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Schedule could make me ravenous at night...


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I'm a newbie to Whole30, officially mid-day through day 1 (golf clap).  So my current schedule is a bit hectic and will continue to be so through early May.  I work 8-6 and then 6:30-8:30 I coach lacrosse.  So basically I'm working 12 hour days 5 days a week for the next 3 months.  My worry is that I'm going to be RAVENOUS once I get home after practice.  Yes I know it all comes down to planning and that will most certainly have to be done on the weekends for the upcoming week, but I didn't know if anyone had crazy schedules (I know I should have picked a better time) and found ways to help themselves get through it.  I was wondering if I could bring a snack to eat (maybe cashews or something?) before practice to potentially hold me over until I get home.  I know snacking isn't ideal, but maybeeee could be okay??? Beuller? Halp!

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When you have long days and would have to go more than 4-5 hours between meals, it's fine to eat something. We generally recommend having protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three. Cashews or olives or prepackaged compliant guacamole with some vegetables and a hard boiled egg. Compliant jerky or Epic bars (not all varieties are compliant). Can or pouch of tuna or salmon with some olive oil or mayo.

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