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Having a hard time with black coffee


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I am on day 4 of the Whole 30 and every morning I crave my coffee with powdered Coffee Mate, the way I used to have it every morning.  I've been settling for black but boy do I miss my creamer!!!  Any suggestions for a substitute?  I tried the canned coconut milk and that wasn't for me.

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Morning! Coffee is a sensitive subject, for sure. Go ahead and Google "Whole30 Black Coffee" and "Whole30 Coffee" and you'll get lots of forum threads with people's opinions/tricks etc.

To get you started: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/12755-coffee-for-your-whole-30-how-to-make-it-if-youre-used-to-using-dairy/

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Are you emulsifying the coconut milk in with a blender (traditional or hand/stick blender) vs spooning it in the coffee?

If that doesn't work for you, you might explore the world of tea. Or, try different quality coffee beans, which can make a huge difference.

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I agree with what everyone else has said. It will honestly take more than 4 days to begin to appreciate or tolerate black coffee. It took me about a week and a half to just tolerat black coffee. Just the other day I got my husband his morning "creamer with a bit of coffee" and I couldn't understand how or why he would drink it! Coffee with creamer was a 20+ year habit for me, it's been 7 months since I last had creamer, and only recently did I stop wanting it. Habits take time to change. There are options...

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This has been a big change for me too. I haven't been a fan of almond milk or coconut milk in my coffee so far. It seems I would rather drink it black if I can't have cream, so I ended up trying a few different coffees black and found one I can actually drink in its pure form! Very exciting for a former sweetened latte drinker. Someone on the forum had recommended moderate roasts - not too dark or light - with a Central American origin. That's right where my taste buds have landed with a local coffee roaster that fits the bill. The "flavor notes" are almond and cocoa. Just posting that again in case anyone else is struggling to go without cream!

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I'm on Day 4 as well, and grrr do I want some honey and powdered creamer in my coffee. It's the only real craving I have. Sucky!!!

I'm on day 4 also.  I kinda got use to black coffee.  I thought I would never be able to .  I think I blew it with Emerald dry roasted almonds .  Did not look at the list of ingredients .  2% or less of sugar.   Darn .  Start over .  

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I liked black coffee before starting Whole 30, but it always depended on the coffee! When I had fancy beans and did pour-overs at home, I never had to use cream or milk... but I'd go straight for the milk when getting coffee at work or Starbucks. (A previous workplace had a coffee maker that brewed coffee that tasted generations old. I'd use the super sweet vanilla Coffee Mate to drown out the taste. :P)


If you want to make the transition to drinking coffee black, I recommend going for light or medium roasted beans/grounds. Doesn't taste as "burnt" or acidic as dark roasts like French, Italian, etc. Try to grind beans right before you use them for better flavor--if you don't have a grinder at home, some grocery stores have one you can use (I think this is the same internationally?).


If you have the same problem I had with a crap coffee maker, I recommend getting a cheap ceramic coffee dripper and some filters to keep at your desk. If you get nice beans, a dripper/pour-over is a great way to make yourself a cup of coffee!

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I typically add cinnamon to the grounds in the coffee maker, gives the coffee a nice flavor.  Also, high quality, fresh ground coffee makes such a difference.  GEt a bean grinder and grind only the amount you need per day.  A quality grinder is less than 20 bucks on Amazon!

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After 60 years of delicious half'n'half in my coffee, I didn't think I could ever do without it. 


But.... I'm here to tell you that you can adjust...


I drink my coffee black now and wouldn't go back to the other.   The first couple of weeks it was awful.   The next couple of weeks it was tolerable.

Now I prefer black coffee.


There are 2 key points:


1)  Patience.   It takes time to adjust.

2)  Good coffee.  That doesn't mean super expensive.   But I found a Keurig/Green Mountain coffee that I really like.   There are lots of choices.

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I agree with what everyone else has said. It will honestly take more than 4 days to begin to appreciate or tolerate black coffee. It took me about a week and a half to just tolerat black coffee. Just the other day I got my husband his morning "creamer with a bit of coffee" and I couldn't understand how or why he would drink it! Coffee with creamer was a 20+ year habit for me, it's been 7 months since I last had creamer, and only recently did I stop wanting it. Habits take time to change. There are options...

Oh thank god you said that!! I didn't realize what a coffee mate addict I have been. Morning coffee is very important to me and it has been a real trial to find something that satisfies me. I'm still experimenting. Thank you for making me feel validated!!

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Thank you THANK YOU everyone for your posts about the very serious issue of coffee! Seriously. Coffee is very important to me and very comforting, especially in the morning. I am on Day 3 and it has been one of the hardest things for me about this plan. I'm experimenting with coconut milk, coconut cream, almond milk, plain black....so far it's been dismal. But I will keep trying, and I'll try a better bean too. I think I might pull out my french press too. I feel better to know I'm not the only one struggling in this area.  :D

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I'm on day 4 also.  I kinda got use to black coffee.  I thought I would never be able to .  I think I blew it with Emerald dry roasted almonds .  Did not look at the list of ingredients .  2% or less of sugar.   Darn .  Start over .  

Don't dispair!!! Just keep going. A few almonds isn't going to blow all of your hard work over these 4 days!! You're doing great and I'm right there with ya! 

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