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Leaky Gut?

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So I've attempted several whole30s but have never completed one. For the past 2 months I've been experiencing a lot of digestive distress, mostly getting extremely gassy and bloated immediately after eating. (And maybe tmi but really bad smelling gas and loose stools). There doesn't seem to be any correlation between the bloating and certain foods. For example I may have a reaction after eating dinner, but when I eat leftovers for lunch the next day, I'm fine. I've been taking probiotics and digestive enzymes for several weeks but don't really notice a difference. I've been to the doctor and they did blood work and an ultrasound and everything came back fine. Since I've been having these issues I've attempted a whole30 but felt worse. Stopped after 5 days. Is this normal? Do I need to do an auto immune protocol? I feel like I may have a leaky gut, as I have all the symptoms. I'm not sure how I would manage, as doing a normal whole30 is so challenging! Any advice would be appreciated!

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In general, we recommend doing a regular Whole30 first before attempting the autoimmune protocol, especially if Whole30 is a big change from how you're used to eating.


Five days is not really enough time to determine if Whole30 will help your symptoms. You might check out the timeline to get some idea of things many people experience.


If you do try Whole30 again, you might want to keep a food log here on the forum, so if you do find your symptoms are getting worse, maybe someone will see something that might be causing you issues. For instance, some people find they are eating a lot more bell peppers and tomatoes than they usually do when they first start W30, and those can cause issues for some people.

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