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Brassfrog's here's what's happening


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Day 15 - Not a lot of appetite. Read the book where it says eat three meals a day even if no appetite. 

Breakfast - four eggs scrambled with a pile of last night's steamed broccoli and an avocado. Two cups Nespresso strong coffee.

Lunch - Caesar salad (just romaine lettuce) with Tessemae lemon ginger dressing and a piece of grilled salmon

Dinner - large lettuce salad with 1/2 avacado and Tessamare basalmic dressing. Small microwaved sweet potato covered with chocolate chili and leftover steamed green beans. Banana for dessert.

having trouble sleeping. Last night slept pretty much straight through (except for pee breaks) but the night before I probably slept a total of three hours. Don't know if this is whole30 related or part of this nasty cold I've been fighting since the day before I started the program. 


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Day 17. Cold still kicking my ass. Still no appetite. Thought I might as well take advantage of this and eat whole30 but just less, so this morning I cut back to three eggs from my usual four, with spinach and an avacado. 

Why is everybody working to feed me non-compliant stuff. Where I live has a restaurant that I MUST eat at as my fees include "dining dollars". Some of the food is compliant, some not. I have to grill the chefs closely to make sure they're not including something I shouldn't have. Today they had gumbo. It looked pretty good when I served it up, chicken, okra, tomatoes. When I got back to my table I added some hot sauce and prepared to dig in. I took a spoonful and was just about to eat it when I noticed the little white grains of rice. SHIT! I went to the salad bar where they had cold salmon, lettuce and other ingredients. I had brought my Tessemaes dressing.

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Day 23 and everything is wonderful!  Guess I'll have to take a look at the timeline to see if this is a side effect of the program. Don't think so just feeling really good about the whole30 program.  Required to take a two day trip out of town. It was pretty difficult, I brought along some prepackaged whole 30 compliant salads, but that got awfully boring awfully quick. Eventually I managed to find a salad bar at the cancer center I was at that had everything I needed to make a filling compliant meal. Thank heavens that the program has reduced my appetite so significantly that I can put off eating until I have a whole30 compliant foods available.

 Pants are falling down!  I'm assuming that means I'm losing weight but I've only got seven more days until I can confirm it. Still seeing the fact that my what I thought were age related aches and pains are still not evident and therefore I don't have to take any painkillers.

 I've sat and thought about what I really miss that is not on the program. I really can't think of anything except maybe tonic water with artificial sweetener. On day 31 I think I will first weigh myself, second have a glass of diet tonic water  and then dive back into the second Whole30 part of my life. 

 I intend to stay basically permanently on the whole 30 diet with occasional desserts or other non-compliant foods, but only very occasionally.  I really like the Atkins diet, except for the fact that I couldn't have or was very limited in the amount of vegetables  I could eat. The whole 30 diet, no not diet, Whole30 way of living, lets me eat what I want, in other words my choice of protein  and lots of vegetables. For me that's perfect. 

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Day 24 and still feeling GREAT! Not quite as euphoric as yesterday but still all is good. The best thing is, I slept through the whole night last night. I literally can't remember the last time I did that. Of course the aches and pains that I used to have to take copious amounts of Advil, Tylenol and ibuprophin daily are totally gone. The only pain I still have is arthritis in my left foot/ankle, but that pain is nothing like I used to have.

Cooking 7 pounds of pork in my pressure cooker that will supply most of the meat and broth for stew for the rest of the thirty. Thank heavens for my pressure cooker and my Nespresso machine. I start out my day with good strong coffee and then my daily breakfast of four fried eggs in ghee, a large handful of fried kale in the same pan I cooked the eggs in, topped with an avocado. Thanks also to Aldi which always has 89¢ (or less) avocados. If I remember it I also throw on some salsa.

pants continuing to fall off, even though I switched to a smaller size. I like that!

with six days to go I can't wait to try some things to see if I have a reaction, although, aside from diet tonic water I can't really thing of a lot of things I miss. Peanut butter? A slice of artisanal bread with peanut butter and banana? Dunno, we'll see soon enough. Maybe nothing.



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Day 30. Tomorrow's the day. My plan is to get up, weigh my self and celebrate (or not) with a glass of diet tonic water. Then dive right back in for my next Whole30. That's right, I'm continuing on with the program.

So, why am I staying on the Whole30?

I feel really good. I mean REALLY good. For about the last week my attitude has been sky high. Don't know why but I'm attributing it to the program.

what I thought were "old age joint and muscle pains" have disappeared. I used to take huge amounts of Aleve, Tylenol and ibuprophin. Not any more. I do still have some arthritis in my left foot and ankle but I don't need nearly the amount of pain reliever as I did.

Today a neighbor that I hadn't seen in weeks commented to my wife, "Your husband's skin looks so clear and smooth, what has he been doing?" Then at lunch an older woman I know said as she passed our table, "Your face looks like you just had a really good shave." My face doesn't look any different to ME, but it obviously does to others.

My pants keep falling down. I put on a smaller pair but they keep falling down as I climb the stairs. My wedding band is also fitting looser. Of course I'll find out tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure it'll show I've lost weight.

My appetite has lessened. I'm not hungry between meals and especially at night. I've learned to distinguish between hunger and craving. My sugar cravings have declined and I now can recognize them for what they are. 

I really like the food I'm eating. I eat pretty much the same thing every day and like that.

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Day 31. Went to weigh myself, scale wouldn't work. WTF? Reseated the batteries and it turned on. Time for the big reveal!

Stepped on the scale, major disappointment. I only lost 16 pounds. I was hoping for more.

oh well, I'm going to have my glass of diet tonic water and then back onto my second Whole30.


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1 hour ago, Brassfrog said:

Stepped on the scale, major disappointment. I only lost 16 pounds.

Seriously? I think you need to re-read the post below written by you less than a day ago (and the two post prior).

Bearing in mind this is neither a weight loss diet, nor a magic wand I think you've done remarkably well, and your focus on the number on the scales is over-shadowing all of the amazing NSVs you've had. As Julie said above, 4lbs a week is not to be sniffed at, and in all honesty, losing weight in faster than that more often than not results in a hard & fast rebound.

Please, please take the time to follow through with reintroductions at some point soon so that you can develop an eating plan that will work for you going forward so that you can continue to reap the rewards in all of these fantastic benefits.

15 hours ago, Brassfrog said:

Day 30. Tomorrow's the day. My plan is to get up, weigh my self and celebrate (or not) with a glass of diet tonic water. Then dive right back in for my next Whole30. That's right, I'm continuing on with the program.

So, why am I staying on the Whole30?

I feel really good. I mean REALLY good. For about the last week my attitude has been sky high. Don't know why but I'm attributing it to the program.

what I thought were "old age joint and muscle pains" have disappeared. I used to take huge amounts of Aleve, Tylenol and ibuprophin. Not any more. I do still have some arthritis in my left foot and ankle but I don't need nearly the amount of pain reliever as I did.

Today a neighbor that I hadn't seen in weeks commented to my wife, "Your husband's skin looks so clear and smooth, what has he been doing?" Then at lunch an older woman I know said as she passed our table, "Your face looks like you just had a really good shave." My face doesn't look any different to ME, but it obviously does to others.

My pants keep falling down. I put on a smaller pair but they keep falling down as I climb the stairs. My wedding band is also fitting looser. Of course I'll find out tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure it'll show I've lost weight.

My appetite has lessened. I'm not hungry between meals and especially at night. I've learned to distinguish between hunger and craving. My sugar cravings have declined and I now can recognize them for what they are. 

I really like the food I'm eating. I eat pretty much the same thing every day and like that.


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@jmcbn@JulieP757Thanks for your words of encouragement. Day four of second whole30 and everything going well. Guess Ive been watching too many weight loss commercials on TV. There ARE lots of other positive things I've realized with the program so i guess I should be happy with those. Guess it's time to dive into those recipes in the latter part of the Whole30 book.

Thanks again.


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