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Day 12--Feeling Ill

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I am on Day 12 and have been happy with the difference I can feel with inflammation and bloating; however, those are about the only positive things I've experienced thus far.  I got sick on Day 3 and continue to feel sick (runny nose, congestion, light-headed, coughing) still today.  I took some OTC medication back on Day 5 and 6 so I could sleep and that helped me feel a lot better, but I'm still not 100%.  I am not sleeping well and am now feeling some serious pain in my sinus cavities and in my gums (it hurts to chew--similar to when my wisdom teeth came in).  I don't want to quit the program, but right now the negative side affects are outweighing the good ones.  Any ideas?

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It is really not likely that eating meat, veggies and fat has caused runny nose, congestion, light headedness, coughing, sinus pain or sore gums.

You probably got a cold... summer colds are the worst... I would suggest making/drinking bone broth, soups, sticking to the template for meal portions and feeding your body so that it has fuel to heal.


Sometimes we think the Whole30 causes/fixes everything but this is definitely not the case and a summer cold can't be attributed to the Whole30: http://whole30.com/2016/06/is-this-normal/

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Thanks for the response!  I agree that eating those foods should not inherently make you sick, but given how rarely I get sick and the timing, I'm wondering if my system is having a tough time recovering. I have tried the items you've listed above (including the tea brand the book recommended) and the number of symptoms I'm experiencing only seem to increase.  With a cold lasting 9 days now, do you have any further recommendations?  The book suggests I try not to take any OTC medication as it may influence the results. 

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Thanks for the response!  I agree that eating those foods should not inherently make you sick, but given how rarely I get sick and the timing, I'm wondering if my system is having a tough time recovering. I have tried the items you've listed above (including the tea brand the book recommended) and the number of symptoms I'm experiencing only seem to increase.  With a cold lasting 9 days now, do you have any further recommendations?  The book suggests I try not to take any OTC medication as it may influence the results. 

Getting ill at the beginning of a Whole30 is not completely uncommon, especially if Whole30 is a major departure from how you used to eat.  The body is working so hard at learning the new scope, balancing hormones, regulating digestion etc that it can downgrade the attention the immune system gets, thereby allowing a little bug to sneak in.


Eating loads of brightly colored fruits and veggies, healthy fats and good proteins is going to be your best shot at recovering, everything in those foods is exactly what your body needs to get better.  


That said, if it comes down to unbearable suffering, you do still get to make the decision to take medication.  Also note that my husband and I got sick earlier this year, first time in 9+ years for me and we were sick for a month.  Sorry.  The germs going around this year are bruuuutal.

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