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Terez's W30: Jan 2, 2013 - Feb 1, 2013


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Thx Terez :-) I will try some of that. I think the biggest problem for me is that I can manage to fall asleep on my side (not my back), but I somehow find myself back on my belly without even realizing I moved. Maybe I shd sew a tennis ball in the front of a snug tshirt...

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Ann, that happens to me too, where I change position during the night and wake up in my old position. After a while I occasionally wake up in the "new" position. Over time that changes to where eventually I only sometimes wake up in the old position.

One thing we don't see is what's going on during the night. So (for me) going to sleep on my back and waking up on my side doesn't tell me if I spent 20 minutes asleep in the new position or 6-1/2 hours sleeping in the new position. I think that's a gradually shifting equation and we just have to allow time for our bodies to become accustomed to the new ways.

My two cents' worth!

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Here's my chart for the past two days.

Last night a friend had me over for dinner. She ran the menu past me including every ingredient. Did not serve the soup because she made it with a product that contained corn syrup. Gave me the jar of her spice blend to check the ingredients before she made the salad dressing. Dutifully poured what she called "kumquat juice" (kombucha) into my glass along with sparkling mineral water. Gave me an orange and a fruit knife for dessert.

Love my friend!!!!!


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Oh, oh, oh!!! I forgot the best part: the magic kicked in yesterday.

I got a lot done, and wanted to do more.

I wrapped and packaged a gift for my former neighbor who's in hospice. I thought we wouldn't be exchanging but she sent me a box of chocolates in early January. I bought some cookies to send back to her and they sat here. Yesteray my energy moved and I got it done.

I wrote her a newsy note in my thank-you card. I hadn't known what I would say to her, and up to the point of beginning to write the card I was still going to write some general things. And then I got the inspiration to talk about the W30 in the framework of it being my new year's resolution to get my vitamins from food, and all the cooking I've been doing. It felt really good to be personable.

I got my laundry done and picked out what I'd be wearing to my friend's house last night. And I kept getting reminders of what needed to be done. For example, I normally walk my dog and then feed him. I take him out early (and feed him early) when I'm going somewhere, as was the case last night. Well, I had the impulse to feed my dog before walking him -- and as I put his food together I noticed the jar of ghee that I was taking to my friend's house so she could cook our meal with it. The unattractive jar of ghee. I popped that jar into a pan of hot water to melt the ghee, then I quickly washed and towel-dried a smaller jar and left it to air dry while I walked the dog. When I got back, it was quick 'n easy to pour some ghee into the sparkly clean jar, pop the lid on and put it by the door to take with me.

And I sorted through some newspaper clippings to take my friend the ones she likes. While I was at it, I sorted some clippings out that I had been saving for one of my sisters. I'll see Sue today and will take these to her. Another long-postponed task that's now done.

That's what kept happening, where I was in thinking of what needed to be done at good timing, then just getting 'em done.

Now I really need to focus on getting to bed before midnight. What happens is, I make it at or just before midnight for a few days running, tell myself it's time to make 11:30 my goal, and then I suddenly start staying up until 1:00! (Not just on the W30; I've done this a couple of times in recent months.) Maybe I should make 11:45 my goal.

Plus, I need to identify my self-talk about bedtime because I've got to have some limiting or scarcity self-talk going on for me to keep manifesting these late nights. Will keep my antennae up for that, and then will be having a self-dialogue to change it! :ph34r:

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Eileen, my energy has been increasing little by little since I went Primal in September. What I noticed earlier this week was that I am now having longer stretches of steady energy. Long blocks from daytime into early evening where I was awake and alert before the tiredness cloud dropped and it seemed harder to get things done in the evening.

Then on Friday I had a tiger in my tank. ^_^ At least, that's what it was like until about 10PM, when I began stifling yawns (was still at my friend's house!).

Saturday was not magical but that's OK. I believe this stuff shows up in patches before it's here to stay. I'm very heartened to have a day like Friday show up for me.

Yes, my friend is lovely indeed. She asked how I would be eating after my W30 is over and I said I'd probably be eating like this when I prepare my meals but I'm going to eat what I'm served when I'm a guest at someone's house. She asked about wine and I said I'll probably have a glass or two when I'm having dinner with someone but I doubted I'd resume drinking it at home.

She did not want to be the cause of me going off plan! She said she will be happy to continue cooking this way for me when I come to her house (she has me over for dinner every two or three months). And she added that she is perfectly capable of enjoying our evenings together without wine.

I'm sure the perfect timing of the kind of day I had on Friday had something to do with it. She has been hearing from me about the changes in my food for four months now. She knew I was doing it because of low energy and when she asked how was going, I would always say my energy was "a little better."

Until now. This month I'm eating super-clean and she is now hearing how I'm not just feeling "a little better" but I'm having a boatload of energy (at least, that was the case on Friday and that's when I saw her!).

My family is having a roast ham for dinner and my sister asked me to bring something for myself to eat. I'm so glad they're having what they want and being OK with me bringing my own food. This is real progress.

OK, now I've rambled on and on, time for yesterday's chart.

I did get all my vegetables in but I missed one meal. Took a nap in the afternoon. Normally I wake up after half an hour or so. Well, I slept for two solid hours. Woke up at the time I was supposed to be somewhere. Sent a quick text to say I'd be there as soon as I could.

Wasn't really hungry but knew I should eat something. Had nothing prepared that would work to just eat cold straight from the fridge. So I made a cup of coffee and poured it into a big to-go cup with about half a cup of coconut milk. And decided that this was a good time to eat some nuts. I didn't let myself grab a handful, I said I'd have a dozen -- then I added one more.

It was enough. That held me until I got home about three hours later and had my bone broth with a huge amount of chopped broccoli. I knew I wouldn't have another meal but I needed to have greens to complete my vegetables for the day. Figured that kale chips would probably be easier to eat than steamed or sauteed kale.

Oh, my. Stood there and ate them off the pan while my broth got cold! Then made another two pans. Ate a huge amount of kale without it feeling like it. What a treat!


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Terez, did you know my main motivation is to have better energy too? So we share that goal.

I was taking Standard Process adrenal supplements and they were helping a little, but I conveniently ran out just before starting W30. I thought I'd stay off of them so I would know if a change in eating could work instead. Even though I still feel tired at times, on average I have more pep than eating the old way and taking the supplements. Last Friday I wanted to go to a movie after taking care of the grandson and several errands, and that's new.

I'm not sure how I'll handle social situations after W30, but for sure I won't go back to how I was eating!!

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Terez, did you know my main motivation is to have better energy too? So we share that goal.

I was taking Standard Process adrenal supplements and they were helping a little, but I conveniently ran out just before starting W30. I thought I'd stay off of them so I would know if a change in eating could work instead. Even though I still feel tired at times, on average I have more pep than eating the old way and taking the supplements. Last Friday I wanted to go to a movie after taking care of the grandson and several errands, and that's new.

I'm not sure how I'll handle social situations after W30, but for sure I won't go back to how I was eating!!

I don't think it registered that you were doing this for more energy too, Eileen. I just hopped over and visited your thread, and sure enough you're mentioning your energy level in pretty much every post.

I love it that you ran out of the meds just as you were starting your Whole30. It's awesome that you're feeling your pep starting to come back.

Yah, the Post-Whole30 is going to be the challenge. How to continue clean.

I really hope I don't react to raw milk. That's the one thing I want to resume consuming.

I'm surprised to find that I really enjoy socializing without alcohol. Even when others are drinking, I like how it feels not to be affected by alcohol. I had thought I would resume drinking wine, and I guess I will. But I'm thinking of having what Reinhard Engels calls a "glass ceiling." He has a 2-glass ceiling, meaning he will never have more than two drinks in a single day. I think that would work for me. Just thinking out loud here.

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I'm surprised to find that I really enjoy socializing without alcohol. Even when others are drinking, I like how it feels not to be affected by alcohol. I had thought I would resume drinking wine, and I guess I will. But I'm thinking of having what Reinhard Engels calls a "glass ceiling." He has a 2-glass ceiling, meaning he will never have more than two drinks in a single day. I think that would work for me.

LOL - two glasses and I'm pretty happy. I'm probably going to want to introduce foods, and drink, slowly so I know what drags down my energy and what helps it.

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Tonight I came home from work to find that my dog had diarrhea on the kitchen floor today. Oh, man. I got it all cleaned up and the throw rugs out the back door, took the dog for a walk then came back and I really didn't want to make supper. I just wanted to have a glass of wine and a big bowl of nuts.

But I didn't do it. I heated the pan and put my chicken into it. (Thank goodness I had the meat thawed and ready to cook.) The vegetable I needed to have was greens and the only greens I had were baby bok choy. So there I am snipping the greens off all these little bok choy heads, complaining to myself the whole time that I didn't want to do this.

Of course, the greens cooked down to nothing. Dinner tasted good but it wasn't as much to eat as I'm used to. So I had a bowl of berries with coconut milk. And then another bowl of berries with coconut milk. And now I feel better.

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Wow, I haven't posted to my log since Monday??? :o

Here's how it looks through Monday through yesterday:


Day 22 was thrown off by (1) a change of plans + bacon cooking, and (2) eating at someone else's house for supper. Of course, I'm eating 3+ cups of vegetables at each meal and that's about how much they were serving for the table of 5 people. So I supplemented with more vegetables when I got home as my "snack."

The biggest issue is, my dog has been having digestive issues all week and keeps needing to go out in the middle of the night for a walk. Last night when he wanted to stay out longer I insisted he come back in. Then he woke me up 30 minutes later because he really needed to go out again. Next time I'll just stay out longer.

Anyway, interrupted sleep for four nights in a row and I'm seriously tired now. Of course, it would help if I would go to bed earlier to begin with.

The Sleep Cycle app still shows me asleep when I'm out with the dog during the night. I emailed them to ask about it but haven't heard back yet.

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Wow, I haven't posted to my log since Monday???

Of course, I'm eating 3+ cups of vegetables at each meal and that's about how much they were serving for the table of 5 people. So I supplemented with more vegetables when I got home as my "snack."

Good to see you post again! That about the veg made me laugh.

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Yah, I laugh too Eileen when I see the quantities I'm eating compared to "normal" people! No wonder when I look at some photos people are posting here of their meals, I keep thinking they're not eating enough. But, hey, that's OK. This is just vegetables. I may need to do more steaming and less sauteeing, though!

Big victory in that I got to bed at 10:30 last night. Unfortunately the dog had to get up twice. And more unfortunately, I don't just get up when he indicates he has to go out. It's at least 20 mins of me turning over, asking him to please wait until morning (!), etc. So I'm disrupting my sleep for longer than if I'd just hop up and take him out right away.

Anyway, I'm very tired although the app thinks I had 92% sleep quality (because it can't tell when I'm up with the dog).

Normal nights will return soon.


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Hi Terez, just finished reading your posts. What a great idea, listing your veggies at the end of your charts GR, C, D - that'll get you your daily 5 or 10, right?

How's that coffee w/ghee? Before Whole30 I tried the Bulletproof coffee w/butter and found it too rich for my system . . .

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Hi Nshepardson! The goal with my veggies was inspired by the work of Terry Wahls. This video sparked my interest, and I've gone on to read some interviews with her.

My goal for my Whole30 (actually, my goal for 2013) is to derive my vitamins/minerals from my food, not from supplements. I'm doing it by eating 9+ cups of vegetables a day (3 cups each of greens, cruciferous and "deeply colored" vegetables). Terry Wahls includes deeply colored fruit, which I will probably expand to include after my W30. And I noticed in rereading her work that she is using the term "sulfur vegetables" rather than "cruciferous," which broadens it to include asparagus and some others. So I will be adapting at some point.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "daily 5 or 10" (I am usually only having three vegetables a day, not 5 or 10). When I have more than three vegetables, it's just a half-cup or so if I've got something left over (or as tomatoes in chili, for example).

But, as you noted, by making it a daily goal (and filling in the GR, C and D spaces on the chart), I do think in those terms when I'm deciding what to eat with each meal.

When I have coffee with ghee I blend it up just like bulletproof coffee. Sounds like you'd find it too rich for your system. :)

I have my coffee this way partly because because I find it exquisitely delicious and partly because "butter oil" is very nutritious. I'm fortunate enough to have access to raw dairy from grass-fed Jersey cows.

Jersey cows are an "old" breed and produce beneficial A2 milk, not A1. I don't entirely understand the difference, but I have read that A2 is much better (and is very hard to find in the U.S.). I'm using butter made from A2 cream to make my ghee. I am consuming it in part as a vitamin supplement, and it's an incredible bonus that I'm having it via a cup of richly delicious ghee'd coffee instead of swallowing a capsule or having it on a teaspoon. I believe it's very healthful.


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Hi Eileen,

I like Tropical Traditions. They call theirs "Coconut Cream Concentrate." [Note: this is an affiliate link which gives you a book if you're a new customer, and gives me some credit with them.]

Their coconut products seem "purest" to me. They have free shipping through Monday (every month or two they'll have free shipping for a few days). Here's my link:


Their free shipping is not applied automatically, you have to key in a "coupon code" (currently 28113) and there's a $16 minimum purchase.

I like their coconut "chips" for toasting ("caramelizing").

The Tropical Traditions website is not the most user friendly. Scroll down on the page to get to the products. They do have lots of helpful recipes and ideas on how to use coconut.

OK, that's enough of my sales pitch! :)

Other brands of coconut butter are Nutiva Coconut Manna and Artisana Coconut Butter. I've had Nutiva Coconut Manna and it's excellent. Have not tried Artisana Coconut Butter, however that seems to be a popular brand (I see it mentioned on the forum here). You'll probably find both of those brands at the popular online sites (vitacost, lucky vitamin, amazon).


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