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One of the reasons I wanted to do the Whole30 was to try and get out of my horrible emotional eating binges. These would happen probably 3/7 days of the week in the afternoons. Today I could feel it coming on. I was ready to fully give in, I had poured a ton of cereal in a bowl and thought to myself "Screw my whole30". But then I stopped, tried to evaluate myself took a couple bites of the cereal... and then put it all back in the package. I know I still took a bite, part of me still feels like a "failure" but this is 180 degrees different from this time two weeks ago and for that I am SO thankful!!! I'm starting to listen to my body, guys! This is HUGE for me!!!! Yay!!!

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It's funny you posted this - the other day I would've given my left arm for a bowl of Froot Loops and was almost ready to hop in the car and get "just a small box", but I knew I'd eat the whole thing and feel miserable later - physically AND mentally. So I didn't. I'm with you though - it's a huge leap to be able to control our actions and make more conscious decisions. Good luck on the rest of your journey!

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cookie crisp = evil. i used to love that stuff, and cocoa rice krispies. i think i probably used to go through a box every 3ish days, how ridiculous is that? sometimes even now when i'm grocery shopping, i'll think mayyybe there is a tiny little box of one...luckily, there isn't. can't have it in my house!

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I totally understand the feeling. Part of my mission in taking on the Whole 30 is to break away from emotional/habitual binging. It's so unhealthy and has caused me to gain a lot of weight over the past few years. It is so awesome that you had the strength to turn away from that moment and realize that what you were doing was not good for you! Keep listening to your body. Go you!


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I guess I am not alone in having a former cereal binge problem. I could go through at least half a box. One bowl. Then back to the kitchen for another. And another. When I am very anxious or stressed, I really want crunchy foods not necessarily sugary foods. Just something with a satisfying crunch really helps calm and soothe me. At least until I start feeling guilty for eating whatever binge food I am consuming. Cereal, wheat thins, popcorn, and honey wheat pretzels were my favorites before. I find I have similar behavior with raisins and nuts though. Not too frequent, but still an issue I need to work on. Baby carrots just don't do the trick which is fine with me because working to change the behavior pattern is more important than simply swapping a non-Whole30 binge food for a compliant one. (I think it is no small coincidence that after I declared today to be a nut and dried fruit free day, I ate baby carrots and sliced radishes with guacamole as part of my dinner. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch).

Going to make some tea and then have some Natural Calm. Kitchen's closed. :)

Great job stopping when you did!

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One of the reasons I wanted to do the Whole30 was to try and get out of my horrible emotional eating binges. These would happen probably 3/7 days of the week in the afternoons. Today I could feel it coming on. I was ready to fully give in, I had poured a ton of cereal in a bowl and thought to myself "Screw my whole30". But then I stopped, tried to evaluate myself took a couple bites of the cereal... and then put it all back in the package. I know I still took a bite, part of me still feels like a "failure" but this is 180 degrees different from this time two weeks ago and for that I am SO thankful!!! I'm starting to listen to my body, guys! This is HUGE for me!!!! Yay!!!

That's awesome Meg. It is so hard to stop a binge but every time you do is a step away from a future binge. You're an inspiration.

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