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Alternative pain relief for painful periods


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Hi ladies, I'm in day 12 of my fourth whole30 and I've been suffering from pretty terrible menstrual cramps. Typically I take Ibuprofen and it will take the edge off and I can function. However in a attempt to stay compliant, I haven't taken any pain relief. I had to leave work early yesterday due to the pain and did not get any sleep last night from pain and associated chills and vomiting. Today is just as bad (luckily I have the day off). Any tips on natural pain telling that won't disrupt the gut? I'm desperate. Thank you.

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The Whole30 rules don't specifically forbid the use of ibuprofen. Yes, it's a gut disruptor, but you need to be functional and pain to the point of chills, vomitting, and broken sleep is just as detrimental to your health. You know that the ibuprofen is at least somewhat effective for you, so I'd concur with Amy in saying to take it. And if you continue vomitting, go to the ER or urgent care.

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Both my daughter and I have struggled with this same thing, cramps to the point of chills and vomiting. Miserable stuff, for sure. Whole30 kicked my painful periods to the curb, I hope it does so for you, too. We keep a tube of DoTerra's deep blue rub on hand, and that has really helped with cramps. It can almost eliminate even moderate cramping, and take the edge off severe ones, at least it works for us. You can order it on amazon. I recommend the lotion in the 4oz tube over the oil in the 5ml bottle. The lotion is much easier to apply and actually seems to work better for some reason.

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Take it!

I also use a "Female Cycle" essential oil roll on that contains geranium and clary sage. On bad days I'll roll it on at night and then give myself a good belly massage. Also a hot water bottle can help. I have also found back in the days of super bad pain (Whole30 rectified a lot of my period issues) that Robax would work because it's a muscle relaxant as well as a pain killer.

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Thank you everyone!  Both for the alternative suggestions AND helping me feel okay for taking ibuprofen to get through today.  This is the first Whole30 I've completed without being on the pill and it's been interesting to say the least.  Can feel my hormones working themselves out for the better.  Just need to get through this part.    

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Hopefully your next cycle will be easier! I know personally that the cycle I have right after a Whole30 (or maintaining a mostly Whole30 lifestyle) will be fairly smooth, but a cycle that follows any serious off-roading will be tough emotionally and physically.

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If you are willing to drop some cash (around $150), there is a traction belt that is amazing. The Ziivaa belt...honestly changed my life. My cramps were fairly similar to what you described - throwing up and diarrhea if I did anything remotely aerobic on period, just diarrhea if I didn't, brain totally unable to function, lying in bed with a hot towel over my stomach, tossing and turning to find some way I could lay to manage the pain.


My husband saw the belt online somewhere - whoever had posted it was talking about how it improved readiness in the Israeli army and sent the link to me, saying I should buy it because if it worked as well as they said it did, it would be worth the money in his book.


Oh my word does it work amazingly. It puts pressure on the sides of your hips to help your ligaments go back into place (cramps = uterus pulling ligaments out of where they should be and making its own job harder and pain worse) and I really, truly have to say that that belt would be worth it in my book if it was worth ten times what it costs. I use it once in the morning, and maybe once later that day if my cramps come back at all, but 15 minutes and I have little to no pain for hours.


Link = https://ziivaa.com/


Seriously, check it out.

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