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Help Feeling Full?

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I'm very new to this whole "healthy eating" thing. I'm 18 and am on day 3 of the whole30... the problem is that I've discovered that I don't digest large quantities of nuts. I've been very hungry very often and thought that maybe eating nuts from time to time would help.

Any suggestions or tips on how to stay full now that I have to stop (or greatly reduce) my nut consumption? Thanks!!

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If you're very hungry very often, it could be that your meals aren't large enough or just aren't composed quite right. Can you give us an example of what you've eaten for a day or two, including approximate portion sizes as outlined in the meal template? Also include pre- and post-workout meals if you're working out. You can do Whole30 and never eat any nuts, you just use other fat sources instead -- olives, avocado, mayo and other sauces, fattier cuts of meat, etc.


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First, we don't recommend large quantities of nuts... they're poorly omega 3/6 balanced and they can be, as you've found out, extremely gut disruptive.  The recommendation is for nuts to be limited... think a closed handful every other day at most.

Have you been making your meals to the template (linked below).  Increase your portion sizes of all three macros (fat, protein, veggies) until you can make it 4-5 hours between meals.

I suspect that you're not eating nearly enough.  If you'd like, list out what you've eaten with portion sizes and meal timings for the last 3 days and we can help you improve your meal composition to remove the need to snack.

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I am having the same issue. I am on day 4 and it's the first time I had a lunch that has sustained me past two hours. Since day way, I typically find that I am hungry every two to three hours and by the time I get home I'm ravenous. I wake up at 5:00 AM, have two cups (black) of coffee by 8:30, eat breakfast by 9:00 AM, lunch at noon and by 5:00 PM I'm ready to eat again. If eat at 5:00 then I'm hungry before bed. I'm so used to counting calories that I'm scared I'm over eating, but if I am why am I still hungry?

First two days:

Morning / three eggs, cup of broccoli, handful of cherry tomatoes, granny smith apple

Lunch / 4 oz bonless skinless breast, two celery stalks and a carrot

Dinner / one can of yellow fin tuna mixed with mustard and 1/2 an avocado on romaine

Water - at least 64 oz

Day 3:

Morning / three eggs, cup of broccoli, handful of cherry tomatoes, granny smith apple

Lunch / 4 oz bonless skinless breast, two celery stalks and a carrot

Dinner / two cups spaghetti squash, 1 cup ground beef cooked with rotel, mushrooms, kale, onion and carrots, seasoned with cumin and chili powder

Day 4 

Breakfast - 3 oz of chicken on two pieces of romaine with some Red Hot

Lunch - 1 cup spaghetti squash, 1 cup ground beef cooked with rotel, mushrooms, kale, onion and carrots, seasoned with cumin and chili powder

Dinner - haven't had yet, but probably same as lunch

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Okay a couple of things.  First, we recommend you eat within an hour of waking.  You go about four hours between waking and eating, which is not going to be great for your hormones or your later in the day hunger problems.  

We want your meals getting you between 4-5 hours, so if you ate by about 6am, you could eat lunch around 11/1130 and then dinner around five.  If you want to push dinner later, then I would suggest a mini meal of protein, fat and ideally veggies to get you to dinner.

That said, your meals are as I suspected... light and the only one that has fat is your lunch with avocado.  Have you seen the meal template?  It's linked in my signature below.  1-2 palms of protein (or as many eggs as you can hold in one hand without dropping), a plate FULL of veggies (think cups) and added fat... mayo, ghee, animal fat, avocado, coconut, coconut milk, olives, olive oil... we don't count cooking fat because most of it stays in the pan.

The key to getting you those 4-5 hours and keeping you satiated is the meal template and fat.  I'd also recommend you increase your water consumption unless you only weigh around 120 pounds... we recommend 1/2oz per pound of body weight.

One more thing... what is 'rotel'? Is this canned sloppy joe mix or am I getting it confused with something else?

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