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Anxiety too much for Whole30


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After I had my second baby my anxiety turned towards food. I used to love all fruits and vegetables and eggs and now I'm scared to eat hardly anything. I desperately want the courage to do a whole 30 but I have this irrational fear that I have developed food allergies and will die from anaphylaxis. I'm not insane. I get this sounds crazy. Just how my anxiety is manifesting itself. I guess I am just looking for encouragement. I have tried meds before and they just zoned me out. I feel this is the route that will help me. Just don't know how to start since even thinking about eating certain things will give me a panic attack.

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Hi there, mamato2. I don't know what to tell you, really -- the anxiety itself is probably something you're going to have to seek professional help for. Maybe there are different meds or different dosages that would be helpful without making you feel zoned out, or maybe if you talk through your anxieties with a counselor they can help you find ways to deal with the anxieties. I just wanted to say that I hope you find something that works for you. You deserve to be healthy and happy for your kids, and I hope you find a way to achieve that.

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You are not insane, anxiety is a real thing afflicting way too many people. I found that during my W30 my levels of anxiety decreased, wheat especially messes with my brain to produce horrible anxiety. You would have to make sure you eat plenty of starchy veg, this really helps. As for the food allergies maybe you have them and maybe you don't. I have food allergies and to the most common, mundane foods but if you have them it is normal for reactions to be slight at first. A full blown anaphylactic reaction to a developed allergy as an adult would be incredibly rare.


Could you try different meds first to help reduce your current levels of anxiety before starting a W30?

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