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Bloating from Chicken.. or any poultry?


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I wanted to try the Whole 30 to see what was making me so bloated.  I thought for sure it was grain or dairy.  Currently I am on day 10 and started noticing that I get really bloated still after certain meals late last week.  After lunch Mon I thought that it could be the chicken I had for lunch.  Last night I again had chicken and within 20 mins I was uncomfortable.  To give it one more try I had leftovers for lunch and sure enough my skirt is way tighter than it was before I ate and I look like I am expecting!


Does anyone else have this problem?  I made sure the breast I eat are fresh and farm raised rather than pumped full of drugs.  Starting now I am not going to have any poultry for a week to see if this helps.

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You're not eating chicken in a vacuum tho, so it could be what you're having with it, cooking it in... 

If you like, list out what you've been eating for the last few days including specific veggies and fat sources and water intake... I'm suspicious that it's the chicken...

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Hi SugarCube, 

Sorry it took me so long.  The reason I think it is weird that it happened both days is that I had totally different things with the chicken.

On Monday it was the Chicken Chowder so all the veggies were cooked and there was onion, garlic etc.  On Tue I had "tacos"  so lots of seasoning and raw veg.  I haven't had chicken since but lots of the same seasons and no problems.  Maybe it is a combo of things?

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Okay well ya, then it sounds like it could be the chicken... I would also watch to see if when you include onion and garlic that this happens... check out FODMAPS (there's a FODMAP shopping list... google it, I can't link from here) and see if any of the 'limit/avoid' items were in play when you had your chicken meals...

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I'll just throw this out there -- be sure you double check your chicken for off plan ingredients. Some of the stuff in the store that you think is just raw chicken has broths or other stuff added, and just recently someone posted here on the forum that they'd found carrageenan in theirs. Maybe there's something like that?

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I'll just throw this out there -- be sure you double check your chicken for off plan ingredients. Some of the stuff in the store that you think is just raw chicken has broths or other stuff added, and just recently someone posted here on the forum that they'd found carrageenan in theirs. Maybe there's something like that?

That was totally me with the carrageenan. Sometimes chicken will have added saline, which isn't bad but sometimes, in the case of the whole chicken I bought a couple of weeks ago, there will be added stuff that makes you wonder why in the world did they feel the need to add *that* to the meat?! so I learned. I'm not buying that chicken when I do W30 again!

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