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Did I accidentally break my Whole30?!?

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So, I'm kicking myself right now.  I'm on Day 7, and I've been doing great.  But last night I ate out with some friends at a restaurant.  I ordered salmon with two sides of steamed broccoli.  I wasn't at all tempted to eat anything I shouldn't, so I didn't really think about it.  The broccoli and salmon were very tasty.  It wasn't until hours later lying in bed that I realized that tasted buttery sweet.  I'm worried they might have been cooked in butter.  To be clear, there was no visible butter on them.  But - the brocolli was suspiciously delicious for just steamed brocolli. 


So, what should I do?  Is this a little enough possible infraction that it can be ignored?  Or do I need to call the restaurant and ask how they prepare their brocolli and salmon?  And, if there is butter, start my Whole30 all over? 


I'm really annoyed because I just assumed I made a great choice, and wasn't tempted by other options.  Thoughts?

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If there is butter, perhaps you could just continue and delay the reintroduction of dairy for 30 days.


Eating out is always a minefield. If you can call the restaurant in advance (or at least ask about prepration methods while you're there) they can usually make accommodations for you.


Even then, once I ate out and discussed my situation with the server and they said they could cook my asparagus in olive oil. But no, it was cooked in butter, and I didn't realize it until I was already eating it...


ETA I've also had good restaurant experiences (last weekend I went to a family party at a chain restaurant, called ahead to understand how they prepare certain menu items, and they were really good about cooking my meal to my specifications), and it can help to have someone else take a bite of your food before you eat it to detect any mishaps.

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This just happened to me too! I bought sausage from the Butcher counter at Whole Foods the other day and specifically asked them if there was sugar in them and he said "oh no, its just spices". well today I was there again and again asked before purchasing and this individual took the time to look it up and said yes, there was a little. I was so upset but I guess I should have asked the first guy to look it up. Hitting rewind tomorrow back to day one! :(

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This just happened to me too! I bought sausage from the Butcher counter at Whole Foods the other day and specifically asked them if there was sugar in them and he said "oh no, its just spices". well today I was there again and again asked before purchasing and this individual took the time to look it up and said yes, there was a little. I was so upset but I guess I should have asked the first guy to look it up. Hitting rewind tomorrow back to day one! :(


That sucks! But in this case, you tried to avoid the bit of added sugar, and it was just sugar (not dairy, gluten, or other substances that can cause issues even in tiny amounts) so it's really up to you... maybe this post will help: http://whole30.com/2014/06/really-start-whole30/

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This happened to me too at my local health food store, I asked if the plain smoked bacon at the meat counter had added sugar, the guy "looked it up" and assured me no... Then at home, I was reading the Whole30 book, and they mentioned how extremely difficult it is to find bacon without added sugar… So I called the store back and asked again, just to double-check, and this time a kind butcher took a longer minute to research the ingredients, and it turns out it did have added sugar! Oy! Good thing I hadn't eaten it yet!

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