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Hungry at night

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Hi all, thanks in advance for your time.

I am eating dinner around six every night, and I feel satisfied at meal's end. Around 9/10pm, however, my stomach is growling. I feel as though I eat more than enough food throughout the day, but maybe I'm wrong.

A typical day:

B: soft boiled egg, bacon, 2-3 cups cabbage/Brussel sprout/carrot/kale salad with a vinaigrette dressing

L: (leftovers) 1.5 palm sizes of London broil and 2 cups assorted stir fry veggies, cooked in olive oil

D: chicken fingers (compliant) 2 cups worth of asparagus, kale, and onions; all cooked in olive oil.

If I feel satisfied at the end of a meal and I am still hungry before bed, how do a gauge when to stop? I do not have this problem between my other meals.

Otherwise, I'm feeling great!

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Try adding fat in addition to what you cook in at each meal. Much of the oil you cook in stays in the pan and isn't consumed, so add one or two servings in addition to that.

Adding fat at lunch and dinner may be enough to keep you from being hungry before bed.

Additionally, when eggs are your only protein (and bacon is generally more fat than protein), have as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand, so probably at least three. I know this is breakfast and you're asking about later in the day, but having a hearty breakfast can set you up for less hunger and cravings throughout the day.

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I plan to eat my last meal at 7 or 8 PM so that I don't have so many hours before going to bed. I try to get to sleep between 10 and 11. That said, you probably need to eat more, especially at breakfast. 

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