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Start date June 1


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I started on June 1st as well. So far so good for day 3. I'm still excited and I actually feel better already. Hope this feeling lasts and I don't want to Kill All The Things tomorrow. lol.

Lordy, I am already short tempered. I feel sorry for the world if I get any worse.

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Lordy, I am already short tempered. I feel sorry for the world if I get any worse.


Right there with you, I'm already trying to think of some non-food things to cheer myself/set myself up for a good day tomorrow.  Too bad I wore my favorite jacket today, that wasn't thinking ahead but I'm scouring my closet tonight or my second most comfortable and confidence inspiring look! 


No idea what would help anyone else, but I'm a complete Audible addict so I'm deliberately putting off some of the grind work for tomorrow and picking out the funniest book in my arsenal.  As much as possible, I will be able to plug in my earbuds and tune out the office while listening to something that never fails to make me laugh. 


(And if I end up snorting coffee through my nose, at least it won't be with cream or sugar, though I'm unclear on whether that will be any more comfortable or any less embarassing.  Some miracles this diet probably won't be able to pull off.)

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I just ate lunch, and I'm hungry again already! Very grateful that my work stocks canned tuna and nuts in the employee kitchen for a little makeshift mini meal :) I'd better stock up on more food for tomorrow's lunch, my appetite is all over the place.

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Seems like it should be easy to just get an omlette but they put all kinds of crazy things in it...like pancake batter!...to make it fluffier. 


A few years ago we stopped on our way home from a camping holiday for a breakfast at a little diner in the town we'd camped near.  I ordered my standard bacon & mushroom omelette, no cheese.  It was, oh dear, SO good. Like...the most beautiful, crispy outside, fluffy inside omelette I'd ever eaten. EVER.


About 15 minutes later my insides exploded.  I had absolutely no clue that putting pancake batter in an omelette was a thing that people do.  No. Clue.  Death.  And we were about 8 hours from home.  So that was a fun drive.  Not.

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So My nagging headache turned into  full o migraine today.  Felt sick to my stomach and my coworker was ready to send me home, but I broke down and took an Excedrine migraine. Felt so much better after that. Not sure if that is braking the rules or not but I sure needed it.  Was almost ready to give up but now I am ready to take on the rest of the challenge.

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I'm on day 3, started June 1 as well. I had given up dairy, soy, and processed food about a year ago, so maybe a little easier for me. I don't eat a lot of bread, but I'm already missing my whole grain organic toast with avocado in the am! And my glass of wine in the evening! :rolleyes:  Doing this to see if it helps the chronic daily headaches I get. Something has to be causing them! But a thought came to me today, what if I have a food allergy to something that's ok on Whloe30? Like eggs, or yams. I wouldn't even know! So I think I'll also go get a full allergy panel done just to be sure.

Feeling tired and have a headache, but otherwise ok! Maybe some tea will help... :D

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Almost at the end of day 4 and feeling fine! I think it must make a huge difference that I kept gluten out of my diet since doing whole 30 previously. Unfortunately all my pre-prepared meals are now eaten and tomorrow will be much more of a challenge. I'm drinking hot water instead of tea or coffee and if I put it in a cup with a lid I can almost forget and think I am drinking tea - that may say something about my taste buds or perhaps I have a good imagination!

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So My nagging headache turned into  full o migraine today.  Felt sick to my stomach and my coworker was ready to send me home, but I broke down and took an Excedrine migraine. Felt so much better after that. Not sure if that is braking the rules or not but I sure needed it.  Was almost ready to give up but now I am ready to take on the rest of the challenge.


Maybe a mod will weigh in on this, but I'm pretty sure it's acceptable to take painkillers if you're hitting that "I can't even function" level of pain. Tylenol is preferred over NSAIDs like ibuprofen or aspirin, since they can do bad things to your gut. But I just took two Advil because my headache was so bad I couldn't think, and food nauseated me. Feeling much better now and I am diving into my lunchtime salad with glee! Day 5, woot!

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I actually began May 30 and just completed day six. Had a few days of headache and digestive issues, but have been feeling GREAT the past few days.  I had bought the Whole 30 book and thought I'd make a bunch of the recipes but the shopping list is so easy to work with that my husband and I are having a gas just making up our food from the list!  (Fortunately, my husband is a great and creative cook!)


We're having about a dozen folks for a potluck tomorrow.  My attitude going in is great. I'm armed for success, knowing what my meal will be and, frankly, having lost my taste for food that would previously made me gluttonous (e.g., cheese, dips, chips, etc.)  No need for them now.  Although I will have my carrot sticks to much on! :-)

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Today's June 7. Checking in to see how folks are doing. Seems to be a bit of a drop off on the various forums I'm on. Wondering if people are dropping out or getting bored with the forums. Hoping it's the latter!



I'm not sure, maybe this thread is losing steam. I'm still going strong, I just have a hard time sitting in front of the computer to post on weekends. Too much sunshine :)


Things have been good, but I'm still struggling with headaches. I had another one this morning. I drank a ton of water as I got ready for the day, but once I got to work I was again at that "can't even function" level, so I popped some Advil. I need to bring some Tylenol to work since they only have NSAIDS in the community first aid. I need to do some digging on the forum to see common culprits and remedies for Whole30 headaches.

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I'm still going strong as well. I'm on day 8 (I started June 2) but I'm still extremely tired during the day and I can barely wake up in the morning. Does this sound normal at this point during the Whole30? Any thoughts or comments weighing in on this are appreciated!

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Yes experiencing tiredness is normal I was dragging in the beginning but it levels off

Do you include a starchy carb at each meal?

Are you eating too many fruits and or are they consumed with a meal?

The Mods will jump in too for answers and questions

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Hey ALL,


I'll finally jump in! I started the whole 30 June 1st but then we took a big backpacking trip into Yosemite and I was quite prepared enough to stay Whole 30 compliant so I started over 5 days ago (June 5th).  I've actually have NOT been having the typical symptoms and have maintained energy levels but I have definitely had some crazy cravings the last two days. I'm fighting through it though! Yay! This is my first Whole 30 as well and I travel a bunch so I'm always looking for ways of keeping the food simple, yet compliant.  Keep up the good work everyone!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that it's the end of the month (tomorrow), how did everyone do? 


I slipped a few times. On the 17th, I weighed myself. On the 21st, I ordered an omelet at a brunch for Father's Day that I'm sure they cooked with butter or a butter/oil substitute. And then this weekend and today, a few more cave-ins that I won't mention because it doesn't matter what they were, just that they WERE. I didn't go whole-hog with caving, but I still definitely broke the rules.


I'm a little disappointed in myself, but honestly I'm proud that I was able to make it 17 days of an extremely stressful month without slipping. I have a new-found appreciation in reading my labels and eating without distractions. And I'm starting to be able to listen to my body when it says that it's full. Those are huge steps for me. 


I intend to continue with the program and aim for another 30 starting July 1. This time, I'm going to be more conscious of my portion sizes, and really think about my eating habits, not just what I'm eating. If I slip, then I'll just restart from scratch as they say in the rules. 


I hope you all had successful Junes, whatever success meant to you!

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