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Whole30 over Christmas


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This is my first Whole30 and I'm on Day 2 today. Day 1 went ok. I signed up for this after reading about it on another forum while I was researching nutrition. So I've basically started something that I don't know that much about! I am trying to familiarise myself with the website and I ordered the book yesterday.

I know the basic information but its all the little things that I'm lost on - eg. can I have tea? what about passata and cans of tomatoes? is all fruit ok? can i use curry powder and spices? what the hell are sulphites? and fodmaps??!

So one of my goals is to read and research, and then read and research more. My plan for the next few days is to stick with fresh food that I know is ok - eggs/meat with plenty of fresh vegs and good fats. I use coconut oil anyway but I'm probably not eating enough of it.

Other goals are a more structured approach to exercise. I love running but I'm a 'yo-yo runner'. Get myself up to 8km or thereabouts and then lose motivation, give it up for a month or 2 and then start all over again. I had already decided that I'm joining the local running club in January as I need running-friends!

Last goal (for the moment) is to put together recipes and meals that I would like and look forward to. So can't wait for the book to arrive and to read everybody's posts for tips and advice on meal choices.

Oh, no headache yet........

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Welcome kassi, happy reading? Yes to processed foods without sugar or additives tinned tomatoes and tinned coconut milk are fine , as is fruit juice as a sweetener but not recommended much. Spices are okay if no sugar or soy etc, fodmaps are poorly digested sugars/carbs found naturally in certin fruits and veggies and can cause ibs, sulphites are used as preservatives!mtea an coffee are okay again if no non compliant additives

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It helps to read through the Whole30 guidelines several times - http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/5-the-official-whole30%C2%AE-program/. All the essential knowledge is there. Personally, when I want to know about fodmaps or sulphites, I search on Wikipedia first. The articles aren't perfect, but they usually offer a useful orientation.

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Thanks guys. Just finished Day 2!

Tonight was my kid's christmas play in school. Yesterday (on Day 1) I spent half the day making chocolate cakes for the christmas cake sale alongside the play. Tonight everybody was munching away on cakes and buying lots of 'goodies' for themselves. I came home and thought I was starving. Then I realised that it is just a thought process - I'm not hungry, I've just been looking and smelling cakes all evening! Thank god I was on Day 2 and feeling ultra enthusiastic still :D

Off to bed now with a herbal tea............

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So glad to find someone else doing a whole30 that will span the holidays! I started on Dec 15th. I wanted to have a solid excuse to my friends/family as well as a reason to remind myself of all the crap. It means I can avoid the nightmarish foods of both Christmas AND New Year's. I am still planning the big fancy meals but they will be fully compliant.

This time to give myself a little extra boost I've decided to do the daily email thing offered. So far it is helpful and gives me something to think about through the day. I'm sort of looking forward to what day 3 offers me to think about through the day.

All the best to you as you journey into day 5. :)

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Hi SpellQ. I'm so glad you replied! Really nice having you alongside.

I'm on Day 8 now and all going well. I haven't been on the forum the last few days as I'm busy with Christmas prep and my little one is having her birthday party on Friday. After lots of thought, I have decided not to cook the christmas pud that I make every year. My husband says he is happy with something else so I'm making him a trifle and an apple crumble, both of which I'm not that partial too, and he loves. My children are quite young so they will be happy with some of that and lots of ice-cream. That was the one thing I have been worrying about, a huge trigger for me that I would find hard to abstain from. So I'm keeping it until Easter!

Yesterday was the first day I really noticed a difference. Energy has surged, my stomach is a lot flatter (yeeha!), skin is looking good, and I just feel really great about myself.

Today, my jeans feel looser :D

So far so good

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So I'm still going strong. Just completed Day 12. Christmas Eve tomorrow and then Christmas Day. Lots of plans made and I'm going to be ok.

I feel really good, no major cravings, and definitely looking better.

It has been really busy the last week or so with preparations. So once Christmas is over, things will slow down a bit. This is where things may get tough - must not let boredom set in or relax so much that I'll feel the need to eat something 'quick' to pick me up again. I still haven't had a chance to read the book so plan is to start once the mania is over.

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I'm still on board. Got over Christmas Day ok. But yesterday and today, I am STARVING! Had a couple of bad night's sleep due to kid's having tummy bugs so maybe it is this???

My food needs some revving up. Starting to get a little boring

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Just finishing Day 22, and I had to check the email to see what day I'm on which I'm hoping is a good sign. Its great to see how many people are signed up, have spent the past hour looking at everybody's logs. Some great meal ideas.

I'm sleeping like a baby. Actually more like a child, going to bed really early and waking up early. Was really looking forward to watching Avatar on TV last night but couldn't stay awake! My clothes are getting looser, I will have to start thinking about buying some new ones soon (yay!). My nails/hair/skin look great. My tongue is looking healthier (no more flabby indents on the sides). I'm soooooooooo happy!

I am now thinking about my next step. So am really considering signing up for another 30 days. Is this what people normally do??

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Its Day 30 :) and I did it :D

Here's to the next 30.......................

Feel great, look great, not changing anything. I'm not even getting on the scales -this feeling cannot be quantified with a mere number.

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