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Trisha's Whole 30 Log

Trisha N

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Hi I'm Trisha.  I am planning on starting Whole 30 on Jan 2nd, 2018.  I just wanted to get on here and log some of the things that are going on with me now and what I hope to get out of the program!

Wish me luck!

Current ailments or things I hope to improve-

1.) I just finished breastfeeding and am hoping that combined with the program will help me lose a little weight and feel a little better about the way I look and feel.  I am currently about 30-35 lbs overweight and would like to change this.

2.) Random pains.  I have been having sharp pains in my left heel for over a year now.  I think it is plantar fasciitis but not 100% sure on this.  It seems to get worse the more I work out or try and stretch it.  I have shoulder pains, knee and leg pains too.  I contribute this to not being as active as I once was and just hitting 35, I can feel it.  I am 5'3, 165 lbs and I think this is a little stressful on my joints. 

3.)  More random things:  Face redness, puffy, watery eyes, dry skin, dry hair, jaw tension, back aches and digestive issues.  I definitely think alcohol contributes to some of these things and found when I was pregnant and not drinking, all of this improved.  Hopefully adding more greens to my diet with help as well. 

4.) I am very restless when it comes to sleeping, and I wake up constantly throughout the night.  I do not know if this is me coming off of breastfeeding and co-sleeping with my kid or what, but I would like to see my sleep and general feeling of being rested improve.

5.) I have no energy. 

6.) I want to change my relationship with food and alcohol.  While I have never thought I was a really big eater, I have noticed in the last year or so that I will eat to the point of feeling sick.  I will drink way more than I should and feel terrible the next day.  I love everything in excess and want to try and figure this out.  I eat or drink when I am bored and I want to eliminate "bored" from my vocabulary altogether. 

That's all I can think of now!  I intend on signing up for the daily texts or emails to encourage me more!  I think that will really be helpful for me.  I am spending my last few weeks before I start really trying to plan and read and mentally prepare myself.  I know this is not hard!  It is just 30 days and I can do it.  I have the support of my family and friends and it will be over before I know it.  I hope that it improves my quality of life and that I see some results! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to pop on here and log a few things.  I have about a week until I start the program.  I am trying not to go overboard and eat and drink everything in sight for fear the first few days will really suck.  LOL.  I really am actually excited about starting.  I only did not start earlier because I felt I would be setting myself up for failure with all the holidays.  I'm just not that strong yet.  ha.  But January will be a nice quiet month and I am excited to get this rolling.  2018 here I come!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

The list of things you'd like to see improvement on has a lot of things people usually do see improvement with so I think you are going to be really happy on day 31!  

A few ideas that maybe you've tried already - have you tried rolling your foot on a lacrosse ball?  Hurts like heck (while doing it) but may bring you some relief.  Also calf and hamstring tightness can manifest as foot pain.  Finding ways to work on stretching those can really help too.  And have you tried magnesium for sleep?  Lots of people respond really well to magnesium supplementation (I take Magnesium Serene, it is mag citrate).  Epsom salt baths are great too - I've read that they are even safe for infants (but you might want to check with your pediatrician) so you and little one could take a bath together before bed and then maybe both sleep better :) 

I hope you have a great 30 days!

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Thank you so much for the encouragement littleg!  I definitely love Epsom salt baths!  I am starting a run club in a few weeks so I hope that helps with the pain too, and I'll be getting my stretch on.  I will look into the magnesium.  I definitely know cutting alcohol out will help me with this so here we go!  Day 1!  :-)

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OK Day 1 yesterday went great!  Had warm water with lemon right when I got up and while I was getting ready for work.  Then my guy made me 2 eggs before I left for work.  I had a cup of green tea when I got to work in place of coffee.  I know I can have coffee, but I'm just not a fan of black coffee and I don't think I need it that much to be honest.  I basically watered down the same 3 tea bags all day and felt like I drank a ton of water on top of that.  I got kind of hungry around about 9 but kept having water and pushed through until about 10, when I had a small apple.  For lunch, a salad with tuna.  It was honestly not that great, but I could have put some vinegar or oil on it I guess.  I may do that next time.  Or that Everything But the Bagel seasoning!  I also had an egg in the salad.  My guy made skillet chicken thighs (my favorite even off Whole30) with green beans and "home fry" style cut potatoes, but they were baked.  I felt great after dinner and really tried to take it slow and enjoy it.  I usually eat 2 chicken thighs but decided to cut one up and take the rest of the green beans and potatoes for lunch.  I had some green tea throughout the night and felt great.  I did start to find my mind wandering to snacking when I felt bored or restless.  I just decided to go to bed.  Today is Day 2 and I keep reading about the hangover but I feel ok right now.  I am prepared with food today so I feel confident!

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Good luck Trisha, you can do it!

Today is also my day two and I got the hangover headache around 9 and am still fighting it now. 

Dinner leftovers for lunch is so amazing! I did this last year and that was my life saver!

Last night I made classic chili and added kale. Today for lunch I'm adding a sweet potato to mix things up a little. Should be good. 

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Thank you so much PB&JMAINE!  I am so far not feeling this Day 2 hangover and am scared it will hit tomorrow.  But I will be prepared.  Hope yours goes away soon. 

I am so damn glad we get potatoes.  lol. 

On another note, I put a flavored toothpick in my mouth after lunch because I was feeling a little self conscious and am now afraid I screwed up whole30 over a toothpick!?!?!?!  I read an article on the whole30 site that said flavored toothpicks were allowed but I don't know, something feels like maybe I shouldn't have had that.  I spit it out right when it hit my mouth.  Does anyone think I need to start over??


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I would definitely not start over for that, but that's just my opinion :) you sound like you are doing great! I accidentally popped one of the altoids I keep in my car yesterday in my mouth (just out of habit) and then it occurred to me um these probably have sugar. Checked the container and of course they do, so I spit it out the window. I'm not starting over for that though, but that's just me :)

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Welcome aboard Trisha!

It sounds like you've got a lot of terrific motivation to be on the Whole30 journey.  :)

I can relate to a bunch of the things you're saying and these are some things that helped me: 

  • Definitely try rolling your foot on a ball, especially in the morning.  Also consider getting the gel inserts specifically for plantar fasciitis. They're a lifesaver when working out.
  • Alcohol has some nasty side effects and you'll probably notice your face looks thinner and healthier in just a few days.  Some of your digestive issues should also get better after you get the toxins out of your system.  Make note if certain foods still disrupt your digestion (I had to cut out onions a few months ago for that reason).
  • The daily W30 emails are terrific for starting the day feeling motivated and encouraged to stay on track.
  • Prepare and list the things you'll do when you get bored and feel like eating....10 wall pushups, 10 squats, a quick text or email of encouragement and positivity to a friend...

You'll be amazed how your sleep improves when you're feeding your body the right stuff.  

Keep up the great job and know that we're all cheering for you!


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Alright, Day 2 went very well and I did not get the hangover that I keep reading about.  I ate 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, had a banana for a snack and had my leftovers from Day 1 for lunch.  I felt really good and happy that I wasn't thinking too much about food because I was prepared.  I drank tons of water (started my day off with warm lemon water again) and had green tea throughout the day, no coffee still.  I am shocked I do not have a headache.  I got home and was pretty hungry but just played puzzles with the kid and tried to distract myself while my guy made dinner.  He made pork chops with hot peppers on top and a frittata that consisted of eggs, potatoes, shallots, garlic and onions.  He also made a little fresh pico de gallo.  It was a great dinner and I brought the leftovers for lunch today!  I am so thankful he is doing what he is because I think I'd be struggling by dinnertime.  I work and he stays home with our daughter so he did all my pre Whole30 shopping and meal planning since he cooks.  I know part of it is me trying to cook for myself too, and I did do some meal planning and I helped with printing out recipes and giving ideas.  I made a few mason jar salads too for this week when I am in a hurry or in case he doesn't feel like making a big dinner.  Anyway, back to last night.  After dinner I felt really good.  But about 9 o'clock while watching Netflix kids free, I could not stop thinking about a glass of red wine.  I mean it was Day 2 so that is pathetic.  I just went to bed.  I knew the alcohol would be the hardest for me but I am ashamed to say that it only took 2 days to get there.  Well, I didn't cave, so I am just glad to be to Day 3 and feel as good as I do.  I hope all you guys are feeling good too!  I did wake up a little late today and didn't get to have my lemon water at home but I just started at work like I normally do.  I had a boiled egg and will likely have some olives before lunch.  Fingers crossed I don't get the hangover to bad over the next few days!

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OK Day 3 was as good as Day 1 and 2!  No hangover, headaches, cravings!  I started the day with lemon water (had to do it at work bc I woke up late) and a boiled egg.  Got a little hungry around 10 and had a few olives.  Got pretty hungry around lunchtime and tried to be really mindful while eating (had my leftovers).  Then I drank a ton of dandelion tea.  So basically I have been peeing about 59 times a day.  Once my tea gets pretty diluted with water I just keep going with water.  I was getting really hungry by the time I got home so I distracted myself with the kid and my guy made roasted chicken, potatoes and broccoli.  It was delicious.  I was mindful of eating slowly and I ended up having enough to bring to work today for lunch.  Hooray!  I didn't feel hungry later in the night.  But a strange thing did happen that I have read from some people.  I had a dream that I ate something that I wasn't supposed to and I woke up and got really upset that I had to start over!  It took a few minutes to realize that I dreamt it!  ha!  I am feeling so good, but I also have that little voice in the back of my head saying "something bad must be around the corner".  And I think that something bad is staring down the barrel of a weekend with no booze.  Just being honest.  I craved red wine the other night and I am worried tonight will be the same.  I am trying to busy myself.  I have all kinds of kid activities planned Saturday daytime too and a bowl burning and vision board thing with my sister so I think I will be ok while doing those.  But then Football is Sunday.  Playoffs.  With no beer.  Shoot me now.  I think I may get some La Croix and pretend I am having a vodka tonic.  Wow, these last few sentences really make me sound like a lush.  :-/

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OK Day 4 was a success!  I felt great all day and have not had any cravings or headaches.  My guy has made really great dinners for me and I think this helped.  All week I felt prepared at work and never felt hungry.  I did struggle a little Friday night about not having wine or beer.  I had a few blueberries and blackberries and just tried to stay busy.  I ended up staying up much later than I normally do watching a show, and I guess it made me want to snack.  I had an avocado.  Then I felt good and just went to bed.  I haven't noticed much difference in my sleep yet but feeling great overall!  Today (Day 5, Saturday) was a little harder.  I was a little tiny bit cranky.  I think I was bordering on hangry at lunchtime.  I ate a pretty good breakfast of a boiled egg, almonds and half a banana with tea but I guess it wore off pretty fast.  Then my guy made me eggs with red and orange bell peppers and onions and oh man, it hit the spot.  I felt so much better.  I was heading to a day party at my sister's where wine would be served and I was a little irritable and nervous about it.  I bought some La Croix and put it in a wine glass (I know, silliness) but it helped me get through it while everyone was drinking.  I brought black olives as a snack and since my sister is doing Whole30 as well, they had some delicious little tuna strips and some fennell(sp) salad.  It was a really nice light little appetizer while we were all hanging out.  I felt full and happy!  Then we just had sweet potatoes with pork burger patties and spinach with Everything but the bagel seasoning.  I absolutely loved this dinner.  I raved through the entire meal about how delicious it was!  It was so satisfying I went back for seconds but there were none.  And that's a good thing because I didn't even know how full I really was anyway.  It was a nice change from the mostly chicken and potatoes week I had.  We are hosting football tomorrow and he is grilling chicken with potatoes so I am really hoping I don't get tired of that soon.  I need to print some more recipes and give him some ideas that are easy and that will make some leftovers.  Another day in the bag!

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Alright, the weekend was kind of hard what with a sick toddler, our water being out 2 days and the football game!  But I made it with La Croix and keeping busy.  And leftovers.  Thank God for leftovers.  I feel great and it's Day 8!  I think I am sleeping better although I do still wake up to pee.  I feel really happy and energetic.  I do not feel like I have lost any weight or that my clothes fit better but, maybe that will come later. 

Here's to week 2!  Woo hoo!

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Today is Day 9 and I still feel really good.  I think I am sleeping better but I am still getting up to pee, which may be because of all the water!  No headaches or hangover really.  I feel like I am getting a little burnt out on chicken but I am just grateful my guy is cooking for me.  I do miss the wine.  I haven't thought about beer much except for Football Sunday.  I do not "feel" like I've lost weight and my clothes feel exactly the same- tight.  But I feel less bloated and my face feels clearer and not as "burny" as last week.  I was completely convinced I suffer from rosacea (the jury is still out) but my sister thinks I'm crazy.  Anyway, almost time for another weekend!  I will survive with coconut water in a martini glass!  ha

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Day 10!  I am feeling good.  Been prepared with leftovers for lunch so basically my guy is still responsible for my success.  I am going out for the first time tonight with my friend for a mall trip and she wants to eat there.  I am going to get some chick fil a because I know it will be compliant and it's cheap!  I also got invited to a friends for dinner in a few weeks so I will be prepared with that.  My energy is great, I feel really good.  No cravings or headaches.  I only want wine or beer when I really think about it and when that happens, I try to stay busy.  Trying not to rely on La Croix to be a stand in.  Almost to the second weekend!  Hooray!

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wowwww ok I just assumed the grilled chicken would be compliant.  Guess I shouldn't have.  It tasted absolutely awful so I had two "nuggets" and they were the so awful.  like rubber soaked in water.  I got the fruit cup as well.  I did eat all of that.  dammit.  This was Thursday night when it happened, should I start over??? 

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OK so I am not going to start over after my snafu Thursday night.  Today is the halfway point!  I a still feeling great and my face is clearer and I feel like my clothes are fitting better.  Still eating a lot of skillet chicken, potatoes, eggs and naked salads, but I am not too bored yet.  I told my guy we need to get some steaks though.  He is making a whole30 compliant chili tonight so that will be so great!  He also made a vegetable soup for us to have this week.  Here's to the second half!

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OK I have had a really great week!  I feel really great, and I am noticing my sleep is better.  I fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.  This seems to have just changed this week.  I also have so much energy it's ridiculous.  I can stay up later if I want to read and I still jump out of bed and feel amazing.  I have mostly stayed home and avoided social things, other than hanging out with my family because it just seems to hard to try and eat out and I don't want to be tempted to drink.  I feel leaner and my skin feels better.  Really interested in seeing what the scale says.  I am so into this I have started thinking about things that I will continue to do after my 30 days are up.  Def still watching sugar.  Not sure how much I was consuming anyway, but I will definitely watch it.  Portion control and eating when I am bored or not even hungry. I have been trying to slow down during meals and just enjoy it.  Also, not getting seconds.  This has saved me for lunches, since I usually have just enough left over for a lunch to take to work.  I like my coffee black now!  So that is something I can keep going with.  And obviously watching the alcohol.  I can't say at this point that I will never drink again.  I wish it was that easy.  I have mainly only craved red wine and beer through this whole process.  I def want to limit myself in this area and really consider when I want to drink and why.  I need to not be drinking as much as I was. 

Day 18 here we go!

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Starting week 4, day 21!  Feeling so good.  Went back through my first post of ailments and nearly everything I listed has improved or gone away completely.  My hair and skin feel ridiculously amazing.  I've gotten compliments on them too so I don't think it is in my head.  I have tons of energy and sleep so much better.  I have had some cravings for things and I find these are 100% in a social setting.  Hot wings with ranch, beers at football games.  Wine when I go to a girls event, a cookie when I am making my kid hot cocoa after sledding.  But I have resisted.  I feel less bloated and puffy and know that this is from cutting out alcohol.  I have been trying to keep busy in the evenings and on weekends.  I've read more books, done more puzzles and watched loads of tv.  But I'm ok with that.  I start my running club tonight and am going to go back to yoga at work today.  I sort of wish I would have started all of that right at the beginning but, here I am. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright!  I made it to Day 30!  It was definitely worth it.  I have gone back through and read through all my "ailments" in my first post and all of them have been improved.  I am actually not wanting to stop.  I will weight tomorrow and see what that is about but I know that is not the ultimate goal.  I really have my guy to thank through this because he did all the shopping and cooking for the entire month, save for some times when I made eggs or salads. 

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