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Hello it’s a “total noob” here.

After moving out on my own a few years ago, the healthy habits encouraged by my family became totally obliterated. I no longer drink homemade healthy green smoothies or my vinegar tonic :(. I’ve fallen into a rotation of fast food. 

I feel terrible. I’ve gained 30 pounds. Plus, I’m chronically fatigued and sore. I’ve been following the Whole30 IG for a while but today I finally said I would try it. 

The thought of giving up cheese and most carbs almost triggers a panic attack! Any suggestions to help my stay the course in this regard?

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You can totally do this. Remember that the reason that it feels panicky to change your eating plan is because those processed foods are engineered in a lab to MAKE you feel that way. They are meant to be addictive so it stands to reason that not having them feels scary.

What a lot of people miss about cheese is the fat and the salt. You can get this from ghee and salting your food. Avocado/guac and salting your food. 

We don't want you to completely give up carbs, just switch to potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots etc. Our recommendation is at least one fist sized serving per day but at first you may feel better if you have it at a couple meals. 

Understand, you are probably going to feel like crap. Make sure you are eating enough food. Big meals. This isn't a diet. Drink water. Salt your food. Get rest. Be nice to yourself. And get a good dialogue going in your brain NOW to pull out when those addictive foods are calling. Here's a start: I deserve better than to feel like crap and these foods that were made in a lab make me feel like crap. I CHOOSE to move past my fast-food-rotation habit and that might feel awful at first. But I also CHOOSE to be nice to myself, to love myself, to speak kindly to myself and to learn how to properly take care of myself. I no longer want to be ruled by sugar/fast food/insert food demon here so I CHOOSE to make what feel like tough decisions now so I can reap the rewards later.

Stick it out, come here for support, we've got your back! 

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I thought cheese would be the hardest thing as well and I was pleasantly surprised that it really wasn't that bad. 

My recommendation:  Focus on what you will be eating - and enjoy it!!  When needed, take a deep breathe, remember why you are doing this and take it one day, one meal at a time.  You can do this.

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24 minutes ago, Juliagem said:

Does anyone start whole 30 in the middle of the month? Is it an issue not to begin on the 1st? I need to do some prep and shop and I know I won’t be able to start until next week. 

You can start whenever you want. There are always people starting throughout the month.

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45 minutes ago, Juliagem said:

Thank you! The salt suggestion is interesting. I don’t add salt to food probably because there was so much salt in the cheese sauces or whatever.  

So happy I love avocado 

You definitely need to salt your food on this program regardless of if you're craving cheese or not... removing all that processed packaged food is going to remove 90% of your sodium consumption and sodium is an important part of your body's functioning so make sure you're salting to taste.

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