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Digestivee issues

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I really need help concerning some digestive issues. I am on Day 19 because I had to begin again after a small slip-up  ingesting some soya oil on Day 11 :wacko:  Well, for the last 5 days I have had a delicate stomach with loose bowel movements from the time I wake until about midday (sorry to be so graphic). I am so wary that I am actually reluctant to eat any food in the morning now.


I know that I have been very busy and stressed at work and I have struggled to eat at proper times. And I am so hungry at night that I eat too much, but my general eating pattern and meals have been as follows:


Meal 1

1 boiled egg, small bowl Lettuce, cucumber, onion and tomato salad, olive oil and salt dressing, Large mug coffee or tea


Meal 2

Duck or Beef (about half a handful), Tomato, onion and Pepper stew with olive oil, 1 round slice yam or quarter of a plantain


Inbetween meals 

Half of a Large coconut and 1 carrot or 2 white Garden eggs and 1 carrot 


Meal 3

Beef and Duck(about 2 to 3 handfulls), Tomato, onion and pepper stew with olive oil, Spinach or Pumpkin(green leafy veg) soup with palm oil, Casava or Plantain fufu (fufu is a ground flour meal.

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You are eating far too little. Have you seen the recommended meal template? Each meal should have protein, vegetables and fat enough to satiate you for 4-5 hours. 

When eggs are your sole protein, the serving size is the number of whole eggs you can hold in one hand without dropping them. For most people, that's 3-4 eggs.

I see a lot of raw vegetables. You might try dropping the raw items and switching to all cooked vegetables to see if that brings you relief.

Be sure you're getting enough fat in every meal, per the recommend serving sizes in the meal template.


Also, how much water are you drinking daily? We recommend 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight.

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Are you eating half a coconut every day?

We don't encourage snacking... we encourage building meals to the template to last 4-5 hours which would remove your need to snack... see above what Chris said.

That much coconut every day will almost certainly give you loose stools...

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You are eating far too little. Have you seen the recommended meal template? Each meal should have protein, vegetables and fat enough to satiate you for 4-5 hours. 

When eggs are your sole protein, the serving size is the number of whole eggs you can hold in one hand without dropping them. For most people, that's 3-4 eggs.

I see a lot of raw vegetables. You might try dropping the raw items and switching to all cooked vegetables to see if that brings you relief.

Be sure you're getting enough fat in every meal, per the recommend serving sizes in the meal template.


Also, how much water are you drinking daily? We recommend 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight.

Chris and Sugarcube;Thanks for your responses.


I take the following pointers and I have tried today to draw up a menu based on the meal plan and cooked a set of fish, beef and goat meat. 

I will try cooking my vegs in a light stir fry for a day or 2 - I generally prefer salads to stir frys, but at this point I am aiming for 100% compliance with the Whole 30 guidelines.

As for water,some days I drink the recommended 6 glasses, some days not.


Sugarcube - why will half a coconut a day cause an upset stomach? I do not mean to be objectionable (I already plan to eat more diversified sources of fat like avocado and olive oil) just want to understand why.

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