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Protein belly?


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So I'm on day two of the program.  My first day I didn't bring enough to eat in my cooler and by the end of my work day I was SO hungry by the time I got home at 6pm.  I handled it fine, so yay me! 

I upped my breakfast from 2 to 3 eggs and 3 pieces of bacon.  I think my stomach is balking at all the protein because it's just been rolling all morning.  I'm sipping sparkling water but I'm curious if others have had this problem and might have advice/encouragement? 


Minnie :P 

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I put some salsa on the eggs, which I have been doing lately.  I just don't usually have so many eggs at once or even on consecutive days so I'm assuming it's from the protein.  I'm not a big protein eater in general, so this might be interesting at first!  I'll switch to tea and see if that helps. 

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Make sure you get more veggies in with your meal 1. It would take A LOT of salsa to hit the recommended 1-3 cups of veggies per meal.

Also ensure you're drinking enough water: we recommend 1/2 an ounce of water per pound of body weight, daily.

Finally, double-check your bacon ingredients to confirm that it's compliant.


If you get all this done and continue to have troubles, you might consider a digestive enzyme.

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I think my stomach is balking at all the protein because it's just been rolling all morning.  I'm sipping sparkling water


To clarify:  Your stomach was rolling before the sparkling water?


Is the sparkling water a new addition for you?


I like to drink plain sparkling water, too ... But I don't think it has any stomach-calming effects.  Probably the opposite, in fact.

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To clarify:  Your stomach was rolling before the sparkling water?


Is the sparkling water a new addition for you?


I like to drink plain sparkling water, too ... But I don't think it has any stomach-calming effects.  Probably the opposite, in fact.

My stomach was rolling so I had a sparkling water.  I drink plain sparkling water often, espeically since I quit Diet Coke.  I need my bubbles.  I only drink 1 to 2 cans a day and it does help settle it quite a bit. 

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