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Hi, I haven't been around for a bit...am starting a new round tomorrow and just wanted to ask a question that I know has risen many times...but I wanted it clarified..I've read fruit can be eaten occasionally and have also read that recommendations limit it to 1 to 2 servings a day. One serving being what you can hold in a clenched fist. I often read the whole 30 page on fab as it's easy to access on my phone. Today I read that fruit consumption can be up to five serves of seasonal fruit. Is this Melissa's new recommendation? I have It Starts With Food but am declined not to buy the second book as I have the first and finances are tight. Thank you in advance for any clarification anyone can give. Much appreciated as I want to commence on the right foot. Cheers and have a great day..Trina.

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I think what you're referring to is a blog post that Melissa wrote not too long ago... the relevant portion copied below.

If you're going to indulge in seasonal fruit, please make sure that you're not using it to prop up sugar cravings, for mindlessly snacking or letting it push veggies off your plate.


Our meal template recommends around two servings of fruit per day, eaten with your meals (and not on their own as “dessert” or a snack). However, that’s just a starting point, not a hard and fast mandate. We’re really not concerned with the amount of sugar in whole foods, in the context of a Whole30 diet. It also makes sense to eat more fruit in summer, and less in winter, so your intake in August may look like five servings a day, and just one or two in January. However, if eating fruit awakens your Sugar Dragon or you find yourself using it to satisfy an old sugar craving, we enocurage you to take a good, hard look at when, how often, and why you are incorporating fruit (especially dried fruit) into your Whole30. - See more at: http://whole30.com/2015/01/rules-recommendations/#sthash.IWixvvhA.dpuf

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I'm down under and am lucky to grow seasonal fruit all year round...as its winter here our fruits are limited to all citrus, guavas, strawberries some passion fruit, gooseberries and apples, pears ...my fruit consumption hasn't increased since my last whole 30 but I am thinking it actually should increase to at least a whole apple or orange. I mostly only eat one serving in my veggie salad. I get the idea behind keeping sugar cravings at bay..I've become a boring eater..hence why I want to do another whole 30. I actually don't eat much at all..I am only eating two meals a day and would like to get back to three..I think the whole 30 will be beneficial this way..thank you for your help..much appreciated

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...my fruit consumption hasn't increased since my last whole 30 but I am thinking it actually should increase to at least a whole apple or orange.

Fruit is completely optional, just so you know. So if you are happy with just eating some as an accent in a salad, carry on, no one says you have to increase that. There is nothing in fruits that you cannot get in larger quantities from veggies.

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