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I'm suffering with some pretty bad bloating and stomach pain, wondering if anyone can advise. 

Last night, about an hour after eating dinner I got fairly intense stomach pain - high up, and over the next couple of hours had slight heartburn and the pain continued but also moved further down. Took some bicarb with water as I had to go to bed, and have woken up still in pain in my stomach and a sort of acidic feeling there. 

Meals yesterday were:

M1 omelette and melon, with a coffee with nut milk an hour later

M2 cauliflower, potato and butternut squash with some cold roast beef

M3 spicy chicken stew with peppers (slow cooked) with remaining potato and squash from lunch reheated, followed by a large bowl of pineapple with a drizzle of passion fruit juice.  

I feel like maybe it was the pineapple, but everything I read seems to suggest pineapple is supposed to be good for digestion?  Any tips gratefully received! I'm not eating much fruit generally, usually only one portion per day so this was more than usual. 

Am going to try having some cider vinegar this morning to see if that helps.  

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12 hours ago, vozelle said:

How is everyone doing? Still in the game? For those who haven't posted in awhile, can we get a quick check-in?

Ready for reintroductions? Making some kind of plan for yourself? This is the part where people are at risk for crashing and burning, going into Day 31 with no plan and next thing you know, Eating. All. The. Things.

So make a plan... the 10 days (or more) of reintro are invaluable if done properly!! You can do it!! Rah rah, GO TEAM.  : )


I'm on day 26! And have definitely started thinking through reintroduction. Question: my first weekend off Whole 30 I have a bachlorette party (I know, insane). My plan was to stick with the reintroduction plan but what about alcohol? I'm not planning to go on any kind of bender but will want to have some drinks with the ladies. Any thoughts on if/how to reintroduce alcohol? Should I stay whole 30 on everything else through the weekend or is it ok to reintroduce alcohol and something else at the same time? 

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Been MIA for a while, and caught up on all your posts. (Love you guys...you are AWESOME...everyone is staying strong).  Checking in...I think I need some whole30 therapy :wacko:

So, good news...I survived a 5 day trip home to Texas. 3 days in hotel in San Antonio with friends eating Tex-Mex (my favorite) and drinking margaritas while I sipped club soda with lime.  They were super supportive, though. They ordered chips and guacamole for appetizer. Someone goes, "can you have guacamole?" I said yes, but I can't eat the chips so..." Then one guy just smiled at me and handed me a spoon, and said "dig in". Very sweet. ( I let them finish but did add a couple spoonfuls to my fajitas, sans tortillas). The last two days were visiting my parents and my mom was really sweet and tried very hard to help me stay compliant. And my dad raises chickens so eggs for breakfast everyday were phenomenal.  Overall, I didn't have much trouble staying compliant, though my meal templates were probably a bit off. I had packed food for breakfast and lunch on my own.

So here's my struggle. It's day 27...WHERE IS MY TIGER BLOOD????  I know I came into this eating pretty clean, so maybe I should not expect to see the dramatic results others do. But I am struggling mightily over here. My biggest non scale goal was better sleep.  And I do think I see a little improvement. Though I am a far cry from sleeping like a baby. Maybe my sleep issues just aren't food related. My other non scale goals of less joint pain, better athletic performance....nothing...absolutely zero improvement. My final one was to be able to get off of Zantac at night. Tonight will be my first night to try...I have put that off until the very end. My clothes do seem to fit a little better. I am not a regular weigh-in-er, but I have been so tempted to get on the scale just because I want to see SOMETHING...ANYTHING...improvement wise. And I am not normally moody or prone to depression...but I cannot remember feeling this down for so long in years. I don't know if it is diet related...or if all this frustration listed above is just getting me down.

Which brings me to my sciencey question.  I am training for my first half marathon so I am very active. I have been all over the books and the forum and the consistent answer for low energy, especially for very active people is...more starchy veggies.  I do add them to at least one meal a day...sometimes 2 if there are leftovers. And I try to remember to do the protein/starch post workout snack (for me it's a couple of slices of chicken and some carrots).  But I am really confused on this philosophy. If I keep providing my body these starches (which my body sees as sugar)...how will I ever get "fat adapted"? And am I confusing my body by kind of doing both...and is this the reason my energy is so low?

Well, thanks for letting me vent anyways. Love keeping up with all of your journeys. 

PS. I am cooking away from home tonight.  I am doing the "perfect seared chicken breasts" from the whole 30 book and I forgot my book.  If anybody has the book and can check and tell me what temp the oven is supposed to be, I would really appreciate it.  I think it's 400, but I would love a confirmation. Thanks, in advance.

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50 minutes ago, Mountain Girl said:

PS. I am cooking away from home tonight.  I am doing the "perfect seared chicken breasts" from the whole 30 book and I forgot my book.  If anybody has the book and can check and tell me what temp the oven is supposed to be, I would really appreciate it.  I think it's 400, but I would love a confirmation. Thanks, in advance.

We just cooked the chicken breasts last night, so I didn't even need to look this up for you! 350 oven, and 3-4 min to sear the first side in a med high fry pan. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did last night :)


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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile,  but I'm still here :)

I think I'm doing pretty well. I no longer have the urge to snack in between meals anymore. I still don't feel the tiger blood, but I do notice that I'm happier.

Honestly at this point, the only thing I really miss is the sugar and creamer in my coffee :( I tried it black, with coconut milk, with almond milk and even switched to a lighter blend - it's just not the same lol. I'm looking forward to drinking it that way again but scared of how I'll feel if I go back to using creamer and sugar in it! :wacko:

I hope everyone else is doing well!


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Hi everyone,

winding down..on the final weekend!

i love reading all your posts. I'm feeling pretty well, still walking daily. Most of my nerve pain is gone.

@Mountain Girl I went out for Mexican food and did the same, guacamole on the spoon, lol. And steamed fajita veggies instead of rice and beans. 

Valentine's Day ... chocolate? Glass of wine? Follow re-introduction. I'm torn, it's going to be special. I've contacted the bed and breakfast and they're going to accommodate my breakfast needs. I wish it were a few weeks away instead of right after we finish.

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Today is Day 30 for me! You guys are almost there, keep up the good work! I haven't had much Tiger Blood either, but that's probably because last week was super stressful and I had a harder time sticking to the meal template (and I also eat pretty clean usually). I let "compliant snacking" win out over throwing in the towel altogether, and I'm ok with that, although I definitely notice a difference when too many nuts and dried fruits are in the mix. After dealing with a family medical emergency, power outages, raging storms and road closures.... I think I did ok. Looking forward to a few focused reintroductions and then probably back to my usual daily rhythm of Paleo + occasional oats, yogurt, quinoa and the like.  : )

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In the home straight - woot! 

Craving and extinction bursts have been mentioned by a couple of people, and this is so true for me right now... I'm having massive cravings for sugar. Specifically, and weirdly, cola. I haven't had any damn coke in years, and now I'm like what? How??? Ugh!

So am following advice I've read on forums and upping my healthy fats and starchy veg and just riding it out. 

Other than that, this has been a pretty awesome W30 for me. Odd because the other times my husband has done it with me, and this time I've been flying solo. But apart from the odd craving here and there it's felt great to do this. To the point where I think the hardest part is going to be stepping outside the rules and learning how to wobble away riding my own bike. I do have some specific reintroduction foods I want to try though, so will follow my own modified slower reintro. Beans will be day 31, rice on day 34, and yoghurt on day 37!

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Hi all,

 Wow can't believe it's the final two days for most of us! Crazy.

I definitely plan to keep eating mostly whole30, because my body feels so much better. I do have a few things I would like to do the "quick reintro" with, not to put back into my diet regularly, but so that I know the effect it has on my body. Mainly dairy and gluten. I want to do them separately first so that if I do go out with friends and have a cheeseburger or something similar, and end up feeling like crap, I won't have to wonder if it was the cheese or the buns/bread. I'd also like to reintroduce PB, because I have missed that as an option. Almond butter is good, but not the same.

I may also try a glass of wine, because the bottle of pink moscato has been taunting me! :D Other than that I don't really miss too much, and will probably just choose what is "worth" going off plan when it's offered. 

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Oh boy, so this weekend was tough. I had gotten my bf tickets to a Cavs game for Christmas and the game was sat night. Not only did I want a drink, but my bf ended up getting a cinnamon /sugar pretzel and dang did it look good! Fortunately, there is a health food stand inside the arena so I was able to get a fresh fruit cup to snack on during the game.

Last week was good for the fact that I was feeling a lot stronger than I had in the past. I went to 3 yoga classes (which is more than I had done in awhile) and felt great after them! However, I barely had an appetite all weekend and I just do not feel well at all still today. I have not eaten anything not compliant so I don't know if I am coming down with whatever is going around the office at the moment, or if my stomach still hates me.

As for reintroduction, I am going to reintroduce rice/non-gluten grains first because we are doing valentines day this upcoming weekend and we are getting sushi ha, but other than that I am going to do gluten and dairy on a much slower schedule since I already know gluten messes with my stomach a bit but I am worried dairy will as well. I truthfully don't miss a lot of it, I miss rice more than anything because I am a sushi fanatic. Other than that I will still plan most of my meals around the Whole30. I have found it really is not as hard as it was anymore. I don't even miss chocolate or candy that much, which is great because I had a monster of a sugar dragon before all of this. 

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On 2/11/2017 at 10:49 AM, leap75 said:

I'm on day 26! And have definitely started thinking through reintroduction. Question: my first weekend off Whole 30 I have a bachlorette party (I know, insane). My plan was to stick with the reintroduction plan but what about alcohol? I'm not planning to go on any kind of bender but will want to have some drinks with the ladies. Any thoughts on if/how to reintroduce alcohol? Should I stay whole 30 on everything else through the weekend or is it ok to reintroduce alcohol and something else at the same time? 

I am a week into my reintroduction and I chose to reintro alchohol last Saturday. In the W30 book it says if you reintro alcohol it should be treated like any other food group and you should do it by itself. 

I myself went a little over board, went to a show and a friend was in town, and am currently still feeling the effects of a 2 day hang over. So I say to you drink away, but be careful because alcohol might be the thing that doesn't agree with you so well the next day!

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Happy day 30!! Well done everybody! 

At the start of all this, I followed the book and didn't weight myself but took some measurements. Should I do my 'post Whole 30' measurements tomorrow morning? Not sure when is best and if time of day needs to be taken into account. I am pretty sure there have been some changes, will be interesting to see! 


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On 2/8/2017 at 3:02 PM, ShannonM816 said:

Do try to make each meal match the meal template. That means 1-2 palm-sized portions of protein, the length, width, and height of your palm, or if eggs are your only protein, have as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand; 1-2 thumb-size servings of fat, or 1/2 to a whole avocado, or a heaping handful or two of olives or coconut flakes, or 3-7 oz of full fat canned coconut milk, or a small handful of nuts or seeds -- and you should have at least one of these in addition to any fat you cook in, as much of the cooking fat stays in the pan; and then fill the plate with vegetables -- lots of vegetables. Occasionally, have some fruit if you want to, but focus on the vegetables.

Most people feel best if they have a fist-sized serving of starchy vegetables each day, some do fine with less. Some people, especially those who are active, who are prone to depression or anxiety, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or in the week or leading up to their period need more.

Also be sure you're drinking plenty of water -- aim for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120-lb person needs at least 60 oz. And don't forget to salt your food.

Shannon! Thanks so much for this! I started my Whole30 a week after these guys and have a week to go. I wonder now if I've been eating enough fat because I figured the fat I was using for the veggies and for the meat was my portion of fat! In some cases, there is noticeably fat left in the pan, not so when I cook sweet potatoes. And sometimes I have starchy veggies more than twice a day though I'm not super active. Two miles + on the treadmill or outside. 

Thanks to all of you who started on 1/16. The 1/23 group is not as vocal and I got some great recipe ideas!

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Day 31 is upon us, and flavored coconut milk creamer in my coffee never tasted so delicious! :D

Everything I packed for meals today is still Whole30 compliant, because we cooked for the week, as usual, so this is my only concession for the day.

I didn't have time to take measurements this morning, but I did hop on the scale. I'm down 6 lbs, which is nice, but I am still trying to focus on the NSVs more (because obviously I wish I had lost like 10+, but I feel better, so let's focus on that!)

I also ordered the new Whole30 cookbook and the Nom Nom Paleo cookbook, because my mom and I both would like to continue eating fairly Whole30, but need inspiration/recipes ideas. 

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Day 31 and CONGRATS to everyone! 

I don't know about you---but I feel so very proud of myself and this journey thus far. As someone who has been on some sort of diet since I was 14, I have found Whole30 to be the most rewarding. I feel good eating these foods--I feel like I'm doing something good for my body. I don't want to snack...I don't want to use food to make me feel better about some event happening in my life. Thank you Whole30 for inspiring me to think about food in another way. Thank you for inspiring me to think about my health and well- being in another way.

In other news, I lost 20 pounds--so that's amazing! I'm still in shock. I know that I lost, but I didn't realize how much. I am immensely proud of myself and am looking forward to continuing to eat better. 

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44 minutes ago, ChristinR said:

I didn't have time to take measurements this morning, but I did hop on the scale. I'm down 6 lbs, which is nice, but I am still trying to focus on the NSVs more (because obviously I wish I had lost like 10+, but I feel better, so let's focus on that!)

Way to go @ChristinR!  I hopped on the scale and am down 4.8 pounds and 3.25".  It's not a ton but it's something!  I only want to lose about 15 total so I wasn't really expecting it to just melt right away.  Slow and steady, right?  

But the fact that I'm not tired all the time and can walk past the donut holes on the break room table are huge NSVs for me!  Woohoo!  

That being said, I'm enjoying how I feel and may continue for a Whole45 or a Whole60.  The only thing I truly daydream about is a nice chunk of cheese.  But I can live without it for a while longer.  I think...

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Hello and congratulations to all of us who have finished the 30 days! Yay! I thought logistically I won't be able to do it, which is why it took me forever to finally start it, but I did it. 

Unfortunately, my experience was not what I had hoped for it to be. I was hoping to lose weight, feel better, lighter, and all that good stuff. Instead, pretty much the whole month I've been feeling bloated, gassy, and *gained* a bit over 6 pounds :'( The mods have been helpful here, suggesting what I should perhaps change (like give up nuts and nut butters for a bit, to reduce bloat) which I did, but it didn't help. Moreover, I always eat nuts and nut butters. So this wasn't anything new for my body to process.

I did also try to do the program without the frowned upon smoothies, but I didn't like how I felt. My smoothies are green smoothies, not full of sugar, and I decided to do what felt best for my body, considering I was feeling crappy as is during the program.

All this being said, I think Whole30 is a fantastic program for people who need to change their relationship with food, or figure out what their problem foods are. I really wish my mother will do it soon, and I think it will help her.

I came into this program after years of trial and error, and I already knew what my problem foods are. I eat clean and healthy to begin with, never processed or junk food, soft drinks, or even the Whole30 approved boxed juice. I didn't expect crazy results because of all this, but I was hoping to lose a few pounds which I've gained while being inactive with a back herniation. Doing this program I was already active again, so I don't know why it was a failure for me, and why I ended up gaining weight instead.

I'm proud of myself for not quitting, even though my boyfriend was urging me to, seeing how unwell I felt. I wanted to do it, so I knew I did it. I also bought the It Starts with Food book, and I'm sure I will find it interesting and useful. I will probably not do Whole30 again, but I will recommend it to people coming from a different background than myself

Tonight I'm really excited to have...brown rice :D

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