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Dry Roasted Nuts


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Okay, hopefully this isn't a stupid question but here goes... I got some nuts from Costco the other day (Dry Roasted Almonds to be exact) and the only thing in the ingredients say DRY ROASTED ALMONDS, and SEA SALT, so I got them...and had some! Everything else (Cashews... etc.) that I looked at listed vegetable oil (peanut, soy etc.) in the ingredients, which is why I didn't get them. So the thing that's bugging me is...Dry roasted is normally just that, ROASTING DRY NUTS, but when I was looking up random recipes to do it yourself, some said no oil, and some said add oil. So if they used oil at all in their roasting, does it have to be listed???...I would have been happier if the ingredients just read Almonds, and Sea salt. Hopefully this wasn't to confusing! lol

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If the manufacturer put anything in or on their product, it HAS to be listed.  So you're safe.

That said, careful with nuts (especially costco sized packages). They're very easy to become food without brakes, they're often quite disruptive to one's gut and they're an unbalanced Omega 3 6 ratio.  Our recommendation is a closed handful every other day at most... not too many almonds fit in a closed handful...

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Thank you so muchfor your response, and advice!!! I've been stressing since I thought about this! I've been so safe with ingredients, and actually brought things to others attention... and I thought I just screwed up!:)

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5 minutes ago, Clakelady said:

If we’re supposed to have a fat with every meal, wouldn’t a fist full of nuts (cashews or macadamias) be an appropriate fat to add to each meal? 

Nuts are a compliant fat, yes. They are recommended to be limited. A serving of nuts is a closed handful - so not that many, really. And that closed handful shouldn't be eaten more than once every other day or so. So adding a fist full to each meal wouldn't be your best choice.

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