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Sick for weeks!


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So, on about day 10 of this whole 30, I caught a cold. I'm now on Day 26 and still fighting it! I drink bone broth, lots of herbal tea, and am sticking to healthy eating - which was supposed to help me fight off colds! I sleep when I can, but with two poorly sleeping kids, my nights are pretty broken. Nothing I can do about it. Anyways, beyond the congestion, cough, sore throat and headache, my digestion continues to be problematic. I'm following the AI plan since I have celiac and Hashimoto's. I'm not noticing any improvements.

My question is what to do about reintroduction. We're coming up on holiday parties, so I want to bring back some stuff so I can see what I can indulge in at parties and what to avoid. But will I be able to judge any reactions in the midst of this cold? Any proven ways to shake this in a hurry? I haven't been this sick in years, I usually fight things off with lots of vitamin C and tea and it's gone in a day or two. Is it a whole 30 thing that I can't get over this?

I'm just so frustrated with being sick! What should my next steps be for reintroduction and healing?

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I'm so sorry you've been sick.

There may be lots of ideas, but there are no tricks to shaking a cold in a hurry. It runs its course.

I don't think you can make good judgements about reintroductions given how badly you've been feeling. I'd say just eat whatever is important to you over the holidays and then look at cleaning up your diet again in January and do a proper reintroduction test then.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm on Day 10 now too and I've got Bronchitis! I'm feeling a little cheated out of my experience too, so I think I'm going to extend to a Whole 40… assuming I can ever get over this sickness! I've made sure none of my drugs have sugar coating, I had to get a shot of antibiotics and an inhaler but I'm sticking with all Whole30 approved sick foods and resting as much as I can!

I'm pretty sure it's my job that got me sick (SCUBA diving in freezing cold) and not whole30, just wanted to make sure I don't have to give up on day 10 to get better… thoughts?

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I was quite ill for a couple of weeks in my first W30. I ended up having to get my GP to come out. It turned out I had picked up a dose of enteritis, nothing to do with W30 but it took a while to recover. I kept going but my meal timings and amounts weren't ideal so I ended up doing a W60 as I didn't want my only memeories of W30 to be feeling bleuch. So if you're sticking with compliant foods I'd just get through it as best you can and then possibly tack some days on at the end so you get to experience the good of the W30. Hope it clears up soon.

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