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Day 14 and feel like poop


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This is my third Whole30 and I am definitely not feeling the same way I did the first time around.  Today is day 14, and by this point should be shouting from the roof tops but I really feel like garbage.  I am soooo tired by the evening that I am in bed by 8, no energy surges, am moody and so extremely bloated.  I have lost 4lbs (I know, stay away from the scale), but the last time I did this the pounds just came tumbling off.  I am am having a hard time staying committed as I feel "what is the point"  I feel like crap and I should be over any "detox" by this point :(

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Could you list a couple of days' worth of food (including approximate portions sizes), water intake, sleep, and exercise? Maybe there's something you could tweak to make a difference.


Things that can cause you to feel extremely tired and just generally not good include not eating enough in general, or enough starchy vegetables and fats in particular, not drinking enough water, and obviously not getting enough sleep. 


Bloating could be caused by too many raw vegetables, too many cruciferous vegetable whether raw or cooked (cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc.), too many nuts, not enough water, or too much carbonated water.

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I am concerned that you are not really doing a Whole30 because you are weighing yourself. I am concerned that you are doing a diet based upon Whole30 approved foods. There is no need to do more than one Whole30. When you learn how your body responds to various foods by doing reintroductions, you are then ready to craft your own personal eating plan and ride your own bike. You might need to reexamine what you are really doing. 

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This is my third Whole30 and I am definitely not feeling the same way I did the first time around.  Today is day 14, and by this point should be shouting from the roof tops but I really feel like garbage.  I am soooo tired by the evening that I am in bed by 8, no energy surges, am moody and so extremely bloated.  I have lost 4lbs (I know, stay away from the scale), but the last time I did this the pounds just came tumbling off.  I am am having a hard time staying committed as I feel "what is the point"  I feel like crap and I should be over any "detox" by this point :(

You've done Whole30 before, that's great.  But you are not the same person you were the first or second time and approaching the third version as a repetition of the first or second is selling your experience short.  


Truly, we change and develop as humans and what worked 6 months or a year ago may not work now.  And if you focus only on "what you did before" you are inhibiting yourself from assessing the data you are receiving this time and making changes and adjustments and decisions in real time.  


Take a look at your situation, your meals, your attitude and your surroundings and see if something isn't standing out/different/holding you back.  And like Shannon said, feel free to post food for critique/assistance.

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