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Gorilly Goods - are they okay?


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I am looking at (and enjoying) a package of fruit/nut mix by Gorilly Goods, advertised as raw, paleo, low glycemic, non-GMO, and wheat and gluten free. The ingredients are: bananas, organic raisins, organic cashews, organic pecans, organic walnuts, organic coconut, organic coconut nectar, sea salt. Seems pretty Whole30 to me, but wanted to check. Also seems good for road trips, which are coming up for me. Thanks!

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Whole30 discourages snacking so if you find yourself hungry you would be better eating a mini meal of protein, fat & veggies rather than snacking on what is by all accounts & purposes a sugar bomb which will feed any sugar dragon you may be trying to slay.

Better food choices for road trips would be chopped veg (like say carrots & celery), boiled eggs, compliant jerky, tinned fish, pickles - that sort of thing.

Fruit & nuts are about as close as you can get to candy on a whole30 and best kept to a minimum for optimal results.

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I am looking at (and enjoying) a package of fruit/nut mix by Gorilly Goods, advertised as raw, paleo, low glycemic, non-GMO, and wheat and gluten free. The ingredients are: bananas, organic raisins, organic cashews, organic pecans, organic walnuts, organic coconut, organic coconut nectar, sea salt. Seems pretty Whole30 to me, but wanted to check. Also seems good for road trips, which are coming up for me. Thanks!

Sorry, these are not at all what the Whole30 is truly about in spirit unless you are sprinkling this stuff on a salad or into a cauli rice.


Snacking and mindless eating (such as we all love to do on road trips) is discouraged and snacking on these fruit/nut combos does a number on your blood sugar, your digestion and any snacking or sugar habits you are trying to rid yourself of.


Eat meals, don't snack.  :D

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