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Perfect Ground Meat Serving Size Confusion

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It's day 1 and I'm already confused!  First off I'm scared I might be doing something wrong because I feel like I'm eating too much.  Specifically day 1 dinner is "perfect ground meat" (pg. 152).  The recipe states that 1lb. (16 oz) serves two.  However, the book states that a serving size of protein should be 4-5 oz.  One serving 8oz) as listed on the perfect ground meat recipe is almost double what the book states.  AAAAGggggghhhhhh!!  Help!

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Hmm... I don't have the book but I can say that the template says 1-2 servings, so it sounds like the recipe is suggesting to the higher end of the template while elsewhere in the book it's telling you the average serving size.

There's a much easier way to do serving sizes tho... protein is the size of your own palm (bigger people, bigger palm, bigger serving etc...) so if you can try and picture how much ground meat would make up the width, length and thickness of your palm, you can forget about oz... which I find actually quite suprising that that is in the book because weighing food is verboten...

The other way is to pay attention to how you feel after meals... if you can go 4-5 hours without feeling super stuffed or starving, then you're getting a good template amount.

The original template is linked in my signature below :)

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