle for me will be drinking enough water since I never ever drink it (big soda drinker here---lots of Dr. Pepper lol)---Though I think I'll be ok if I keep a pitcher of homemade iced tea and a pitcher of water with fruit in it in the fridge. We'll see. 


What does OAMC mean?? :)

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Starting June 1st too! I did the 21 day sugar detox a while back but slipped back into old habits and I'm looking to break the cycle. Planning meals this week, doing the big grocery shop this weekend. I've been trying to slowly eliminate certain things over the past two weeks so it's not a cold turkey change come 6/1. I still have had milk in my coffee and I've had cheese on my salads (feta) but I'm close. My husband is currently on Jason Vale's 28 day juice program and he's seen huge improvements (I don't think I have the willpower to be on a liquid diet). He's going to join me as he wraps up his program and eases back into more traditional whole foods. Our kids are going to be going along for the ride for the most part with us. They are young enough to not fully realize what's happening but we're also not going to prevent them from having treats from time to time if it should come up. It's just not going to be part of their daily meals.


I think the biggest challenge for me will be mental. I've had big struggles with weight this past year (massive weight gain post pregnancy with zero reason - no change in diet, have only increased activity, gone through multiple thyroid checks and all doctors can say is "I'm fine") and I've been battling autoimmune problems for years. I'm done feeling less than healthy. I remember how great I felt on the 21 day sugar detox so I'm using that memory to keep my eyes on the prize.


Your story sounds similar to mine...I did the 21 Day Sugar Detox, too, and felt a lot better.  I've had big weight gains, too, and I have no kids but WANT to have them...soon!! So I want to get healthy!! Happy I found this forum! I'll be starting June 1st, too.

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I have now started and gone as much as 9 days before I blew it and restarted again about 6 times, trying to do this on my own.  So now, I'm committing publically and joining up as a group member that I WILL do 30!!!  I'll officially "start" with y'all on the 1st, but actually I've already restarted and I'm on day 4--so I guess I've "prestarted!"   :rolleyes: Good Luck to all of us!!

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What does OAMC mean?? :)


OAMC is Once a Month Cooking. Basically you prep everything in advance and freeze it (some recipes you actually cook all the way through, some you just toss into a ziploc), so that on the day you plan to eat it all you have to do is either toss it in the microwave, pop it in the oven for a bit or dump it in the crockpot. It makes life a lot simpler, though the day you do all the prep can be quite long and exhausting.  I'm doing a lot of the recipes from http://blog.stuffimakemyhusband.com/p/whole30-oamc-freezer-menu.html to start out with

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My husband, my two year old and I are starting on June 1. My son is a paleo kid so it should be pretty easy for him. I was strict paleo for years but fell into eating too much rice, chocolate and paleo goodies. I'm also dealing with fatigue, joint pain, hormonal issues and headaches. I'm hoping this will help!

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Starting June 1...For the first time.


I am excited and nervous at the same time. Going shopping tomorrow for my first week of meals. Had already clean out my pantry and read labels to be sure that I kept the right items.


I wish everyone good luck!!!



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My husband and I have been researching this eating lifestyle change for a few weeks now and are ready to get started on June 1st! I am working on creating our menu plan for the week so we don't have to think about what we are going to eat and end up making a bad decision just because we are hungry. I am ready to feel better and have more energy in my life!!!

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I started today, since I cleaned out the fridge and pantry the last few days- and finished the last few beers last night! I made a pork loin crockpot carnitas, sweet potato and onion hash with curry powder, sautéed some onions and peppers, hard boiled a few eggs, and made an egg bake with onion, pepper, garlic, and jalapeno last night. Whew, it was quite a bit of work, I definitely need to make more of a meal plan than just wing it. Anyway, my breakfast at 8 this am was tough, I am not a breakfast eater and the egg bake that was so appealing last night I could hardly get down. I had a few bites but enjoyed my half grapefruit and black coffee with coconut oil instead (yes I missed my almond milk and stevia and intend on making some almond milk soon). Not ideal but its something. Lunch was way better, I was hungry around noon and had mixed greens, radish, cucumber, and tomato with the pork and some guacamole. it was awesome, I felt energized after I ate it and resisted the urge to snack (I am a big snacker). Now I am getting a little hungry, nothing awful and will make something as soon as I get home. So overall day one feels like a success, its still really early in and I know the timeline says day one is pretty easy. One day at a time! I look forward to hearing how everyone else does with it, and I promise I wont detail every meal on here!

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OAMC is Once a Month Cooking. Basically you prep everything in advance and freeze it (some recipes you actually cook all the way through, some you just toss into a ziploc), so that on the day you plan to eat it all you have to do is either toss it in the microwave, pop it in the oven for a bit or dump it in the crockpot. It makes life a lot simpler, though the day you do all the prep can be quite long and exhausting. I'm doing a lot of the recipes from http://blog.stuffimakemyhusband.com/p/whole30-oamc-freezer-menu.html to start out with

Thanks for answering! :) OAMC is so awesome. I'm going to try! :)


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Hi June 1 gang, I'm in too!

This is my third Whole30. I'm a runner, and the last two were really working towards enhancing my running, but this one is about getting back to health. I injured two of my discs in November and haven't run in six months. Running is my thing, it's what I do for stress relief, for me time, for the sheer fun of it. So this has been a miserable time, and I've turned to food as solace. Combining my love of alcohol and sugar with a much lower level of exercise, and I'm 8kg (18lb) heavier and really not enjoying being in my body.

So! Forward, soldiers! Time to pick myself up and get on with life. Whether I run again or not, I will at least be vibrant and healthy, and feeling good. Looking forward to shedding the cocoon!


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I'm starting June 1st as well. I'm excited, but nervous about failing. I live with my finance and his 12 year old daughter. They aren't doing it with me but will support my needs for dinner. I'm kind of at my wits end as I've been gaining weight steadily for the past 6 years and it doesn't come off as easily as it did in my early 30s! 

"You can't out-train a bad diet" That quote has really made a lot of sense to me. I've tried so many different workout videos, and sure, I feel fitter, but the weight never comes off. I have a really bad sweet tooth and have trained myself into needing something sweet after every meal or as a reward for.. whatever. 

I'm looking forward to this with anxious optimism, as I will need all the support I can get! 

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This is my first whole30 - excited to push myself out of my comfort zone and into the kitchen.

3 hours in the kitchen today and I think I know where the weight loss comes from - I bet I lost a pound chopping up jicama :)

Good luck to us all!

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I'm also starting tomorrow, June 1st. I was at a music festival all weekend and knew I should wait until tomorrow. Got the fridge stocked and pantry cleared out. I have all the usual ailments and am ready to start feeling better. There is always something that seems to get in the way. Not this time. I'm really looking forward to thinking about food differently. I got into the habit of eating out. That food really just doesn't taste that good. Good luck everyone!

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I'm also starting June 1st....I've half heartedly attempted this before, but this time I am more committed and will follow the books recommendations much closer. Hope everyone can change their lives around with this. I have about 50 lbs.to drop and some health issues that need reversed.

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I'm jumping in here. I've got a great groove going with another woman who began May 30, but there are only two of us there and I know I need the support!  I'm currently on Day 3, but going 31 days instead of 30 because on day one I had a 1/2 teaspoon of corn in a gazpacho soup that a friend had made. (Homemade and completely compliant -- we thought!)  At any rate, had this happened any other time, I would have gone back to day one, but I decided that since the "infraction" had occurred on day one I would simply add a day to the program.


That said, this is day three for me (or day two if you think I should start over).  So far, I'm feeling pretty good.  Yesterday was a major detox -- I felt flu-ish and had a runny nose.  Generally just didn't feel great.  Today, I've had some gastro issues.  I think of all of this as goodness -- my body is saying good bye to unhealthy foods!


That's it for now.  Hoping y'all won't mind if I check in here occasionally!  I may be one day ahead, but it's not that far!

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