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Day 27 and about to quit with tons of cookies


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Hello, my name is Meggie and today should be my day 27.

So far everything went really good and I'm feeling very good for the first time in months. I suffered from a gastritis since December that just didn't want to heal. But during my Whole30 I didn't have any cramps (that's a success to me :)). Also my workouts are great and I guess I have lost some weight because I'm not as bloated anymore and my clothes are lose on me now.

However, yesterday after sports my fiancé had the idea to make some Magnesium for us. Imagine; I'm totally exhausted from my workout, sweat all over me and in desperate need of something to drink. My lovely fiancé is holding a glass of water with a mineral tablet in his hands. I'm downing it and by the last swallow it strikes me! OMG! What is even in this?? I run to the cupboard, take out the package and it sais: saccharin and starch! I'M DEVASTATED.

Yesterday was kind of like... well... sh** happens. So I'm starting over. But TODAY (!?) I just WANT those Cookies and I'm so sad and I feel so guilty and I just want to quit. I don't want to start all over again. It wasn't even intended. So why do I have to suffer now? It feels so unfair to me :(

This is really hard for me now. I started off really interested in the "aftermath" to discover wich foods will be good for me and which won't. Nevertheless today I'm not interested in this anymore. I just want to eat candy, be sad and on Monday start all over again *sigh*. Why did this happen on day TWENTYSIX!?


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No one can control you unless you give them your remote. Take your mind and body back.

Cookies and candy, don't give them your remote. 

It can happen at any time along the Whole 30 trail. It's a judgment free zone.  You choose if starting over is the right decision for you. 

Today, you're not interested anymore. Will starting over make you more interested and ready for diagnostic discoveries?

What do you want to do? Right now.  There are 3 more days.  

When the goose is on the loose, sliding back off the goose, I can report that it won't make you feel any better to go ahead and throw the towel in.  Three. More. Days.  





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Thanks for your reply.

Well the thing is, that I HAVE to start over again, don't I? The rules say, that you need to go back to the beginning if you slipped otherwise the results may not be accurate. Do you remember the Comparison with a cat allergy? According to this I hugged my cat for a day and now my results might be inaccurate.

You are right about cookies not being the solution and that (obviously) I'm craving them for emotional reasons, but I can't help myself.

Didn't anybody experience this so far`?

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33 minutes ago, meggiemoon said:

Thanks for your reply.

Well the thing is, that I HAVE to start over again, don't I? The rules say, that you need to go back to the beginning if you slipped otherwise the results may not be accurate. Do you remember the Comparison with a cat allergy? According to this I hugged my cat for a day and now my results might be inaccurate.

You are right about cookies not being the solution and that (obviously) I'm craving them for emotional reasons, but I can't help myself.

Didn't anybody experience this so far`?

No, the rules don't say you HAVE to restart. That is for you to decide. You're a grown up and you get to decide. Read this and then make your decision. Please note that in general, a dose of sugar or stevia is not as disruptive as say a dose of soy.



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The rules actually DO say you should start over and the OP is right about hugging her cat for a day.  We do have the article about whether or not someone needs to start over and because we're all autonomous humans, no one can MAKE someone start over... 

My concern would be more the starch than the stevia as I"m pretty sure that stevia didn't awaken your sugar dragon... however if the starch is corn starch and a person is very sensitive to corn, that might be a big problem.

OP, it's up to you but if you do want to start over, we're definitely here to support you!  Don't eat the cookies!

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I quit on day 28 on my last whole30, for a glass of wine and some dark chocolate. I thought it wouldn't bother me but it really really really does get to me that I didn't get to 30 days...

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On 19.2.2017 at 0:01 AM, SugarcubeOD said:

The rules actually DO say you should start over and the OP is right about hugging her cat for a day.  We do have the article about whether or not someone needs to start over and because we're all autonomous humans, no one can MAKE someone start over... 

My concern would be more the starch than the stevia as I"m pretty sure that stevia didn't awaken your sugar dragon... however if the starch is corn starch and a person is very sensitive to corn, that might be a big problem.

OP, it's up to you but if you do want to start over, we're definitely here to support you!  Don't eat the cookies!

Yes, that's what I've been thinking, too. For this reason I decided to start over today.

I have to admit though, that I ate a Paleo Chocolate Cake _._ and although it was "paleo" (including lots of honey though) I didn't feel good afterwards. Actually my stomach aches came back that night and I felt horribly tired and couldn't focus at all. I'm kind of concerned, because I didn't think sugars would affect me that much (especially when it's the so called "healthy" kind of sugar).


6 hours ago, foursimplewords said:

I quit on day 28 on my last whole30, for a glass of wine and some dark chocolate. I thought it wouldn't bother me but it really really really does get to me that I didn't get to 30 days...


But I have to say this: I'm not that sad I quit. I thought it would bother me a lot more and I would feel ashamed and totally guilty afterwards. But somehow it hasn't been a big deal this time. For me this is a VERY GOOD sign! Because I've suffered from an eating disorder for a few years and everything "off - track" would've normally led to a downward spiral of shame  and guilt and more "unallowed" foods.

My sleep was very bad tonight, I dreamed of cakes and woke up a few times. Also I didn't feel as rested as I normally do. It's amazing to feel this actually. The last 28 days I accustomed to feeling good quite fast. (For me this is kind of bad, because I tend to forget how bad I felt easily) So experiencing this effect of sugar (lethargy, bad sleep, bad mood, not able to concentrate) is very good for me. It's like a reminder of why I'm doing this in the first place.


Thanks for your support!

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