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Apple Juice


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So I'm confused - in the book it says Fruit Juice is compliant - just don't use it as a substitute for a meal - fair enough. Then I'm reading on the form fruit juice should not be taken at all. So which is it?

I have a small glass of juice (120ml) in the morning - I make sure there is no added sugar in it and its just pure Apple or Orange. I also tack this on to my overall fruit consumption for the day., and drink water for the rest of the day as well. 


I should also mention (if it helps) - I do high interval training daily at Orange Theory Fitness, which allows me to burn off more calories while I'm asleep - so I wake up STARVING and even shaky. 

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We don't want you drinking fruit juice. You can use small amounts in recipes. Instead of drinking juice in the morning, which gives you a huge sugar hit to start your day, drink water instead; and we recommend eating a full meal according to the template:

1. 1-2 palm-size portions of protein

2. 1-2 thumb-size portions of fat

3. 2-3 cups veggies


Don't drink juice, and don't let fruit push veggies off your plate.

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If you're waking up starving and shaky, I would say that you're not eating enough during the day, regardless of whether or not you've done a HIIT workout. Are you getting in 3 full template meals and a separate post-workout meals on days you're at the gym? And are you getting in adequate rest days? 

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Hi Amy,
I get that fruit juice is a sugar hit - but as I do high interval training daily at Orange Theory Fitness, which allows me to burn off more calories while I'm asleep - so I wake up STARVING and even shaky. 

My portion sizes are on par to what you've written, and I've never allowed fruit to push veggies off the table.  

So your saying, even a small glass of juice I can't have? Would that mean I have to start over again?

@laura_juggles - I eat plenty during the day and get tons of sleep. OTF allows me to burn off anywhere from 300-600 calories post workout. So I eat before and after the gym, but am still starving when I wake up. 

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If you are training in the morning then that orange juice is providing your body with an immediate source of fuel for your workout in the form of fructose rather than allowing your body to learn to tap into your fat stores.

If you are wakening hungry have a preWO meal of protein & fat as per the recommendation.

Much better for you all round.

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Another thing to consider is that Whole30 asks you to leave calorie counting behind. It's a way to measure how much heat machines use, basically. It doesn't mean much in the context of the human body. This can be difficult to wrap our brains around, but it's worth it to leave behind calorie counting and move forward into paying attention to our bodies' ongoing needs.

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Hey Amy - thanks! I will make the adjustment.
I don't calorie count my food as I'm all for listening to what my body needs. I am however hooked up to a pod attached to my chest for every workout. This pod spits out how much calories I've burned, my heart rate and what zone I've been in and how long I was in that zone. This information is vital for my training. 


I definitely don't go "600 calories burned, minus what I ate, equals..." :)

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