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Letting Go of Control


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This is my first time on the Whole30.  I'm excited and nervous.  My plan was to start tomorrow, but I've only had compliant foods today, so I'm making this Day 1.  I've been planning for several weeks and I think I have everything in place.  I have my meal plan ready, but I already need to make a change.  I was so sad that my favorite salmon patties from Costco have vegetable oil in them. Oh well. Maybe tuna salad instead.


I have all the typical reasons for starting the Whole30. I have digestive issues. I have skin issues. I'm either stressed, anxious, or too tired to do anything but work and sleep.  I prefer to hibernate in my house and watch TV.  I have a poor memory and have a hard time being the right kind of productive.  I crave sugar ALL the time.  I eat too much and feel bloated.  My joints hurt.  I'm arguably 20 pounds heavier than I should be and on and on...  However, people look at me and think I'm in great shape.  I have a small frame and my chub is easy to hide.  I'm thankful for my up bringing, because we mostly ate healthy and we were aware of the impact food had on our body.  I think this is why I never get too heavy, because I'm aware of how bad my body is feeling and I know it's because of what I'm eating and my lack of physical activity.  I often change my routine and eating habits for awhile, but it never sticks. I wasn't ever athletic or into sports, so my normal work-out routine would be to try running for 6 weeks and than take 6 months off.


Possibly a less conventional reason for doing the Whole30 is that I'm doing it for my husband.  He's not doing it with me, but I hope he'll see how great I feel and join me.  When I met my husband 4 years ago he was heavier than he wanted to be, but he was passionate about exercise.  For the next 3 years we participated in many obstacle course races and running events.  He even got me to run a marathon!  I loved the first 13 miles and than hated my life for the next 13!  The problem wasn't so much the physical activity, but it was how we ate.  He had a pretty rough childhood and picked up a lot of bad habits.  He uses food as a coping mechanism.  I have eaten out more in the last 4 years than I have in my previous 32 years.  I'm probably exaggerating, but that's what it feels like.  As you can see, I kind of jumped on the band wagon with him, rather than being the voice of food reason.  Because he's been so concerned about his weight and he's the one who loves exercise, I keep relying on him to motivate us to be healthy.  The problem lies in that my husband also suffers from depression, anxiety, and ADD. I can't rely on him to be the health motivator in our relationship.


This past year has been especially hard for him...us.  He hurt his back, lost his job, started a new venture that fell through, had major surgery, and gained even more weight.  I am a counselor and fixer by nature.  It is really hard for me to see him suffering so much and feel like there is nothing I can do.  But there is something I can do and that is the Whole30.  Rather than me nagging him to be healthy, I need to show him what healthy looks like.  Of all the things that I can do, I know this will make the biggest impact on him.  He's always wanted to see me be passionate about health, especially physical health, which is why exercising is a huge piece of this for me too.  He'd love for me to look like one of those CrossFit chics, but we'll see :) I told him that he needs to look like Olive Queen from the Arrow :)


I'm kind of looking at this like a fast, a spiritual exercise, and/or an act of worship.  God is ultimately in control.  I cannot control or fix my husband.  I cannot control or fix the craziness in my friend's lives or the weird relationships in my family.  I cannot control or fix the sad things happening in our world.  But I can make healthier choices for my body, which will ultimately impact all the other areas of my life.  I wrote a prayer that I'll say every morning that says where I'm letting go of control and where I'm going to regain control.  I'll also read the Serenity Prayer and I have a few Bible verses that remind me what's important and where I want my focus to be.


Wow, this was a lot longer than I intended, but it was really helpful for me to write it all out.  And now you all know a little about me :)





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This is my first time on the Whole30.  I'm excited and nervous.  My plan was to start tomorrow, but I've only had compliant foods today, so I'm making this Day 1.  I've been planning for several weeks and I think I have everything in place.  I have my meal plan ready, but I already need to make a change.  I was so sad that my favorite salmon patties from Costco have vegetable oil in them. Oh well. Maybe tuna salad instead.


I have all the typical reasons for starting the Whole30. I have digestive issues. I have skin issues. I'm either stressed, anxious, or too tired to do anything but work and sleep.  I prefer to hibernate in my house and watch TV.  I have a poor memory and have a hard time being the right kind of productive.  I crave sugar ALL the time.  I eat too much and feel bloated.  My joints hurt.  I'm arguably 20 pounds heavier than I should be and on and on...  However, people look at me and think I'm in great shape.  I have a small frame and my chub is easy to hide.  I'm thankful for my up bringing, because we mostly ate healthy and we were aware of the impact food had on our body.  I think this is why I never get too heavy, because I'm aware of how bad my body is feeling and I know it's because of what I'm eating and my lack of physical activity.  I often change my routine and eating habits for awhile, but it never sticks. I wasn't ever athletic or into sports, so my normal work-out routine would be to try running for 6 weeks and than take 6 months off.


Possibly a less conventional reason for doing the Whole30 is that I'm doing it for my husband.  He's not doing it with me, but I hope he'll see how great I feel and join me.  When I met my husband 4 years ago he was heavier than he wanted to be, but he was passionate about exercise.  For the next 3 years we participated in many obstacle course races and running events.  He even got me to run a marathon!  I loved the first 13 miles and than hated my life for the next 13!  The problem wasn't so much the physical activity, but it was how we ate.  He had a pretty rough childhood and picked up a lot of bad habits.  He uses food as a coping mechanism.  I have eaten out more in the last 4 years than I have in my previous 32 years.  I'm probably exaggerating, but that's what it feels like.  As you can see, I kind of jumped on the band wagon with him, rather than being the voice of food reason.  Because he's been so concerned about his weight and he's the one who loves exercise, I keep relying on him to motivate us to be healthy.  The problem lies in that my husband also suffers from depression, anxiety, and ADD. I can't rely on him to be the health motivator in our relationship.


This past year has been especially hard for him...us.  He hurt his back, lost his job, started a new venture that fell through, had major surgery, and gained even more weight.  I am a counselor and fixer by nature.  It is really hard for me to see him suffering so much and feel like there is nothing I can do.  But there is something I can do and that is the Whole30.  Rather than me nagging him to be healthy, I need to show him what healthy looks like.  Of all the things that I can do, I know this will make the biggest impact on him.  He's always wanted to see me be passionate about health, especially physical health, which is why exercising is a huge piece of this for me too.  He'd love for me to look like one of those CrossFit chics, but we'll see :) I told him that he needs to look like Olive Queen from the Arrow :)


I'm kind of looking at this like a fast, a spiritual exercise, and/or an act of worship.  God is ultimately in control.  I cannot control or fix my husband.  I cannot control or fix the craziness in my friend's lives or the weird relationships in my family.  I cannot control or fix the sad things happening in our world.  But I can make healthier choices for my body, which will ultimately impact all the other areas of my life.  I wrote a prayer that I'll say every morning that says where I'm letting go of control and where I'm going to regain control.  I'll also read the Serenity Prayer and I have a few Bible verses that remind me what's important and where I want my focus to be.


Wow, this was a lot longer than I intended, but it was really helpful for me to write it all out.  And now you all know a little about me :)




Bravo, well-written, Erin!  I love your honesty and vulnerability.  I can relate - I'm trying to get my husband on board with Whole30 by leading by example (I got him to try IIFYM, for better or for worse, using the same tactic, and he lost 20 lbs. but I've since learned that it's not the optimal path for health and nourishment).  Similarly,  my husband was overweight when we met, and lost >40 lbs. in our first year of dating (most or all of that has come back and gone off in fits and starts in the 8 years since then).  Fitness truly starts in the kitchen - you'll discover a saying here about not being able to outrun your bad food choices.


But, regardless of what my husband does or doesn't choose to do, I really have to remember that God is in control.  Of ALL of this and all of us.  Thanks for that reminder today.


Welcome to the "family."  I hope you enjoy your time here and that your Whole30 journey is everything you hope it can be and more!




-Lauren (GGG)

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Today is Day 5 and it's been pretty easy so far, thankfully! I think my preparation has payed off.  My husband has been paying attention as well and he's getting inspired.  Originally he was going to start the Dukan diet at some point, now he wants to do the Whole30 starting on Monday!  The trick for us isn't the first few days or even the first week.  It's staying committed after 2 weeks.  We're really good at doing things for about 2 weeks.  I'm also worried about him getting started, but not following through, which typical means I follow suit.  That will be my big challenge.  I have to stay committed regardless of what's going on with him.


My favorite meal was last night.  I made ground turkey stuffed peppers.  I used chopped onion, garlic, zucchini, spinach, and seasoned tomatoes.  It was a little spicy and delicious.


I made it through one Christmas party so far.  I brought a fruit salad to share and my own food.  It was probably the first time I left a holiday party without feeling bloated.  I always over eat and can't get myself to stop even when I feel over full.  I have 5 more gatherings to get through before the holidays are over.  I have my food all read for today and tomorrow, along with more fruit salad.


I'm struggling a little with the exercise portion of my commitment.  My plan was to exercise everyday, at the very least walking.  I've done ok, pilates a couple days and running yesterday, but I don't have a real plan.  I won't work out the next two days, so I'll have a little time to figure out what I want to do.  I did a run/walk for 2 miles yesterday and I haven't ran in forever!  I felt really good about it until my knee started hurting in the last 1/2 mile.  I'm really hoping that the Whole30 will alleviate my joint pain when I work out.  There is no reason my joints should hurt except inflammation and tight muscles.


Merry Christmas!

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Today is Day 5 and it's been pretty easy so far, thankfully! I think my preparation has payed off.  My husband has been paying attention as well and he's getting inspired.  Originally he was going to start the Dukan diet at some point, now he wants to do the Whole30 starting on Monday!  The trick for us isn't the first few days or even the first week.  It's staying committed after 2 weeks.  We're really good at doing things for about 2 weeks.  I'm also worried about him getting started, but not following through, which typical means I follow suit.  That will be my big challenge.  I have to stay committed regardless of what's going on with him.


My favorite meal was last night.  I made ground turkey stuffed peppers.  I used chopped onion, garlic, zucchini, spinach, and seasoned tomatoes.  It was a little spicy and delicious.


I made it through one Christmas party so far.  I brought a fruit salad to share and my own food.  It was probably the first time I left a holiday party without feeling bloated.  I always over eat and can't get myself to stop even when I feel over full.  I have 5 more gatherings to get through before the holidays are over.  I have my food all read for today and tomorrow, along with more fruit salad.


I'm struggling a little with the exercise portion of my commitment.  My plan was to exercise everyday, at the very least walking.  I've done ok, pilates a couple days and running yesterday, but I don't have a real plan.  I won't work out the next two days, so I'll have a little time to figure out what I want to do.  I did a run/walk for 2 miles yesterday and I haven't ran in forever!  I felt really good about it until my knee started hurting in the last 1/2 mile.  I'm really hoping that the Whole30 will alleviate my joint pain when I work out.  There is no reason my joints should hurt except inflammation and tight muscles.


Merry Christmas!


Way to go, Erin!  And that's so fantastic about your husband; I'm still trying to get mine on board.  I'm at the point where I'll willing to plan and prep ALL of his meals.  He just has to show up and eat them.  Hopefully the wonderful results will speak for themselves.  I know you can't force somebody to do a Whole30...


Guess what - it's not you, it's the sugar!  I found out (the hard way) that I am the exact same way around sweets/baked goods, or really anything else that I deem off-limits.  Once I start eating it, I just can't stop.  I feel out of control and helpless.  Sugar truly is that powerful!  Aren't you glad you're not eating it?


Cut yourself some slack on the exercise - it will come!  My Whole30 was honestly the fewest workouts in a thirty-day period I've done in a long, long time.  I took it as a sign that my body needed to rest and heal.   You're doing wonders for your health just by what you are (and aren't) putting on your plate.


Well done!


Keep checking in here for encouragement all along, and especially after the two week mark.  We KNOW you can do this - you just have to KNOW it too!




-Lauren (GGG)

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