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Sore Throat/Drainage on Day 4

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I woke up with a sore throat and sinus drainage this morning on Day 4 of my Whole30. I'm also exhausted even though I got plenty of sleep last night and slept pretty soundly. At first I thought this was maybe the hangover symptoms, but I'm not so sure.



I have a bottle of "Wellness Formula" created by Source Naturals. It was recommended to me by a holistic health counselor friend. It's an herbal defense complex and in the past it has kicked my colds/sickness to the curb. The label says it's free of dairy, gluten, wheat, sugar, preservatives, and artificial color/flavor/fragrance. It does not say anything about soy either way, but I don't see it listed in the ingredients.  Do you think this is something I can take?



Kelsey Gmelich

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What is listed on the ingredients?


Personally I find some warm water with lemon juice really does the trick to help with that morning sinus ick. Bone broth is also a nice thing to sip on when you are not feeling well. I've also done warm water with apple cider vinegar when I really need to kick stuff out of the sinuses.

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I had a sore throat on Day 4 too. I shrugged it off as hangover symptoms. Yesterday I went to the doctor. Turns out it was strep throat. If your throat is swollen and painful, you have a headache along with the drainage and tiredness, I'd go see a doctor. Feel better soon.

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