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Starchy veggies

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I searched the forums for this topic but couldn't find it. Sorry if this is redundant.

Is there such a thing as too much starchy veggie? I've mostly been eating starched lately. Not pmsing right now, but that's what I've been wanting. The zucchini in my fridge does not look appetizing, but the sweet potato and squash does. Not to mention I'm on low FODMAP so my veg choices are limited. Just wondering if this is ok. It's been a good week or so of eating potato, swt potato, carrot, squash, only.

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Ideally you should eating a range of vegetables so that you benefit from all kinds of nutrients, however, if starchy veg is all you feel like right now then that's okay. It could be that your body is telling you that's what it needs right now too.

That said it could just be a bit of food boredom setting in... Have you tried roasting a mixed batch of veg? or cooking the non starchy stuff in other ways like blended soups served with a portion of protein? Or maybe stuffing the zucchini using a mix of the zucchini 'meat' and some other veg? Or how about making salads from power greens & some berries with a balsamic dressing?

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Starchy veggies are rich in vitamins and minerals not to mention carbohydrates which we (women in particular) need. We recommend starting with a fist sized serving and working from there. Some people who have depression or anxiety tendencies need more than the rest of us, same as those who are highly active or pregnant and breast feeding women.

I would recommend that you try to make sure you get a variety of starchy and non starchy veggies for nutrients. If you have weight loss as your goals, you might also like to work at making sure you have some non starchy veggies to balance the starches too. It's really all about what works for YOU, just stay tuned in with yourself.

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