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Starting Aug 11th


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@gnc37 Great idea! I bought my first compliant bacon this weekend and cooked it up for a soup last night. Tasted pretty good to me. I'll be making the rest to eat as straight bacon and reserving the fat. Bacon fat is fabulous to cook with, particularly for fried eggs. If you're into it, you could look into something like Fatworks for tallow or lard too.
@bob lesie  YAY! That's great. And Welcome! You are perfectly welcome to chat with us here, but there's also a group of folks starting on the same day as you in the following thread. Each day is pretty specific how you feel as you go along, and chatting with folks experiencing the same "day" as you may be helpful.
For myself, I had a rough day with meal timing yesterday. I'm hoping today goes better. My log if anyone's interested. I really think its super helpful and I encourage everyone to do a log. http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/30241-zyries-log/

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And how did today go? I can't recall from my reading, does spinach as a better veggie than other greens? My favorite vegetable seems to be salad, LOL...I had a decent eating day, and blood sugar day. In a much better place than last night this time.

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Yay. I'm so glad to hear that! 


Today has been a-ok for me too. I left the house, to work in the office, for the first time today. It worked out just fine. I was probably over-prepared though. I had a ton of food with me to be sure if I was hungry I had on-plan food available.


Salad is great. I like spinach salads, or spring mix. But I don't think I could enjoy chard or beat greens raw like that. I like to put my protein on my greens (raw or cooked), like pulled pork or brisket or whatever, just right on top. The main thing to remember is to consume your veggies with some fat so your body can absorb the nutrients best. Dressing or whatever other food you'r having. For some reason it feels particularly important for raw vegetables to me, but I don't know that it's true.

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And how did today go? I can't recall from my reading, does spinach as a better veggie than other greens? My favorite vegetable seems to be salad, LOL...I had a decent eating day, and blood sugar day. In a much better place than last night this time.

All veggies are good, but keep in mind that raw leafy stuff tends not to be as satiating as cooked vegetables. They can be filling as you eat them, but may not stay with you as long. That doesn't mean don't eat them, but consider supplementing them with denser vegetables as well. I like roasted sweet potato or beets in a salad, and of course you can include carrots, broccoli, snap or snow peas, radishes, celery, jicama, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, tomato, or any other vegetable you like.

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Anyone still here?  I'm doing pretty well.  Today I clarified butter (burned 3 fingers in the process, oops!).  Was wondering why it has to be unsalted butter.  But am looking forward to using it.  Did lots of meal prep tonight and am ready for this week coming up.

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I'm still here! And I'm still on track. Glad to hear you are too. :D


How'd the butter come out? I've rendered my own beef tallow before but I haven't tried my hand at clarified butter. I burnt my hand on hot water on Friday; I can commiserate on burns. I hope you're ok.


I had a rough evening. I have a swallowing related medical condition and it caused me to basically not be able to eat dinner. This after I screwed up my timelines and that M2. So, I ate one meal today. I guess if you're sick that's reasonable though? It just seems like my medical issues are worse and it's really annoying and makes it hard to eat.


You know, I had posted a response to your BLT post. I think a bunch of posts got deleted or something about two days ago. I saw someone saying they thought they posted something on their food log and must have forgotten, and I know that I posted a specific day on mine and it got lost. So I think that happened on our thread too. A deconstructed BLT sounds fabulous. We're already approaching the half way point here. woot!

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I started a day after you, on Aug. 12th.  I haven't posted before because I felt really crappy (headachy, sciatica flare-up) and I didn't want to bring the forum down.


I've felt good for a few days now and I'm feeling committed to going the whole 30 days.


The biggest revelation for me has been the Sunshine Sauce.  WOW.  I use it on meat, veggies salad, just about everything.


My only continuing problem is eating enough, which, considering that I'm about 50 pounds overweight, is rather ironic.  I fix the right amount but then only feel like eating about half of it.  Not sure what's going on there.

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@dmclow  I can totally understand. I've been dealing with a lot of my old medical issues cropping up during my Whole30. I don't want to be a complainer, but it's SO frustrating. Thought I was supposed to feel BETTER. Are you still feeling better?


I haven't made the Sunshine Sauce yet but everyone keeps raving. I wish I could give it a try but, in response to my ongoing medical problems, I'm going to also cut coconut out. :sad trombone sound:  Maybe I'll google for a no coconut version of it. I'm sure it won't be nearly the same, but it could be good still maybe.


With not feeling hungry. My understanding is that's normal. I'm still struggling with M1 in that way. The main thing, as I understand it, is to not snack. Eat meals, whole meals that hit the template for protein and fat and veggies, and don't snack in between. If you're eating, and getting full, and lasting till your next meal, I'd say you're in good shape. Thing about fat adaptation, particularly when you have a lot to lose, you're body runs on itself. Which is what you want it to do. :)


How's everyone else? Day 18. wooot!  (17 for dmclow :D )

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I don't always finish my meals either.  But I'm not needing to snack (not counting one day where I ate raisins because my blood sugar was so low...I'm diabetic).  I am doing so much better because I decided that learning how to prepare foods I already like in a much more healthy fashion is as important as, say, learning to like avocados.  I did have a rough time yesterday when I just wanted bread more than one could imagine.  Stayed on the straight and narrow, no way was I going back to Day 1 at this point!  We are 60% done.

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Thanks for the encouraging words, both of you.  I'm not snacking but I do sometimes get achey a few hours after eating when I know I haven't eaten enough protein at the last meal.  It is mainly the protein I'm having trouble with.


Zyriel:  I wonder if you could swap in mayo for the coconut milk?  It's mainly the nut butter and the spices that make the dish so great. 


I made the pork chops and spicy apply recipe tonight.  Fantastic.

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We are three weeks into this!!!  Woohoo!!!


Had a good couple of days, not fantasizing about what I will eat anymore, and feeling more like this is going to help make some permanent changes in how I view grocery shopping and eating, and the concept of being satisfied by a taste rather than having to have it all...I feel that some of the changes have been educational and others philosophical/internal discussions with myself about why I eat the way I have, and what needs to change to make this last, and so on. Overall feeling pretty good and like I'll make it!

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I'm so glad to hear that @gnc37! :D   I have similar feelings. And now is definitely becoming reflection time.


I'm realizing that 30 days isn't enough for me. There were too many things for me to focus on and I couldn't get the sleep, water, activity, and some aspects of meal timing. I'm still proud of myself. But it looks like my re-intro is going to take a full 30 more days because of how I want to split things up. And I think that will be good. I can continue to work on these other aspects in my little "blinders on" environment.


I went out to eat for the first time last night. It was scary. Has anyone else ventured out already? We went to one of our favorite restaurants and they were so good about accommodating me, the waitress understood really well what I was asking for, and the kitchen even sent back some info about certain dishes to help me be sure of what I wanted them to do. It turned out so well. It helps that we're regulars and this place already does lovely food.


I am going to miss the daily e-mails when they're over though :(

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Hey guys, just checking in. How are you doing? Who's still with me? :D


I've been putting some thought into my re-intro. I bought a couple of things for it. It was a struggle to get only what I need. Like, I don't need a whole box of whatever it is, I just need one servings. Less than a serving if we're being honest, since I will still need to eat my protein and veggies and fat.


Anyone else have Re-intro on their mind? I'm not actually expecting to have a reaction to anything. I guess we'll see.

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I am still with you!! Kind of amazed that it looks like I will make it to 30. I am worried about re-entry. I decided my goal for the first few days is to reintroduce steel cut oats for breakfast some of the time, but with protein, too. I am going to try to minimize dairy as much as possible so that it is truly a splurge food, because while I love it I feel the calories are fairly low value for me. I haven't weighed myself but I feel I have lost a decent amount and don't want to jeopardize that, either. (My husband did and he is down XX at day 25!!) I am with you where I feel I need to stay pretty much with it longer because my psoriasis and inflammation is not much improved. Though that is probably going to cost me tomatoes which I absolutely love!!

Only a few more days, I feel like I really do feel differently about food. Maybe it is also just internal, I hope to not use food as comfort or reward and I think I have learned (or started to unlearn) some very old truths about me!

Good luck with your last few days!

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I am still with you!! Kind of amazed that it looks like I will make it to 30. I am worried about re-entry. I decided my goal for the first few days is to reintroduce steel cut oats for breakfast some of the time, but with protein, too. I am going to try to minimize dairy as much as possible so that it is truly a splurge food, because while I love it I feel the calories are fairly low value for me. I haven't weighed myself but I feel I have lost a decent amount and don't want to jeopardize that, either. (My husband did and he is down XX at day 25!!) I am with you where I feel I need to stay pretty much with it longer because my psoriasis and inflammation is not much improved. Though that is probably going to cost me tomatoes which I absolutely love!!

Only a few more days, I feel like I really do feel differently about food. Maybe it is also just internal, I hope to not use food as comfort or reward and I think I have learned (or started to unlearn) some very old truths about me!

Good luck with your last few days!

Please please please stay away from the scale & ask your husband to do the same.

I have edited your post to  remove his documented weight loss as weighing is against the rules, and reporting such incidents can inadvertently encourage others to do the same, and since your end point is relative to where you started, ongoing medical issues & many other external stressors not everyone gets the same results.

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Yay @gnc37 I'm so glad you're still on track, that's great!!!

My Fiance says I look slimmer. I think I look less bloated, but not any slimmer. I really think there's a distinction there. My clothes certainly aren't fitting much better. But that's alright, I have a suspicion it will pick up next month as I continue to eat well and start really dialing in my sleep, cutting off caffeine after my morning cup, and trying to get more water and physical activity in. I HAVE seen an improvement in my mood (most days), and in my hunger and ability to pack away food. :)


Have you looked over the re-intro protocol? The re-intro part of the program involves staying Whole30 while you test foods. And if you have psoriasis and inflammation I strongly recommend you do it as prescribed. In a nut shell you stay Whole30, but one day you have one (just one) of the less healthy food types at each of your three meals. You observe how it affects you in any way, physically, digestively, emotionally, etc. And you return to Whol30 for at least two days to allow your body to stabilize. Then you do another day, but again only one food type, you still keep the one you tested out of your diet. This how the elimination part of the program works, you want to test each compound in a vacuum so you know for sure which food is causing you which results.


What I like about this is that it effectively extends your Whole30 through your testing phase. I have mine separated out even more than the recommendation, which means my re-intro will be about 30 days. And that's assuming I don't need any extra time after any certain food type, which I very well might need.


On another note, with your thought about tomatoes, I ran into something similar. There's a chance I react to coconut. I cut it out of my Whole30 on about day 15 for that reason. I actually have a coconut day on my re-intro plan so that I can test it, it's about 30 days out from when I stopped having it. You might consider cutting out nightshades now, see how you do, and have a nightshade day in your re-intro plan.

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I'm still here, too, feeling very proud on Day 27.


I've been thinking quite a bit about the re-intro period and my strategy is to first re-introduce the categories that I don't think give me problems, (legumes and grains), and save the worrisome one, (dairy), for later on.


As far as sugar goes, I'm going to try to stay off it for good.  Tha said, the W30 as been a real eye-opener as far as learning how many things that I never dreamed had sugar in them do.


Alcohol will be the big one for me.  The significant drop in my blood pressure while on the W30 has made me realize that if I am unable to drink moderately, I will have to eliminate alcohol completely.

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Seriously right? There have been so many products that would be fine if it weren't for the added sugar. Particularly packaged meats.


I'm doing the same thing, least likely issues first. Also, the least temptation items first.


I'm glad you're still on track. That's great!

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Hi, so sorry about my last post and breaking the rules (even though it wasn't me that did it and I did shake my head at him!!!!)!


I am also planning a gradual re-entry.  Going to play it slow especially for dairy which is where I anticipate possible problems.  My biggest satisfaction is that my blood sugar has dropped so dramatically and I have reduced my long acting insulin by 1/3 so far since starting, and I suspect my blood pressure medicine will possibly not be needed either. I am also completely off my omeprazole for acid reflux.  I agree, it is shocking how much sugar I cut out by not eating stuff in boxes!  Not to mention how little time shopping takes now that I'm better at label reading and know some specific types of chicken sausage and stuff that are compliant.  And for the first time ever in my life I am on a food plan that has caused me to drop some bulk in my middle.  Feels really good.  My hardest struggle has been eating more fat and having it every meal but I've improved during the 30 days.  We plan to more or less stick on plan with some occasional splurges, but one thing I've really gotten out of this is the eating enough to not want or need to snack.  It feels good to me and also gives me that many less opportunities to have to choose what to eat, which is a good thing for me.  Dmcclow, my thoughts on alcohol are that I need to see how i do sipping something straight up, like whiskey or something, as there is no way I will overdrink that!!!  I haven't had a hard time not drinking but there's some drinks that I actually just enjoy!  With you on the sugar.  I do feel like I could have a taste of something and not overdo, we shall see.  One thing that is definitely gone for good is half and half in my coffee.


We had company today who enthusiastically brought a mayo free cole slaw that was completely compliant and delicious.  All in all I am so glad to have been directed to consider and do whole30!!!  And thanks for this supportive environment.

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Well that's it folks! As they say in Agile, we're "done done". I am literally listening to Queen's "We Are the Champions" right now.


I'm so eager and excited to start the next 30 days with re-intros. I keep thinking about moving my first re-intro day up and having to stop myself. I weighed in and was pretty ok with the results. I will measure later today. And I'm working on all the post30 stuff like goal evaluation, After Action Report, etc etc. I get to set up my Post Whole30 log today too. :)


I ALMOST added honey to my tea this morning but stopped myself. I'd rather make a different cup of tea if the first doesn't taste good enough. Onward and upward.

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