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Egg White Tortilla?

Squeak The Mouse

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So, I haven't been able to find an answer for this one, and I feel like it's on the fence. Once in a blue moon, I make tortillas out of pure egg whites by separately the egg yolk and white, and cooking the white in a skillet. Mainly to make breakfast burritos. The egg yolk gets added to the burrito stuffing. It's mainly for presentation purposes. So.... does this one fall under SWYPO or does it get a pass since it's made from egg?


Oh, and as far as I know, this is no trigger food for me. Haven't had a burrito in ages lol just more summin I'm curious about.

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Some of the other mods may disagree.


um, I don't think so...we've discussed egg wraps before, and I can't think of anyone who had an issue with them. Now, if there is some egg but also a bunch of coconut flour or something, that is a totally different story.

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