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Reinoa427's First Whole 30


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Hi there, Reinoa427! Hang in there, it gets better. It's probably best, especially at first, to take a little more food with you than you think you'll need for a day at work, that way if you're truly hungry, you have something compliant with you that you can eat, so you're not tempted by the stuff that tends to be available in work break rooms. Some people also find it helpful to keep cans of tuna, salmon, or sardines in their desk for emergencies. Packets of olives or compliant guacamole can be useful to have around too.

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Successfully finished day 3. The sugar dragon has started to rear its ugly head... I am going to have to stock up on clementines... I was also really grouchy yesterday, good thing I warned my husband about days 3-5 >.<

May I just pop in here and say that stocking up on clementines in order to manage a sugar dragon is not going to get you where you want to be.

Using fruit to prop up sugar cravings just keeps that dragon alive for longer.

A better approach would be to ask yourself when you're wanting to eat that orange if you're really hungry... could you eat bland fish and broccoli.  if so, then eat protein and fat.  Don't give the dragon what it wants... the only way to kill it is to starve it!

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Two days of feeling depressed tells me you may not be including enough starch in your meals - are you eating at least a fist sized serving daily of a starchy veg like potatoes, parsnips, beets, turnip etc? This will really help lift your mood..... Also make sure you are getting in enough fat.

If you'd like to post a few days worth of your food log so we can check you're on the right track please feel free - if nothing else it might help you keep a better track of how certain foods make you feel...

Hope your mood is better today  :)

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Successfully completed day 6! Felt so much better than the last couple days, they weren't kidding when they said days 3-5 were the hardest. My head felt clearer and I was not as irritable.


As requested here is what I ate yesterday



3 eggs scrambled

1 cup sauteed kale

2 slices wellshire farms bacon



1 1/2 cups chicken cacciatore 

Gala apple

1/4 cup black olives

8 Baby carrots

2 T whole30 ranch dressing

1 cup cinnamon tea



1 cup spaghetti sauce (homemade, of course)

1 zucchini cut into noodles

1 carrot cut into noodles

3 clementines

1 cup cinnamon tea


Evening meal (was still hungry... so annoying):

1 cup shredded cabbage

1 chicken sausage with apples

2 T apple juice for steaming

1 cup cinnamon tea

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Successfully completed day 7! I can hardly believe how different I feel after only a week. I have an easier time concentrating, my mood has improved drastically, and I am falling asleep easier - I even woke up without having to hit the snooze button! I hope that my mood stays on the upward swing since my menstrual cycle is supposed to start this week >.<

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Successfully completed day 7! I can hardly believe how different I feel after only a week. I have an easier time concentrating, my mood has improved drastically, and I am falling asleep easier - I even woke up without having to hit the snooze button! I hope that my mood stays on the upward swing since my menstrual cycle is supposed to start this week >.<


Great job on your first week!


Your meals look mostly ok, although some seem a little light on fat -- don't be afraid to add fat. It really will help you stay satisfied longer between meals.


Also note that you may find yourself hungrier than usual leading up to the start of that time of the month -- that's absolutely normal. Don't worry about it, just eat. Most women find they need more starchy vegetables than usual, and often just more food in general, for a few days leading up to their period and maybe the first few days of it. It'll even out again once you get past that point in your cycle.

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Successfully completed day 11! Didn't eat as much as usual due to being a little crampy, but overall my menstrual symptoms are vastly improved over normal. I haven't had to take nearly as many painkillers in order to function, and my mood is also considerably better than normal... I could get used to this!

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Successfully completed through day 13! Had an issue with muscle cramps and spasms yesterday in my legs, back, and hands. Wondering if I didn't drink enough water... Going to drink extra water today and increase my potassium intake -- hopefully that will do the trick./ 

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Successfully completed through day 13! Had an issue with muscle cramps and spasms yesterday in my legs, back, and hands. Wondering if I didn't drink enough water... Going to drink extra water today and increase my potassium intake -- hopefully that will do the trick./ 

Be sure to salt your food as you are ingesting considerably less sodium on a real food diet than you would be eating processed foods..... & yes, drink plenty of fluid!

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Successfully completed day 15! I made it past the halfway point :D


I slept a ton last night night (probably close to 11 hours), but that was because I spent a lot of my day shoveling snow. Hopefully today I can use my energy for fun things instead of snow removal, ha!

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Accidentally/purposefully went off plan on the 17th. Went to see Star Wars and got there super early to see how long the line was before grabbing dinner only to discover they had already started seating at 3:30 for the 7:00 showing! I relented that the night just wasn't going to go my way and grabbed some popcorn (since it was the best option my theater had). I ending eating probably two cups of popcorn before my husband told me I should be able to leave the theater and come back... I was so mad, but I had never been let back in after leaving the move theater before, so I hadn't thought about it... I went up front and they told me I could come back even though my ticket stub had been torn off as long as I kept my half of the ticket. I stomped off to outback steakhouse and had a dry-grilled ribeye, a plain sweet potato, and steamed broccoli... I felt so bad for going off plan, but my husband helped calm me down (too bad he didn't tell me I should be able to leave and come back before I ate off plan... sigh...)


So aside from 2 cups of movie theater popcorn I have eaten 100% on plan for 19 days! Go me


Thankfully I have a couple victories to report!


I went to the doctor for a blood pressure check yesterday and had some pretty amazing results! Before I started Whole30 with medicine alone I was only able to get my blood pressure down to 140/90 after 18 days on Whole30 my blood pressure is down to 118/76. I am so happy! The doctor made me weigh in, and while I didn't look at my weight, she told me that I had lost 8 lbs since October (I don't remember what I weighed in October, so I am not letting the fact that I know I lost weight bother me).


That's it for my update! Here's to a clean final 11 days!

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Accidentally/purposefully went off plan on the 17th. Went to see Star Wars and got there super early to see how long the line was before grabbing dinner only to discover they had already started seating at 3:30 for the 7:00 showing! I relented that the night just wasn't going to go my way and grabbed some popcorn (since it was the best option my theater had). I ending eating probably two cups of popcorn before my husband told me I should be able to leave the theater and come back... I was so mad, but I had never been let back in after leaving the move theater before, so I hadn't thought about it... I went up front and they told me I could come back even though my ticket stub had been torn off as long as I kept my half of the ticket. I stomped off to outback steakhouse and had a dry-grilled ribeye, a plain sweet potato, and steamed broccoli... I felt so bad for going off plan, but my husband helped calm me down (too bad he didn't tell me I should be able to leave and come back before I ate off plan... sigh...)


So aside from 2 cups of movie theater popcorn I have eaten 100% on plan for 19 days! Go me


Thankfully I have a couple victories to report!


I went to the doctor for a blood pressure check yesterday and had some pretty amazing results! Before I started Whole30 with medicine alone I was only able to get my blood pressure down to 140/90 after 18 days on Whole30 my blood pressure is down to 118/76. I am so happy! The doctor made me weigh in, and while I didn't look at my weight, she told me that I had lost 8 lbs since October (I don't remember what I weighed in October, so I am not letting the fact that I know I lost weight bother me).


That's it for my update! Here's to a clean final 11 days!

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but movie theatre pop corn is completely off limits on a Whole30 - think grain, dairy, sugar and most likely gluten & sulphites too - pretty much ALL of the major gut disruptors which would most certainly impact your reintroduction process.

One mouthful = accidental

Two cups = a conscious decision

Read >this article< to consider if you need to start over - please let us know what you decide.

Well done for making it this far, and well done for getting back on track today, but for me, actively choosing to eat something so dramatically off plan would mean I was back to day one. Ultimately though the decision is yours.

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I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but movie theatre pop corn is completely off limits on a Whole30 - think grain, dairy, sugar and most likely gluten & sulphites too - pretty much ALL of the major gut disruptors which would most certainly impact your reintroduction process.

One mouthful = accidental

Two cups = a conscious decision

Read >this article< to consider if you need to start over - please let us know what you decide.

Well done for making it this far, and well done for getting back on track today, but for me, actively choosing to eat something so dramatically off plan would mean I was back to day one. Ultimately though the decision is yours.



Yeah, I've decided to start over completely. I feel like a complete and utter failure that my well thought out preparations weren't enough and I got screwed over.


I know I am being a little hard on myself, but it's the only way I'm going to learn.

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