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W30 with low fat?


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I've been working on gallbladder issues and all of my tests have come back normal. No stones, no infection, decent function. Now I am thinking about addressing my pain/pressure issues with diet. Here's the thing: I was doing fine with my gallbladder (no symptoms) until Thanksgiving when I ate a whole lot of wheat bread stuffing, pie and dairy products. The attack started that night and I've felt shitty ever since. I've been trying to find things I can eat, and I've ended up eating pizza a few times and the gallbladder symptoms got worse. I know that gluten intolerance can be tied to gallbladder issues so that seems like the obvious place to start.

So I think I am going to start a Whole30 today but I don't know what to do about the fat part. I love my avocados and mayo but they make me really sick right now. Has anyone had any experience with doing a W30 with limiting fat? I'm afraid I'll starve as fat is a big part of my paleo diet.

Anyone have any experience with this, or with the gluten/gallbladder thing in general?

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I love coconut products and have found them to be easy on my gallbladderless digestive system too. I put coconut milk in my coffee (and sometimes tea) and mix it into mashed sweet potatoes, and I fry pretty much everything in coconut oil. Bananas coated in egg/tapioca flour friend in coconut oil are pretty much the best thing ever.

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I still have my gallbladder but it was really painful (I've had lots of issues with it :( ) just before my W30. The doc said it was badly inflamed. I found taking digestive enzymes and ox bile with each meal got me through ok taking all the fats recommended on W30. On the plus side, the inflammation and pain have totally gone now. I'm still eating 99% W30

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Thanks for the tips! I did see the surgeon yesterday and he said that my symptoms point to gallbladder disease even if the tests were negative. So I'm having it removed in two weeks. I wanted to wait until after Christmas and do it on my holiday break. The pain is not unbearable, just uncomfortable.

I made chicken stir fry in coconut oil last night and had very little pain. On a side note, I ordered coconut butter and coconut butter with cocoa yesterday. Yum, yum.

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