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I am le tired


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I started my second whole30 just over a week after my first one-- I had skipped the reintro period because it was xmas and didn't want to miss out on once-a-year amazing family food. But I did want to quickly get back into the swing of things and do a proper reintro so I started another one on Jan 1st. The first round I felt amazing-- slimmer, more energy, falling asleep way faster and sleeping like a rock instead of my usual getting up 3 times in the night to pee. However, 11 days into my 2nd whole30, i am sleeping worse than ever-- as bad if not worse than how i was sleeping in my pre-whole30 days. I know every whole30 is different and often the 2nd one can be worse, but I figured that since I was doing it so close to the 1st one it would feel similarly-- almost like continuing my first one. It sucks because obviously I'm exhausted all day now, but it also makes me insatiably starving and I end up eating a lot more, so I feel I'm actually gaining weight.


Any tips or explanations? Anyone experience something similar? Thanks!

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Hi ach324


It's surprising how long it can take for any non compliant ingredients to work their way out of our systems - it seems to be roughly a day for every day you've eaten off plan - that said have you considered that you might actually be coming down with something? There are a lot of nasty bugs on the go at present...

Other than that I'd question if you are eating enough fat. Fat provides us with a slow burning energy source so if we short change ourselves of it we can feel tired, we also need it for brain energy & for satiety.

What does your typical days food intake look like since you've started again?

For sleep are you taking a magnesium supplement? How are your stress levels since the holidays? It's not unusual to feel a bit 'flat' post holidays so that could be contributing to your overall mood/energy levels too...

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Hehe thanks ultrarunnergirl.


jmcbn-- thanks as always for your advice. No more stress than usual but i'll try taking magnesium supplements. also i think you're right about the fat thing. Trying to be better generally about getting more fat, because I still find myself hungry between meals. I definitely notice that I'm more satiated and don't need to eat as much/as frequently when I have a lot of fat with breakfast-- usually frying my eggs in a healthy dose of evoo will do the trick! I'll keep that in mind when focusing on sleep-- the days when I get enough fat I'm sure I sleep better! 

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