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Start date June 1


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Good luck with Day 1 everyone! :) So far I'm doing well... Breakfast was two Whole 30 compliant egg muffins (made with ground beef, diced chilis, spinach and eggs) with Frank's Red sauce, some avocado and a handful of grapes. Lunch will be a protein salad with some greens added in for crunch and a vinaigrette I made from the Whole 30 book. Dinner is cooking in slow cooker as I type... Braised beef brisket :)

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It's great to feel the support from everyone, I know I will need that once the going gets tough. Today has been a busy work day and I haven't had much time to think about food, so was very happy that I had prepared lunch and dinner in advance. I'm using the Well Fed book for ideas and it is great. Just one little thing, could anyone tell me how a 'cup' measurement compares to fluid ounces or litres?

Good luck everyone! :D

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I'm starting today, too! We just moved to a new house last weekend, so I feel like this is sort of a "new house - new beginning" Whole30 for me. The kitchen was the first thing I unpacked when we got here, so I'm ready to go! Oh, and we gave all of our food to a friend to avoid moving it, so I'm starting out with an already clean pantry! 


I just finished my 2nd Whole30 on April 25, and I just plunged right back to my old habits with no reintroduction period, so this time I really want to do the reintro right to establish my "worth it" foods. I suspect gluten and dairy don't do good things to me, but I choose to ignore my symptoms more often than I should.


Today's Meal 1 was a couple eggs scrambled with veggies (zucchini, mushrooms and bell pepper) and black coffee. Meal 2 was leftover roasted chicken and butternut squash and a side salad (greens, bell pepper, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, evoo & balsamic vinegar, walnuts). I have a tin of tuna in olive oil and a avocado if I need something before dinnertime. It's always hard for me to calibrate my food packing to meet my hunger the first week or so!


I'm really trying to get into that headspace of "let's do this." I find that once I make up my mind, the commitment is easy. The times I've failed a Whole30 are when I have an attitude of "let's just try this" rather than "I'm doing this." I've also set up my iPhone Reminders to message me "I AM Whole30!" at mealtimes to keep me positive, and I've scheduled myself all-day appointments on my Gmail calendar for the next 30 days counting down "Whole30 Day 1, Whole30 Day 2 …" etc. I've scheduled it, so I must do it!


My husband isn't doing it with me, but he is extremely supportive and already eats mostly paleo except for some convenience foods and alcohol (he calls it the "Drunken Caveman" diet). Our 3 year old is a total carb-o-holic demanding bread and crackers most of the time, so not keeping that stuff in the house is going to help get him back to more nourishing foods. Parents of picky eaters, can I get a "kale yeah!"

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Day one for me too - Trader Joes sells jars of clarified butter  :)  and I had the best smoked salmon omelette and salad for lunch.  Janpuzzle, a US cup is 8 fl.oz., a UK cup is 6 fl. oz. I think - I'm British living in the USA.


Done this kind of thing before (Clean Programme), it's tough around day 3-5 when the novelty wears off and just before you really start to feel great, but looking forwards to seeing wonderful progress!

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 Just one little thing, could anyone tell me how a 'cup' measurement compares to fluid ounces or litres?


If you are referring to the Well Fed recipes, there are 8oz in a cup and 4 cups in a litre.  Does that help?

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Hope you all had a great day 1! Mine went very well. Went grocery shopping, did some yoga and also went for a walk. I didn't do much exercise on my last whole30 so I am planning on making an effort to do something daily this time around.

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Hope you all had a great day 1! Mine went very well. Went grocery shopping, did some yoga and also went for a walk. I didn't do much exercise on my last whole30 so I am planning on making an effort to do something daily this time around.

I also want to incorporate some exercise because I didn't exercise much when I did the 21 Day Sugar Detox. I think healthy eating AND exercise will help me lose weight and feel better! Good luck to you! :)

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Good morning Day four! (Started 5/30).  Just had my fav breakfast (two egg omelette with sautéed apples and onions).  The best part of the day!  Replacing coffee with a bit o' tea, but mostly La Croix, which I love. So many flavors!  And I do believe the water is helping my system detox.


Staying focused and staying positive. Bring on the day!

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Day 1 in the books, feeling good.


fyi, Whole 30 is on Instagram, they post a lot of good recipes there. I noticed yesterday they posted that Trader Joe's now sells organic cauliflower rice!  Cant wait to try it.  If it is good, it will save a lot of prep time!



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I survived happy hour last night! Drank my club soda with lime and avoided the cheese while snacking on the cured meats, fruit, and nuts of the charcuterie board. That was dinner.


Because I like to live dangerously, I didn't do any shopping or meal prep on Sunday. So I'm just cobbling together compliant meals based on what I have in the fridge already. As long as I just take it one meal at a time I do pretty well. I stocked up on veggies and meats on my initial grocery run when we first moved in last week, so I have enough food to last me a couple days until I get my ducks in a row and prep better.


I had an early morning meeting to get to so I ate my Aidell's chicken sausage, macadamia nuts, and a bag of snap peas in the car commuting to work, the new "fast food!" Lunch of a can o' tuna, greens, and watermelon were packed in the flurry out the door. Tuna's packed in olive oil, and I have a bottle of evoo at work to dump on the salad. When I get home tonight I've got a cube of grass fed ground beef I'll cook up with some onion and garlic, and nuke a bag of frozen veggies for dinner. I'm just sad I ran out of ghee the other day, now I'll have to use plain ol' coconut oil to season my veggies. #Whole30Problems

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I totally had a brain fart moment driving home from happy hour. My husband had left a can of that San Pellegrini fruit soda in the car, and without thinking I cracked it open and started drinking it because I was really thirsty. I don't particularly like those drinks, but I realized halfway through it has added sugar. D'oh! I stopped drinking it, and it was a nice little wake-up call to point out my tendency to eat/drink stuff just because it's there without thinking. Good thing this happened on Day 1, or I would be sad that I needed to restart! So I'm on Day 1 Part 2 now ;)

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Day 2 went well. Had steak and potatoes for dinner. Felt so indulgent! Probably should have added in another veggie with it but had plenty for lunch. I was so tired today though! I went outside to do some gardening and felt like a worn out old lady! Haha. Still thinking about doing some yoga tonight though.

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Good morning Day four! (Started 5/30).  Just had my fav breakfast (two egg omelette with sautéed apples and onions).  The best part of the day!  Replacing coffee with a bit o' tea, but mostly La Croix, which I love. So many flavors!  And I do believe the water is helping my system detox.


Staying focused and staying positive. Bring on the day!


Oh La Croix!! :) I need to go buy some! Thanks for the reminder :)

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I totally had a brain fart moment driving home from happy hour. My husband had left a can of that San Pellegrini fruit soda in the car, and without thinking I cracked it open and started drinking it because I was really thirsty. I don't particularly like those drinks, but I realized halfway through it has added sugar. D'oh! I stopped drinking it, and it was a nice little wake-up call to point out my tendency to eat/drink stuff just because it's there without thinking. Good thing this happened on Day 1, or I would be sad that I needed to restart! So I'm on Day 1 Part 2 now ;)


Same thing happened to me...I ate a piece of cheese yesterday without even THINKING. :( So today is Day 2 but really it is Day 1 :)

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Same thing happened to me...I ate a piece of cheese yesterday without even THINKING. :( So today is Day 2 but really it is Day 1 :)

My husband and I were talking about how easy it would be to mess up that way.  I don't think my issue would be so much giving in to a craving, it will be not realizing what I am doing and nibbling on something non-compliant. That seems worse than giving in though, being so unmindful of what we eat that we don't even notice we've done it.

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Beginning day five (a little ahead of this group, but you're the lively ones!).  Yesterday was great. As long as I think about eating just three meals -- absolutely no snacking -- this has been relatively simple. I only have to concentrate on food three times a day!  The rest of the time, my "food brain" is off! :-)


Headed out to a breakfast meeting now. Trying to decide between ordering a "dairy free" veggie omelette or two poached eggs.  Would prefer the omelette, but only if I can be convinced -- through pure instruction -- that they will prepare it without milk or butter!  Will let you know how that goes.  That will be coupled with a side of sliced tomatoes to replace the bread.  


Tonight, my husband and I have our first dinner out. Already picked the restaurant and menu specifically so we could eat properly. Looking forward to it!

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Yay I love hearing everyone's first day experiences! Glad it's going well so far. Does anyone who has completed a Whole30 before have intense dreams about eating non-compliant foods and then feeling really guilty when waking up but realizing it didn't really happen? It's happened to me both nights so far since I started June 1! It also happened to me towards the end of my first Whole30. lol... the cravings screaming at me.

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Yay I love hearing everyone's first day experiences! Glad it's going well so far. Does anyone who has completed a Whole30 before have intense dreams about eating non-compliant foods and then feeling really guilty when waking up but realizing it didn't really happen? It's happened to me both nights so far since I started June 1! It also happened to me towards the end of my first Whole30. lol... the cravings screaming at me.


I totally did that my first Whole30, a couple weeks into it. I had a dream where I was going through the grocery store buying all sorts of junk food while trying to not let my husband see what's in my cart. When I woke up I expected to get a lecture from him and to find all the stuff I "bought" in the kitchen!

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Headed out to a breakfast meeting now. Trying to decide between ordering a "dairy free" veggie omelette or two poached eggs.  Would prefer the omelette, but only if I can be convinced -- through pure instruction -- that they will prepare it without milk or butter!  Will let you know how that goes.  That will be coupled with a side of sliced tomatoes to replace the bread.

Feels funny to "quote myself" but I figured this was the best way to give folks an update on my first breakfast out. This was at a "nice" restaurant where you would think food was prepared carefully. I requested a veggie omelette prepared without milk or butter. After checking with the chef, I was told that "was not possible." I'm glad I had my standby order handy - poached eggs with a side of tomatoes (of which they gave me an end slice and one additional slice - hardly a "side" from my perspective!) and hot tea.  That said, I decided to be happy with my meal, which was quite good (if not the size I would normally want.)  


Lunch is in 50 minutes -- not that I'm counting! -- and my stomach is growling big time. That is simply telling me that I must always have a good nutritious breakfast to start the day.  I will enjoy my lunch, though!

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Breakfast out is so hard!  Sounds like you did good though.  Seems like it should be easy to just get an omlette but they put all kinds of crazy things in it...like pancake batter!...to make it fluffier. 


Last night I made mac and cheese for my husband.  I almost put a noodle in my mouth to test if they were done.  But thankfully I realised I can't do that and handed it over to my husband.  He gave me a really strange look.  lol


Happy day 3 everyone!

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