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So, I am on day 25 and I was in my 6th yoga class yesterday. During my downward dog I happened to look at my shins and saw some really nice definition! (*squee!*) :wub:

Anyway, I walk a lot and occasionally run but have never noticed this before. Does eating this way help you build muscle faster? Or does the loss of water weight and fat just make the muscles I have easier to see?

Either way, anyone else notice really motivating results?

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YAAAAAAAAY! I want to tell you ALL the things I love about this post

- 6th yoga class! YOU RULE...I feel like a yoga spokeslady but good for you....love the yoga, embrace the yoga, be a zen monkey!

- MUSCLES!!! I mega love this and especially since you say over the shin bone muscle (very technical I know) those are hard muscles to get...I love mine and often stare at them (and take pictures of them...yeah yeah I'm lame)

- My theory on this...eating this way has shed your body fat and retained water down to a level where your muscles that were hidden before are now coming out to play. Also eating lots of protein is going to help build muscle faster than not eating protein...sooo...both?

I am noticing my upper body is getting more jacked...my legs get slim and muscley fast but my upper body is where I struggle but I flexed my guns (just little .22 for now ;) ) and whoa! My collar bones are always showing now and my wedding ring doesn't fit anymore...it's too big!! Also my overall endurance is way up....loving this!

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I love looking in the mirror while I do shoulder dislocates and seeing the muscles

In case you don't know what they are, and even if you do, here is a gratuitous video It warrants repeated viewing

Oh my. I think I will put this little gem on a continuous loop and enjoy it throughout the day. :0)

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- 6th yoga class! YOU RULE...I feel like a yoga spokeslady but good for you....love the yoga, embrace the yoga, be a zen monkey!

I don't know what it is about yoga but I love it! I am not usually one to love any sort of exercise, I just do it and try not to watch the clock. Yoga on the other hand, I did a 90 minute class and it FLEW by! Also, I have never been flexible. It runs in the family. Me, my dad and brother can't even touch our toes. Yoga fixed that! For the first time in my 30 years on this planet, I touched my toes!

How long have you been going, Mjam?

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I have been going daily (or even twice or THRICE daily) since the beginning of September but I went before I had my babies so like 4 years ago too.

I do Moksha hot yoga which was founded by 2 Canadians and different than Bikram, but I am a yoga addict and I am so glad you are feeling the yoga looooove!

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