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Coconut Milk fat and calories?

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   Removing since I have been advised this is not the place to ask for this advice- as I said in my post I hoped the mods could redirect me to a place to ask for other brands of coconut milk or ideas for different liquids to use.  To address the answers I did get- I am not currently on a Whole30- I have already completed one.  I know that a smoothie is not considered a good choice,  it is however the way my doctor/naturopath wants me to ingest the multiple powders she gave me so I will follow her advice in that, particularly since they are working for me.   I already make and drink bone broth (in fact that was formerly my breakfast of choice- a mason jar of bone broth with whatever I was eating).  I take anything on a companies own site with a grain of salt but supposedly this collagen powder has far more collagen in it than I could hope to extract from my bone broth and has some other advantages that I can't remember right now.  Whether it does or not, I know I am feeling better and some chronic issues are lessening, so I am going to continue with what she is doing for me.  I will ask her directly for another liquid suggestion.  I thought maybe my husband happened to grab the crazy brand of coconut milk since it seems hard to believe she could be suggesting I drink something with 75 grams of fat in it every morning- I don't know since I have never drank it before- only used a little here or there in a soup. I simply thought that this community with its vast knowledge of healthy foods might have an alternative suggestion I could bring to her. Maybe I can add the powders to my bone broth.  I wonder what the kids section suggests as a milk alternative- maybe I 'll go check that out.


thank you for the help and suggestions that were given

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I was wondering what you were using an entire can of coconut milk a day for when I first started reading, but you explained that by the end of your post... 

First off, as you said yourself, whole30 is not about counting calories, or tracking points or macros. When you are following the meal template it is pretty hard to over-do the fat, although a can of coconut milk per day on top of the fat in your other meals does sound a bit excessive. 

Secondly, smoothies are discouraged on whole30 because your brain doesn't really see it as food. We tend to be more satiated when we CHEW our food rather than DRINK it, so no doubt you will be hungry long before meal three, even after drinking an entire can of coconut milk. And almond milk is not recommended for drinking on whole30.

Obviously medical advice comes before whole30 but if you want to go down the whole30 route why not give it your undivided attention for 30 days, following all of the rules/guidelines & see how you feel after that... then once the results of the food tests come back & you've had that digestive re-set start with the collagen smoothies then.


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This really is not the place to strategize how to prepare a low fat version of your doctor's recommendation. If your doctor said one cup of coconut milk, then the recipe is one cup of coconut milk. If you don't like it, you should ask the doctor for an alternative or ask your doctor to explain why she recommends this formula. 


I will offer an editorial comment: Smoothies are a crappy choice in the world of healthy eating. You can do so much better. Liquid food digests faster than whole foods, so you get hungry faster after eating the same volume of food liquified than if you ate the food whole (chewing it of course). And drinking a cup of coconut milk or almond milk is simply a bad choice nutritionally. These ingredients are fine as part of a recipe, but all wrong as a drink. 


Your doctor thinks you need collagen. Fine. Make and drink homemade bone broth. Homemade bone broth would be a lot cheaper too. 

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I'm not sure what the first post actually said but based on the answers that followed, I assume you are supposed to get more collagen?  Have you tried the Great Lakes Hydrolyzed Collagen? You can mix it into anything as it is virtually flavourless and never gels.  I mix it into my coffee every morning.  You can mix it into water as well, maybe with a splash of cranberry or orange juice to take the little bit of odd taste off?

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