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Getting my Wisdom Teeth Removed- What Do I Eat?

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I'm supposed to get my wisdom teeth removed on Monday (I didn't know before I decided to start the program. My mom surprised me with the appointment) But I'm really struggling finding things that I would be able to eat. I'm already on day 7, and I really want to finish this, but my cravings are pretty strong right now. I know if I don't have food prepared I'm probably going to succumb to ice cream. Help!

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Bone Broth, Baked White and Sweet Potatoes with Clarified Butter,  Avocado,  Baked Fish, Green Beans, Kombucha.  You may be able to handle a beef burger, too.  Your pockets will be tender but thank goodness, you won't be eating any popcorn.  That's the worst thing you can eat after you have your wisdom teeth removed.   Don't eat any popcorn for a long time...until those pockets are completely healed up. 


You don't need ice cream and don't crunch any ice cubes in your teeth either.   Keep it mild and take it easy  when the surgery is over  - especially if they're pulling them all at one time. 

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Soups made from yummy bone broth! I love this one from Nom Nom Paleo--I do variations with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, even leftover baked sweet potatoes and winter squash! I will use frozen veg too to save prep time. http://nomnompaleo.com/post/2345953636/curried-cream-of-broccoli-soup


More soups-- http://nomnompaleo.com/post/107766984218/whole30-day-11-carrot-cardamom-soup

http://nomnompaleo.com/post/3615437715/garbage-soup cooked really well so the veggies are soft soft soft.



Have some poached eggs, soft boiled eggs and soft scrambled eggs alongside your soups for your protein. Mayo or avocado for your fats... 

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When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I was able to eat pretty much whatever I wanted (within reason) by the second day. The day of surgery I stuck with soft foods, but by day 2 I tore into a chicken breast, potatoes, and toast. (This was over 10 years ago and WAY before paleo and Whole30 entered my life). I had to cut everything into tiny pieces because my jaws were stiff and I couldn't handle big bites, but I did manage to clean my plate.


Soup will be a great option to keep you filled up with protein and veggies and blended soups don't even require that you chew. Just let it cool a bit first so that you don't burn your sockets. You should be okay with meat as long as it's tender. Think pulled chicken as opposed to jerky. Nuts and raw veggies will probably be something you'll want to avoid since they require a lot of chewing.

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I had the same experience as Munkers, by the second day I was fine to eat.  And on the first day I didn't want to because of general anesthetic to do some reconstruction.


Ground meats, sweet potatoes or mashed white potatoes, eggs of all sorts, avocados, coconut milk, bananas, blended soups (I lived off of the silky gingered soup for 2 weeks when I was injured last summer).  You'll be fine.


And remember, no sucking out of straws after tooth extraction!

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