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Favorite crunchy foods


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I just successfully made mayo the other day.. and that was mostly so I could have coleslaw! I don't know what is so good about coleslaw, the cold crisp crunch? (This is the recipe I used if you're interested)

Anyway, I was thinking about how a lot of the food I eat doesn't have a lot of crunch. Maybe I'm not making it right.

Do you all have some favorite crunchy Whole30 foods?

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I realized I was getting bored with some of my meals because of the lack of crunch.  I find mixing in nuts/seeds can help, but I love making my own plantain or sweet potatoes chips (not nearly hard as I thought it would be), fried onions, thinly bakes veggies, etc.  I try to keep frying foods at most every other week and use it more as a garnish for my meal.  For example, I made mashed cauliflower with spinach and mushroom as a side for flank steak this week.  I noticed I was getting burned out, so I added a nice drizzle of herb mayo sauce on the steak and crushed up a bit of my fried sweet potato chips over the mash.  I consider my fried versions as emergency only because I don't want to become dependent on them for meals/snacks, but I like having them as a back pocket trick for variety.  I also don't eat my fried things as a snack which has kept me from going crazy with it.

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