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Mayo Mistake!

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Sometimes it's hard to overcome as it's a bitter flavor.


If you find you can't cover it up, you can use it to add creaminess in cooked dishes that would be suitable for added EVOO (you can freeze it in icecube trays for this purpose but it won't defrost into mayo).

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Yes, I grabbed the wrong bottle in my pantry and didn't realize it until it was too late. I used my EVOO mayo in my tuna salad because, like you, I did not want to throw out the entire batch. :) It worked well with the tuna. I didn't try it with anything else but finished it up in a couple weeks. I eat a lot of canned tuna at work, though. ;)

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My mayo didn't get thick. Was this just because my egg was cold? I used it for Cole slaw yesterday but today it had separated. Encouraging words needed, please.

This has been discussed extensively (putting it mildly) on the forums. The best way to search is to use google. In your case you would google 'whole30 mayo fail' and you'll get loads of results.

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